@kiwi_walking_dead Sure seems like an alright guy, I hope he continues to be an active member. (we are bound to lose some people during the wait for Season 3)
@kiwi_walking_dead Sure seems like an alright guy, I hope he continues to be an active member. (we are bound to lose some people during the wait for Season 3)
This is confusing. Sooooo. I'm just gonna generalize. Y'all are beautiful and creative people with vivid commentary on rather unique items. Y'all always find a way to make me fell better after a crap day and I love you all. Stay beautiful everyone.
This is confusing. Sooooo. I'm just gonna generalize. Y'all are beautiful and creative people with vivid commentary on rather unique items. Y'all always find a way to make me fell better after a crap day and I love you all. Stay beautiful everyone.
@mr.quality (the . in your name, messes with the @ system :P)
You are good at compensating for your confusion with a wide reaching quality compliment
Oh and you're probably beautiful too!
ummm I have no idea who you are but your name reminds me of the word "ogre". And ogres are cool.
Edit: sorry, I didn't mean to make this a reply.
BlueShadiw seems cool. Dunno whats up with the spelling mistake though lol Was that deliberate? :P
Typos, typos everywhere.
Was supposted to be 'BlueShadow' xD
Awesome, it looks like it.
Kiwi_walking_dead likes the game, Bully. I like him for that.
I am. Do you enjoy my buttery goodness?
DragonButter is a buttery dragon.
How does one get Dragon Butter?
I love you're name. XD
By squeezing the dragon wink wink xD ok I admit that was wrong.
I am indeed. Do you enjoy my buttery goodness?
Why thank you kindly!
I just thought of it randomly one day, mainly because I like dragons, how it stuck together with butter... I have no clue. :P
Ugh, rude. You're on timeout, mister. XD
um... I think JamesDalton1995 just solved that mystery, lol.
Shhh, don't give him the benefit of the doubt! XD
Good to know lol
@DragonButter, such a cool name. why didn't I think of that? Anyway, always good to meet Bully fans.
Don't worry, I think kiwi_walking_dead is a cool username too! Also, same here dude!
@kiwi_walking_dead Sure seems like an alright guy, I hope he continues to be an active member. (we are bound to lose some people during the wait for Season 3)
And yep, I will continue to be an active member. I love this place too much.
kiwi_walking_dead : I like your hat.
Likes that guys hat. (duh)
This is confusing. Sooooo. I'm just gonna generalize. Y'all are beautiful and creative people with vivid commentary on rather unique items. Y'all always find a way to make me fell better after a crap day and I love you all. Stay beautiful everyone.
Oh, you so cute!
I do not mean to be sharcastic.
Aww thanks, I know I'm handsome. I bet you are to
No. I am not handsome. Mostly cause I 'm a girl but thankes anyway!
Well that makes this awkward. But I'm sure your cute. Its the thought that counts right?
@Blueshadiw has a cool profile pic
@mr.quality (the . in your name, messes with the @ system :P)
You are good at compensating for your confusion with a wide reaching quality compliment
Oh and you're probably beautiful too!
ummm I have no idea who you are but your name reminds me of the word "ogre". And ogres are cool.
Edit: sorry, I didn't mean to make this a reply.
Yes, don 't worry about it.
@lee4life That username tells the truth, Lee was the man, shame he couldn't live longer.
Heh. OK
I miss lee
You know who else I miss?
Yeah you already made that pretty clear, I miss him too, especially since his untimely death could have been easily avoided.
It's all lexis fault! Fuck her!
Actually don't
u don't want aids.
Ogres remind me of Shrek. Do you see where im going with this...
Check yourself before you Shrek yourself.
Its never ogre...
You are doing it wrong...
K, let me try again...
Fights with me like a boss with the ''wtf did you say?'' picture.
Any better?