Freshman at Fabletown Academy - The Ultimate Imaginative Scenario Thread
Dear Sir or Madam,
"It is with our most sincere pleasure to invite you to our wonderful school, Fabletown Academy. And, being one of the top-ranking schools in America, you should feel obliged to have received this letter.
We have only but the finest staff available here on campus to help you throughout your educational process, including our wide range of classes for you to take and activities for you to participate in. Details about such activities are listed in the following pamphlet.
That being said: we hope that your trip and academic year here is a safe one."
--The Head
You proceed to crumple up the letter into a neatly-sized ball, while attempting to throw another shot at the wastepaper basket that sits in the corner of your room. Yet another miss.
"One of the best schools? Yeah, right." You grumble to yourself.
You decide to pick up the pamphlet that came along with the letter, the title reads: Fabletown Academy Opportunities (2014 schedules)
Clubs/Activities/Job Openings
- Fabletown Academy Chess Club - Mon, Wed, Fri: 3 to 6 P.M.
If you feel the need to further hone your intellect. There's nothing like playing a game with a snot-nosed Fable sitting across from you while doing so. That's right, three hours of it, be prepared to duck for cover if they sneeze.
- Fabletown Academy Computer Whizzes - Fri: 4 to 5 P.M.
Do you feel the need to wow the other kids with your amazing computer skills? Maybe you want to impress the ladies with lines of code? If so: join us today! Free donuts are available to the first 10 that arrive early.
- Drummer needed for 'Rampage of Roses' Rock Band
"Hey, we're in desperate of a drummer. Like, see me if interested." - Rose Red
Only 5 slots left to be a Fabletown Academy prefect, sign up now before it's too late! (see Bigby Wolf for details)
Position open for Fabletown FudgeMucker Mascot (see Flycatcher or Boy Blue for details)
Position open for part-time bartender at the Trip Trap - Mon through Fri: 7 to 11 P.M.
"Yeah, another feud happened between Bigby and Gren. Need another bartender to help look over the place. See me if interested, kid." - Holly
You close the pamphlet before looking at the rest of the other clubs and job opportunities. "Hmm, all of these do sound interesting so far, maybe I'll join one of them?"
Your mom yells for you to come downstairs, as she is ready to drive you over to Fabletown Academy.
Some questions race through your mind: "What will I do when I get there? What will the other Fables think of me? Should I even attend my classes?"
The information I have given above will hopefully give proper insight as to how you will go about your year at Fabletown Academy. What you are required to do is listed below, while some are optional:
Required, more will probably be listed later
- Create a class schedule and list who your teacher will be for each particular class.
- Detail what social group you are going to join and how you're going to join them. (example: jocks, nerds, preps, greasers)
- Will you join an after-school club or get an after-school job, or both? Feel free to pick from my list up above or make up your own. (optional)
- If you are feeling rebellious, explain what types of trouble you will get yourself into on school grounds. (optional)
- Will you be the mascot for the Fabletown FudgeMucker's football team? Explain your thoughts. (optional)
OMG....0.0 Just gonna run with this one. XD
"Let's go, Carla, before your father changes his mind!"
Carla buttons up her yellow blouse, straightens out her baige capris, puts her long, auburn hair in a ponytail and hurries down the stairs. She grabs an apple on the way out, hops into the car and heads to Fable Academy. She is eager to learn more about Fables. Bigby Wolf, being great friends with her father, manages to get her a schedule.
After she is dropped off, Carla studies the map and attempts to locate her classes. Her schedule is typical for a Freshman: Math, English 1, Social Studies, bleh, bleh, bleh-but its her after school programs that have her excited.
Monday: Fabletown Academy Chess Club. She was considered a 'geek' among her peers and back home, so this was a no brainer to sign up. She also managed to get a part time job at the Trip Trap.
'You have spunk, kid. We could use that around here.' Not to mention one of the barflys was handsome. Maybe he would notice her?
Tuesday: English 1. You'd think they would have a teacher you can UNDERSTAND. This British guy is spewing words I'm not sure even exists in the English dictionary. And what kind of name is Mr. Georgie Porgie? Sister thinks he's cute, though. Ewww.
Weds: Math then my favorite part of the day-CHESS! I'm competing against this strange looking fellow, though. Followed by work; I later find out ol' mysterious tall, dark and handsome has a name. Gren! Hmmm. Where have I heard that...
Thursday: Social Studies and Math-again! Ugh! Bigby stopped me earlier to see how things were going. GREAT so far! Then, off to work like always. Gren started a fight tonight. Some guy called me 'sugar tits.' Holly allowed it, as she showed me the proper technique to cleaning up Gren's 'infamous' disasters.
Friday: Oh wow! I made it! Ice cream later at my place! English 1 once more. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll get ANY English lessons from this guy. He is fun to watch when he has his 'moments'; think he has a mental condition or something....Then, its Chess. That fucker beat me?! Wow. There is a geekier person than I on this campus. Then, work. While bussing the bar, Gren spoke to me. SQUUUUEEEEE!
Tonight, there is a Football game, followed my a mini carnival. How fun!
That's it for now. If something changes, I'll add more. This was fun!
Wow, this was obviously way better than expected! I loved how you included Carla into this! I'll most likely add more stuff if more users decide to join in on this discussion.
I also figured this would be a great opportunity to create another imaginative thread, y'know? Thanks again for participating!
I thought she would fit perfectly. Well, hopefully more users participate. These are fun.
This was great! Carla fits well and it's weirdly believable!
Okay, so I haven't got loads of detail because I wanted to leave some room for later down the line, and this way I'm free to add stuff without having to work things around! Hoping that this thread carries on for a bit, of course.
It's Mr Weasel as his younger self, completely separate from the story and timeline I've got going on in the 'Be Your Own Fable' thread. It's written in first-person because it might help differentiate things and because I fancied it, to be honest. Also, I'm playing up Mr Weasel's British-ness for this. Hope you enjoy!
Think American. Think American. Think American.
"Oh, howdy, y'all! Sure is, erm, great weather to play baseball and to walk on sidewalks and to eat fries!"
I could hear snippets of what the others were whispering.
"What's with this guy? What's that accent?"
My attempts to blend in were clearly failing, so I figured some sporting pride would be a sure-fire hit.
"So, I hear the football team's a good one. Sure can't wait to see the MudgeFuckers, er, I mean --"
I lost any chance of a smooth beginning to miss-placed letter-based laughter at that point. Thankfully my first lesson soon started, though I thought there was some sort of irony in it being an English one.
Thus began my Monday morning and first year at the Fabletown Academy. English was being taught by The Crooked Man; seems a guy can run an underground criminal empire and still have time to explain the allegorical meaning of 19th century Romanticism poetry. I figured they gave him that class because a. he's English, and b. everyone's too afraid to fall asleep while he explains why 'caesura' is a perfectly valid way of simply saying 'pause'.
The biggest highlight of Tuesday was figuring out what to do with myself outside of the classes. After the 'FudgeMuckers' incident the day before I reasoned it best to stay away from the position of mascot for the team. I was tempted by the position of being the part-time barkeep at the Trip Trap, but I screwed that up by saying 'barkeep' instead of 'bartender' in front of Gren. Of course, hilarity ensued, mostly coming from Gren for Gren. So to Bigby Wolf and the prefect post it was.
Wednesday saw me at the art class being taught by Briar Rose, or as I knew her better, Sleeping Beauty. I think she appreciated me calling her Sleeping Beauty, and it's great to be getting along with her, as right before her lesson I have Biology with Mr Badger, and the guy still seems grumpy about the whole Toad Manor debacle. Maybe I'll discuss it with him one day.
Thursday, the day I met my life's love: Rose Red. Her brilliant crimson hair is so luxuriant in the sun, the sun that graces her delicate features with it's soft touch, highlighting her sparkling eyes, dainty nose and full lips. I think I might have signed up to be the drummer in her band, but I'm not sure. I just didn't want to stop taking in her beautiful sight, and I kind of zoned out a little.
Maybe I could use some of that poetry I learnt on Monday to woo her. Probably best not to use the word 'woo' in front of anyone, though.
Friday. Turns out Rose Red ain't the love of my life. Damn these out-of-control teenage hormones! Seriously, by my age I thought they'd have calmed down by now, but no, they send me on a full love-trip and then dump me at the end. Still, I do like Rose, and it turns out that I did sign up to be the drummer in her Rampage of Roses band. While I know my way around a piano - a slow way, mind - I know nada about drums. I don't want to let her down, so that's my weekend sorted: it's drumming time.
Think American. Think American
Loved this! I'll be seeing YOU, Mr. Weasel, around campus sometime. Perhaps I should have taken YOUR English class instead of the one I'm taking...this guy is nuts, I tell you! XD
Oh I don't know Carla, I'd rather take sweary-tattoo guy over pompous, erm, pomp guy! See, he didn't even teach me any good words to describe him with!
You can come to our band's first gig in about a month. I'm the drummer, don't ya know
Alright! If you think you are brave enough to face 'fuck's sake' 'piss off' and being called 'wankers' every five seconds. Oh-and flying chairs. Mr. Porgie...he throws chairs...sometimes...XD
Terrific! I'll be at the Football game! Perhaps see your drumming abilitites! You'll hear me...I'm loud at these events.
Hmm, I am fond of my head enough to not want it removed by a flying chair. The swearing's okay, I hear Bigby say something every time he finds out his whiskey's been stolen. Of course, little does he suspect who might be stealing it
I'll keep an ear out for you!
This sounds interesting. Okay, let's try this.
Also, there are some familiar characters mentioned.
Hope you guys don't mind!
The earbuds in my ear blasted Disturbed, as I managed to make it to class on time. Fable Academy was full of students this year, as I chomped down onto my breakfast burger and carried my skateboard under my arm.
I found the Admissions office and with the right direction, I walked around the oval, looking for my first class.
Monday was a bore; Algebra 2, P.E. and Human Anatomy. What-Vampires want to learn about bodies, too you freak. Hell, no clubs for me this year. Gonna spend my time hanging out behind the lockers, smoking with the other fables and laughing at the nerds. Haha! Here comes one haired geek! Go home!
Tuesday is even worse, as I slump in my chair. My Biology teacher is some Toad. The hell? He calls on me to demonstrate something on the board. Hell if I know. History comes next that day; I've got this hot teacher, Miss Muffet, teaching us about wars or whatever it is. Off to lunch I go. Think I'm gonna hit a Taco Bell today. Shit! Its Bigby! Act cool, Maxwell. Act cool.
Wednesday is nothing. I take this time to hit the Trip Trap and 'flirt' with my favorite bartender. I'd take the job offer but some red head and weasel guy beat me to it. Oh hey-its that nerdy girl! Guess I'll just eat some peanuts and pickled eggs with Gren and the other drunks.
Thursday is Math again, followed by PE once more and an art class. That lat one is fun; Beauty is teaching this course and today, we learned how to shade and draw a perfect circle. Er, I mean SPHERE. After going to The Habit for a quick bite to eat, I head to the lockers and decide to run the treadmil before heading home. Boy Blue is there, giving me pointers and helping me pace myself. Right. Like HE'S ever hit the gym.
Friday is FINALLY here! History is the only class I'll be having today. BORING! Man, I wonder what English class is next door; some angry British guy is swearing and I THINK he threw a chair! Damn! Wish I'd heard about THAT class! There is a football game tonight. I MIGHT go, depending how the night goes.
You had me at MudgeFuckers. XD I probably could've came up with a better name for the football team, shouldn't I?
Seriously though, very awesome and detailed, just how I like it.
Haha, very nice JJ. I like the idea of Beauty being an art teacher. :P
Max is a douche and I love him for that! XD 'red haired geek' This made my day.
Well done, JJ.
Huh, This sounds cool, I'll think about what to put hmmm..
Be sure you do! It's always nice to have new people contribute.
Weasel guy! This was entertaining to read, good job.
Is there no one else who fancies going to the Fabletown Academy?
I lost respect for you, your response as of right now was basically a major fuck you to me.
I'm sorry:( don't be mad at me plz
Alright, I forgive you, don't do it again please.