Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Grasping straws = Strawman fallacy?

    That's what I got..

    I usually don't reply to people who are being rude.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    I just find it funny that you're committing the exact same logical fallacy you're accusing me of. I am not acussing you of any 'logi

  • it was stated carver was once a nice guy. so when mike and bonnie get scared of him, it might be because they see an early version of carver, we never see carver: the nice guy. jane makes several assumptions that we know she doesn't know. kenny shows classic abusive tendencies (not talking the abuse itself, but all the surrounding telltale signs).

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Ironic. Coming from you. Anwering like that doesn´t prove you rigth. He was also hellbent on finding Wellington. And goes agai

  • Ok, I keep it short too.

    Your similarities are bad excuses to paint Kenny in a bad light, they are all shaky at best, you ignored that all that Carver did that could remotely compare to Kenny´s actions is because he was psychopath, while Kenny does these thinks for good or thinking what was best for Clem and AJ.

    At least now you're offering some explanations, as compared to your first reply, you just dismissed my points by being smug and condescending yourself.

    Most of those supposed ‘new’ explanations are literally copy pasted for my first response, so I advise you to reread it carefully.

    remorse667 posted: »

    I'll keep it short and sweet. Even though Kenny was not close to being as barbaric as Carver was, they still shared some frightening simi

  • that's how it was in my game.

    Comfy posted: »

    If you don't continue to smash on Andy St. John, he will push himself back up to the top and start beating on Lee, which causes Lee to knock him back into the electric fence.

  • Grasping at straws

    Also, you saying that I 'accused' you of ignoring half of my post is plainly because you thought you weren´t in the wrong about that in that time, so don’t say you just 'don´t replay to people who are being rude'.

    remorse667 posted: »

    Grasping straws = Strawman fallacy? That's what I got.. I usually don't reply to people who are being rude.

  • when the russians ambush the group they claim that 'these are the ones that stole from you.' implies that you took the medical supplies (a small pistol wouldn't be a big deal considering the firepower they all have), even if you gave them back (or that arvo blamed your group for stealing them as what appeared he was doing when you caught him the first time you met him).

  • Stating your opinion= providing evindence. Also, I don´t 'blindly shoot down anything that puts my beloved character in an uflattering ligth', I provide reasons while you just act shocked and apalled because my post has the word bullshit three times.


    Even implies he's still living for that baby.


    So you already did it once.

    False.Jane is grasping at straws to justify murdering him and Mike and Bonnie leave because of his treatement of Arvo, not because of him behind similar to Carver. You didn´t provide any evidence as to why the 'framing of scenes' support the whole Kenny = Carver 2.0 thing.

    Similar to Carver beating up Kenny, right? Or Carver killing Reggie? I wonder when was the last time Mike, Bonnie, and Jane all witnessed someone beating up a defenseless person There's really no solid, and clear evidence. The solid and clear evidence would be Telltale saying they were trying to make Kenny into Carver 2.0.

    Otherwise, this is just me providing evidence to support my theory. That's all it is.

    Blindly ignoring a character positive qualities

    Define "positive" qualities.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    I just find it funny that you're committing the exact same logical fallacy you're accusing me of. I am not acussing you of any 'logi

  • Guys, c'mon...

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Ok, I keep it short too. Your similarities are bad excuses to paint Kenny in a bad light, they are all shaky at best, you ignored that al

  • Well, my bad. I thought you were talking about the strawman fallacy.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Grasping at straws Also, you saying that I 'accused' you of ignoring half of my post is plainly because you thought you weren´t in the wrong about that in that time, so don’t say you just 'don´t replay to people who are being rude'.

  • Don't worry about it man. I don't mind a good debate. It's fun.

    fallandir posted: »

    Guys, c'mon...

  • It was stated carver was once a nice guy. so when mike and bonnie get scared of him, it might be because they see an early version of carver, we never see carver: the nice guy.

    It was not stated that Carver was once a nice guy, all we got about that is Jane´s monologue. "Carver migth have bee a nice guy once, before all of this happened. He might have a nice job, a nice pretty wife and one day he caved some kid´s face in and realized he could sleep at night." I don´t know if I got it word for word, but that is generally what she his saying.

    jane makes several assumptions that we know she doesn't know.

    True, so what? This doesn´t have anything to do with this.

    kenny shows classic abusive tendencies (not talking the abuse itself, but all the surrounding telltale signs).

    Once again, this doesn´t have anything to with the whole Kenny=Carver 2.0 thing, but what 'classic abusive tendences' does he show?

    jamoecw posted: »

    it was stated carver was once a nice guy. so when mike and bonnie get scared of him, it might be because they see an early version of carve

  • The game was tailored to make you pick a side, why are you so defensive? Both Jane and Kenny had their faults, I liked Jane over Kenny. Just because you don't see the comparisons, doesn't mean others won't

    Kenny does these thinks for good or thinking what was best for Clem and AJ.

    Carver did it because he thought he knew what was best for the baby too. You know, the whole The next generation has to be tougher than the next speech? So, both Kenny and Carver do what they think it's best for the child.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Ok, I keep it short too. Your similarities are bad excuses to paint Kenny in a bad light, they are all shaky at best, you ignored that al

  • edited September 2014

    So you already did it once.

    He says that 'we dont try the best for the baby, whats the point'. He is talking about not abandoning your humanity even in hard times, not that if AJ ever dies he is going to kill himself or something. I thougth about editing the first post to explain my reasoning, because I honestly forgot to put it, but I thougth it was best if it didn´t change it.

    Similar to Carver beating up Kenny, right? Or Carver killing Reggie? I wonder when was the last time Mike, Bonnie, and Jane all witnessed someone beating up a defenseless person.

    I dont think the situations and the intent behind them are similar enougth to say Kenny= Carver 2.0, despite being beating up a defenseless person.

    There's really no solid, and clear evidence. The solid and clear evidence would be Telltale saying they were trying to make Kenny into Carver 2.0.

    I was not talking about that. Bokor said that the framing of Kenny´s scenes make it clear that Telltale was trying to imply Kenny=Carver 2.0. I asked him for proof of that, and he didn´t give it.

    Define "positive" qualities.

    He is a good man at heart that always tries to do the right think, he cares about Clem more than anybody him the group regardless of how she treats him, he believes in keeping your humanity in hard times, makes mistakes and apologizes for them, he has lost Sarita and its eye in a pair of days indirectly because he trusted a group of strangers and stills manages to hold on…

    remorse667 posted: »

    Stating your opinion= providing evindence. Also, I don´t 'blindly shoot down anything that puts my beloved character in an uflattering ligth

  • edited September 2014

    Listen, the point of telltale's game is to interpret in your own ways. You're never going to find the right answer. There isn't one. Unless Telltale came out and laid out their intentions on the table. But they won't do that, otherwise their games won't be fun and intriguing.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    It was stated carver was once a nice guy. so when mike and bonnie get scared of him, it might be because they see an early version of carver

  • I purposely didn't smash just so I could blow his head off with the shotgun

    With that being said, if you don't beat Andy, he will do what you said. Then "COME BACK HERE AND FINISH THIS LEE" Will give you the option to shoot him.

    But if you beat him to a pulp, you'll get an option to push him to the electric fence.

    Comfy posted: »

    If you don't continue to smash on Andy St. John, he will push himself back up to the top and start beating on Lee, which causes Lee to knock him back into the electric fence.

  • The game was tailored to make you pick a side, why are you so defensive? Both Jane and Kenny had their faults, I liked Jane over Kenny. Just because you don't see the comparisons, doesn't mean others won't.

    I not being defensive. This is not even about picking Jane or Kenny. To me, you are trying to paint a damaged but well intentioned man as being really similar to Carver, the psychopath.

    Carver did it because he thought he knew what was best for the baby too. You know, the whole The next generation has to be tougher than the next speech? So, both Kenny and Carver do what they think it's best for the child.

    You are still ignoring that Kenny has good intentions and that Carver only wants to raise a perfect survivor. Like i said in another post, I dont think the situations and the intent behind them are similar enougth to say Kenny= Carver 2.0.

    remorse667 posted: »

    The game was tailored to make you pick a side, why are you so defensive? Both Jane and Kenny had their faults, I liked Jane over Kenny. Just

  • We all did

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    He was just avenging the Russian, we all know Kenny cared deeply for him.

  • edited September 2014

    Listen, the point of telltale's game is to interpret in your own ways. You're never going to find the right answer. There isn't one. Unless Telltale came out and laid out their intentions on the table. But they won't do that, otherwise their games won't be fun and intriguing.

    I know, so what? The whole point of these forums is debating what you think as the rigth answer. But still, not everything in the interpretable.

    It was not stated that Carver was once a nice guy, all we got about that is Jane´s monologue.

    And is true, its canon. When I said that, it wasn´t saying my opinion is the right answer, just answering somebody else.

    remorse667 posted: »

    Listen, the point of telltale's game is to interpret in your own ways. You're never going to find the right answer. There isn't one. Unless

  • I miss Omid so much, he was one of the funniest characters in video game so far but... I didn't want to Clem die, I know it is a little unrealistic that she survive shoot too easily but... you know, she is something like part of the game.... and seeing her die... it will be too much for me

    Sorry for bad English

  • How could you do this.... We all loved Omid really much but I can 't believe that you wanted Clemy to die! You heartless son of a bitch!


  • Yeah, of course just moving with the flow... I totaly knew you where being sharcastic and now I totaly don 't feel bad for being a bitch myself for no good reason....

  • Bokor posted: »

    Episode 5 explicitly compares Kenny to Carver, both by characters' treatment of him and the framing of scenes involving him. He also has an

  • Actually, Jane uses her knife to stab Vitali, then instead of pulling it out of his neck, she just leaves it and takes the knife is assumed to belong by Vitali, the one that goes in his neck has a wooden handle with some gold colouring, and the one she picks up and has throughout the rest of the episode has a black handle with a skull on the blade

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Kenny kills Jane with the knife that Jane uses to save Kenny at the start of Ep 5

  • actually revolvers are quite powerful compared to most other pistols, so it isnt just a "small gun" and considering the fact that we know he did sometimes go out alone, not having a weapon, especially in his condition, is very dangerous.

    jamoecw posted: »

    when the russians ambush the group they claim that 'these are the ones that stole from you.' implies that you took the medical supplies (a s

  • Lmao

    bloop posted: »

  • I don't know if this has been posted yet, because this is a LONG thread, but you know how they try really hard not to refer to any of the walking dead as zombies? Well, in S1, with the kid in the attic, when you target the kid, the game refers to him as a zombie.

  • Jane foreshadowed luke's death.

    In the bridge scene in 202, Luke almost falls into the river and dies, but he luckily is caught by the metal and barely gets up top.

    In the lake scene in 205, Luke falls through the ice and drowns/freezes to death. If you try to break the ice, you can see Jane telling clem to give up. A possible subliminal message if you view it in a way.

  • It was not stated that Carver was once a nice guy, all we got about that is Jane´s monologue.

    and bonnies word when you question her about him to get answers about why people follow him. then there is that most of the second season ex-carver group lived for quite some time under his leadership. not to mention that reggie seemed to back carver (until he was killed by him).

    Once again, this doesn´t have anything to with the whole Kenny=Carver 2.0 thing, but what 'classic abusive tendences' does he show?

    anger, unable to take criticism, controlling, righteousness, makes excuses for his actions, and a failure to see things from other people's perspectives.

    “Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm, but the harm (that they cause) does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves”. ~ T.S. Eliot

    as i said before this is without taking the beatings into account.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Listen, the point of telltale's game is to interpret in your own ways. You're never going to find the right answer. There isn't one. Unless

  • I believe Luke called them zombies once.

    Mothoth posted: »

    I don't know if this has been posted yet, because this is a LONG thread, but you know how they try really hard not to refer to any of the wa

  • I pity the people of Wellington in the playthroughs where Clem stayed in there. I bet the whole settlement will fall apart in a month or less!

    shibbymary posted: »

    Yes! I was laughing at that a few days ago. Not only that, but the St. Johns and Carver had pretty good setups that fell apart just days aft

  • Ooh, I'm reminded of that image of Jane with Telltale's logo telling the player to leave Sarah behind.

    Ellias posted: »

    Jane foreshadowed luke's death. In the bridge scene in 202, Luke almost falls into the river and dies, but he luckily is caught by the me

  • edited September 2014

    If Kenny hadn't shot Vitali in the head, Vitali would've eventually ended up suffocating on his own blood.


  • and bonnies word when you question her about him to get answers about why people follow him. then there is that most of the second season ex-carver group lived for quite some time under his leadership. not to mention that reggie seemed to back carver (until he was killed by him).

    I know what Bonnie says, but considering she is making excuses through nearly half that episode I don´t think we should take her words at face value. I dont see how ´that most of the second season ex-carver group lived for quite some under his leadership´, has anything to do with Carver being once a nice guy. And really, Reggie? The same dude that said ´is not a competition´ when hearing how the group was kidnapped for the Moonstar Lodge? He is just another person making excuses for Carver, and for why the life they lead is not that bad.


    Okay, this one is true, but is like saying any person with a temper is like a abuser.

    unable to take criticism

    Why? Because he is fixated in going looking for Wellington and the rest of the group thougth it was a bad idea? Pulling a single moment in a analysis of a character personality is not rigth.


    He never does anything like this.


    I don´t see how you could say this.

    makes excuses for his actions

    I don´t see how you could say this. He never once makes excuses.

    a failure to see things from other people's perspectives.

    Okay, this one is mostly true.

    “Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm, but the harm (that they cause) does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves”. ~ T.S. Eliot

    I don´t see how Kenny ´wants to fell important´, or how the ´harm he causes does not interest him or he does not see it or he is justifying it´. And really, how is Kenny struggling to think well of himself?

    jamoecw posted: »

    It was not stated that Carver was once a nice guy, all we got about that is Jane´s monologue. and bonnies word when you question her

  • Well, if Clementine ends up being the protagonist of S3 they will most likely destroy Wellington to move the story along 8D

    Pride posted: »

    I pity the people of Wellington in the playthroughs where Clem stayed in there. I bet the whole settlement will fall apart in a month or less!

  • I'm pretty sure everyone already knows that

    remorse667 posted: »

    If Kenny hadn't shot Vitali in the head, Vitali would've eventually ended up suffocating on his own blood. Ouch.

  • I'm not positive but I think at one point Larry said zombies

    Mothoth posted: »

    I don't know if this has been posted yet, because this is a LONG thread, but you know how they try really hard not to refer to any of the wa

  • Although Nick is the first one to draw his gun on the bridge, Clem can argue that it was Matthew who drew first, cauisng everyone to believe her and Nick.

    If you went to go help Luke on the ice, he almost makes it out when he notices Clem is in danger, he goes back to save her, causing his own demise.

    If you chose to cover Luke on the ice, Bonnie will later blame Clem for his death, if you chose to help Luke, Bonnie will blame Kenny for his death.

  • When the group was about to cross the bridge and Luke ask Clementine to go with him, Clem left her backpack where group was resting.

    Alt text

    After Nick shot Matthew, I assume Sarah was the one who carried it and gave it back to Clem (the others ain't giving two shits about it):

    Alt text

  • Or maybe the story will be about wellington vs. another community, you know if they want to create different ending paths

    shibbymary posted: »

    Well, if Clementine ends up being the protagonist of S3 they will most likely destroy Wellington to move the story along 8D

  • Well I think that's fair point. I actually hadn't see from that view. Her attitude to a little girl in E1, her "Alvin and Luke went to find you (Pete, Nick, Clem). I told them not to go." and her "He will die anyway" adds up to my ingoring her being pregnant...

    shibbymary posted: »

    Thats not really fair. She was pretty certain Carver would kill Alvin (Can we really imagine a man like Carver letting Alvin live?), so how

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