what games have you played recently/are currently playing?
I am currently replaying through the mass effect series again for the 50th time. :P
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I am currently replaying through the mass effect series again for the 50th time. :P
Bully. Need I say more?
Currently playing only Hearthstone.
If anyone want to play a few duels, just PM me, we can arrange some of them.
Heard some good reviews for this game but never got a chance to play it for myself until now:
The reboot is amazing. I have it for 360 it's an awesome game. Plus Lara is hot. :P
It is a reboo, not a remake but other than that I agree.
It's a pretty good game, I enjoyed playing it.
Aw yiss, Mass Effect is amazing! I'm replaying it too at the moment. :P
This game is amazing. I was hesitant about it but have replayed it so many times. Its awesome.
And Mass Effect was the game that got me into Astronomy! It's seriously one of the best games ever!
Mad World
This game is fucking bonkers!
Your main reason being Elise, right?
By God she's got huge......wings.
Oh yes, they are very... leathery.
I just started playing it. The main reason I got it was the fantastic visuals but now that she exists....drools
I love Bully! Awesome game.
Currently playing this:
And this:
Recently played this:
I was just recommend Bioshock Infinite, what a beautiful game and still holds it own against some of the cr@p that's been released recently.
I agree. Bioshock Infinite is a great game.
Well, to be honest, it was okay. Great graphics and all, but, I prefer the older Splinter Cell games.
Awesome games. How is splinter cell? any good?
For sure! Everything about it was completely well-done, especially the music. God, the soundtrack is perfection.
Haha, have fun then!
Eh, Bioshock 1 will always be better. That Burial at Sea dlc for Infinite was still amazing though.
It was okay, not the best Splinter Cell I've played.
Yayyyy! RE6 is amazing! Not scary like the originals, but still really addicting game play.
Its great but so much shooting and shit lol I was playing it for hours and I was exhausted afterwards. Havent finished it yet
It's funny, Resident Evil 4 both saved and destroyed the Resident Evil franchise.
Yeah I don't get the hate for it I liked it :P
Have I completely stuffed myself here? Can I go back and play Bioshock 1 or have I ruined everything by playing Infinite first?
Like I said, I'm in about the top 1000 players for each Mercenaries Map, I put so many hours into that game, more than any other game I've ever played... :O
But yeah, I only liked one campaign and played it A LOT. The other three were too actiony to be considered Resident Evil Material. Try Revelations, its the best game they've come out with since RE4.
Exactly! I've played RE 4 so many times, it's just a classic. But I miss the horror feel of RE 1 and 2.
Which game? RE 6?
You can go back and play it but it doesn't matter if ya played Infinite first.
Good to know, thx
Infinite is supposed to be a prequel for the other Bioshock games, so you haven't completely ruined it for yourself apart from not knowing a few references here and there. Besides, go play the first Bioshock now! Its gameplay is way better when compared to Infinite.
Yeah. Resident evil 6 might not be as good as the old ones, but it's still good.
I may well do that. Thanks.
Yeah, definitely, it wasn't horrible but it wasn't the best in the series. You ever played the mercenaries? It was my fav part of the game. XD
Haha, I might as well ask you this too. Since you may be the only Bully fan apart from me on here.
Who's your favorite social group in the game: Jocks, nerds, preps, greasers, or townies?