Nice things about the guy/gal above!
I know this kind of thread is somewhat... old fashioned? Cliché? Something along those lines.
However, as I am tired of seeing thread after thread of Jane Vs. Kenny or something like that - especially since we've pretty much covered everything, and everyone should at least have had a chance to see the arguments of "the other side" as it were.
So instead let's try the simple game of writing something nice about the person above us. It can be "nice name" - "You're usually polite" - what ever you can think of really.
To avoid the thread becoming completely cluttered here are a few rules:
- Please refrain from using the "reply" button. Instead simply write a new comment, specifying the person you're writing about and what nice thing you have to say about him/her.
- Only write a response to the person who has most recently replied to the thread, as in whoever is last in the thread when you entered.
- Have fun, be nice, and feel free to be creative.
If we can make it through the first page which out this getting derailed, I'd reckon our little community is rather healthy...
Of course, this is all just a ruse to have some poor fool write something nice about me to start us off :P
PS: For the love of God, don't enter backhanded compliment territory. No "you're really good at being a dick" comments
A QUICK EDIT: This has quickly become really confusing! Huzzah to that. And you have to love the total disregard for the rules above (rules are just guidelines that get in the way!)
He's a badass in the FOTD story.
I did have a badass death...
True, You're Smart...
He loves salt licks.
double post
Good God this is confusing. XD
This reminds me of the horrible threads they have on the RealJock forums.
Anyway, uhhh @TheMadeiraMagician, I've been to madeira, it's beautiful
Not saying anything....
SonEdo is apparently very good with words.
Flog is a nice guy/girl. He rated my fanfic once.
How am i supposed to describe that?
I meant "SonEdo" by the way.
Hell Yeah it is, You get Confused a lot, hmmm
JamesDalton is always a super nice person.
(And they love Kenny.
SupernoveHollay is awesome and loves Kenny too.
He has an 8 in his name.
Number 8 is cool.
You like triple dots ...
Your name is bombastic!
Epic mustache guy must have an epic mustache.
You seem happy - and going by your name you must be a bright person!
Eguro has an interesting screen name. And they have Lee as there avatar so they must love Lee. high five
And define bright.
I think 'Bright' as in animated or cheerful because I agree and I like your gifs/pics.
EVERYONE is amazing, cool in their one ways so if you havent gotten a compliment on here yet there you go
TeamSarah likes Sarah.
I approve.
All y'all biches is mah homies.
Dont_Look_Back Praises the true Lord, Gavin Hammon.
KennySucks thinks Kenny Sucks...
You're a chilled guy.
Your opinion is valuable, Kennysucks.
Loves saltlicks.
The legend himself Blue dat avatar to dayum just awesome :'D
Markd4547 likes Chaos
Blueshadiw likes Nick, that's a good enough reason for me to like him.
Lee4Life is smarter than the rest of us, because he or she knows that Luke is just foolin us. They even know TellTale doesn't know Luke's not dead. That's how awesome they are.
And I'm totally confused by their chilled comment. XD
Damn right.
Supernovaehollay has an awesome profile pic.
One of the few people who commented on my first thread, thanks for that.
Dojo made a very popular thread that I love.