Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Kenny is really a pain in ass if you choose to save Larry. Whatever you do before, after that your relationship with him will get greatly strained. He said that you two should stay away for a while, and he refuses to help you at the beginning of S1E3. It seems that along with not stealing food & not dropping Ben he will refuse to help you find Clem unless you raise the family thing. Lilly will also hate you if you choose to help kill Larry, but that's different. You kill her dad, so what do you expect from her? But Kenny, Jesus, in S1 I really hope that guy can learn something about respect other's choice. In S2 when he said something about "a girl like Jane" I really want to mock him...

    kaza125 posted: »

    If you tried to save Larry in episode 2, Kenny will say that Lilly only cares about Lee and Clementine, if the right dialogues is chosen. Kinda makes me like Lilly more.

  • You can kill Bonnie without a game over by covering Luke then not breaking the ice.

  • Thats what I originally thought, but the groups we know of that she could have been running with were pretty hardcore and wouldn't sacrifice 4 men to save one.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    When Jane was talking about the group she was before in Ep 5, was that a reference to the comics?

  • Because it's what we wanted and expected, and TT always do the opposite.

    I know! Upon initially playing the game in the first episode where we meet everyone in the pharmacy I thought for sure that Lilly would be t

  • Molly, Leland.

    Every character that you have the option to save, eventually dies. * Carley * Doug * Ben * Omid * Pete * Alvin * Nick * Sarah

  • When does Jane say the 90% thing?

    90% Clem + 10% Luke = No fucks given about A.J.

    I was right about her.

    quinnics posted: »

    * Clementine can blame herself for Luke's death. She'll say that it was her fault and she should have stayed with him. * If you say 'I do

  • She didn't bond with him until I forced her to hold him and he threw up on it. Happy Memories :'D

    When does Jane say the 90% thing? 90% Clem + 10% Luke = No fucks given about A.J. I was right about her.

  • I guess there was that 10% gap to fill after Luke died 0_0

    CSN2014 posted: »

    She didn't bond with him until I forced her to hold him and he threw up on it. Happy Memories :'D

  • Maybe she will rename AJ, Luke behind Clems back.

    I guess there was that 10% gap to fill after Luke died 0_0

  • Omid

    Wait. When there was a option to save Omid?

    Every character that you have the option to save, eventually dies. * Carley * Doug * Ben * Omid * Pete * Alvin * Nick * Sarah

  • There never was?

    No idea why he's there.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Omid Wait. When there was a option to save Omid?

  • You can help him on the train. Maybe that's what he meant?

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Omid Wait. When there was a option to save Omid?

  • Yes, but his hardly saving him. I mean, even if you dont help him, he doesn´t die.

    You can help him on the train. Maybe that's what he meant?

  • It takes really, really, really long time for the stranger to turn if you don't shoot him in the head. At least he will wait until Lee finish covering Clem with walker's gut and then go with her...

  • Even if Alvin is saved in Episode 2 and goes to Carvers camp in the 3rd Episode, he'll never meet Jane at the camp.

  • wait a minute, how do you know the 10% aint AJ, or at least 5% of it is him

    When does Jane say the 90% thing? 90% Clem + 10% Luke = No fucks given about A.J. I was right about her.

  • "I'm not some kind of athletic kid. I'm the KING of athletic kid."

    fallandir posted: »

    It's also unused audio here, Winston says: "What are you, some kind of athletic kid?" :>

  • Here's the number of Danny, Vince and Justin: 34789 34601 34698.

    Vince's is close to 24601, the number of Jean Valjean.

  • Alt text

    In case you guys were wondering.

  • Alt text

    fallandir posted: »

    In case you guys were wondering.

  • edited September 2014

    The Russians had a bag of food and supplies just like the one from when Edith gives Kenny and Clem. The Russians tried to join Wellington as well!

  • 'Apparently' In an unused audio clip, it is revealed that Edith has a niece named Christa.



    'Apparently' In an unused audio clip, it is revealed that Edith has a niece named Christa.

  • This way, Bonnie in "400day" can get leland killed:

    "It doesn't matter." "What's done is done." "..."

    Choose these options and Leland will get suspicious. He will insist staying with Dee. And Bonnie will run away with gasps sounds like cry. You will hear the gun-shot. But Bonnie is still taken as telling the truth...

  • Pete is determinantly a walker.

  • She did rob Arvo partly for Rebecca's sake, so I'd say AJ was 5% of the remaining 10%. :P

    CSN2014 posted: »

    Maybe she will rename AJ, Luke behind Clems back.

  • Those are creepy eyes...

    fallandir posted: »

    In case you guys were wondering.

  • I got that on my first playthrough.

    24601 posted: »

    This way, Bonnie in "400day" can get leland killed: "It doesn't matter." "What's done is done." "..." Choose these options and Leland

  • You can actually drop Ben and still get Kenny. The dialogue even changes when you ask Ben to come with you. Instead of "I'm not going if this shitbird does too," he'll say, "Wait we aren't really taking Ben with us are we?"

    Also I think it's possible to get Kenny despite killing Larry. I don't know how but I remember watching an LP where that happened. I'll try to find if I can.

    Funny thing, if Clem tells Kenny that Jane takes a bit to warm up to, Kenny will agree and say that Clem has a point.

    24601 posted: »

    Kenny is really a pain in ass if you choose to save Larry. Whatever you do before, after that your relationship with him will get greatly st

  • In Season 1 Episode 4, Kenny has several ways of declining help to Lee.

    If you're 100% against him, don't help Katjaa and Duck, he'll raise a fit when you try to say Clementine's family.

    If you tell him to go fuck himself and never supported him, he'll get pissed off and start screaming. "You lose your shit when people don't bend over backwards to help you? Well FUCK YOU! I'll be damned if I'm gonna lift a finger!"

    If you two never got along but you tell him that you need him he'll respond rather passive aggressively.

    If you help him in Episode 1 but never after that and tell him to go fuck himself he'll respond with, "Oh you're gonna break bad with me now!?"

    If you help him with Larry and afterwards he'll always be really calm to Lee when he explains why he's not helping, no matter whether or not Lee shouts at him.

    If Kenny decides to help you he'll have different lines regarding what to do with Ben.

    I think there's more. Someone's should go check. Kenny has a ton of variables.

  • Alt text

    Bokor posted: »

    Those are creepy eyes...

  • If you went to help Luke, the last thing Clem says to him is "it's gonna be alright."

    She can also tell him, "you'll be okay" earlier in the episode after he's shot.

  • Boy, am I glad he doesn't change at all no matter what you pick in S2 -.-'

    In Season 1 Episode 4, Kenny has several ways of declining help to Lee. If you're 100% against him, don't help Katjaa and Duck, he'll rai

  • He said to me when I told him to go fuck himself "You may have had my back a couple of times but you were never really there for me or my family, so excuse me for not bending over for yours." I think.

    That1Guy posted: »

    Boy, am I glad he doesn't change at all no matter what you pick in S2 -.-'

  • Hamster not guinea pig

    Neither Lilly or Larry ever have a non-canon death scene possible during their stints in the game. Throughout the entire course of the st

  • So then its irony?

    Crips posted: »


  • edited September 2014

    Pete was shot in the head so Carver could be the last living person Pete saw(Another mystery!)

    fallandir posted: »

    shakes poplee's hand

  • Pete could have been getting his guts ripped out when Carver shot him. It does explain why the zombies didn't get at Pete's everything. There are no other zombies around the truck, so Carver might have had to ditch them before he got to the house.

    Tolispro posted: »

    Pete was shot in the head so Carver could be the last living person Pete saw(Another mystery!)

  • It can also take a very, very long time for Duck to get shot.

    24601 posted: »

    It takes really, really, really long time for the stranger to turn if you don't shoot him in the head. At least he will wait until Lee finish covering Clem with walker's gut and then go with her...

  • I mean "NOT dropping Ben"...but I think you actually want to mean the same with me?

    I have tried to always side with Kenny except killing Larry & stealing food & dropping Ben. I still have to use "family" to persuade him. But perhaps I had picked some wrong options. In S1 it disturbs me a lot that sometimes the option doesn't mean what it appears to mean.'

    I must say that Kenny is far more agreeable with Clem than with Lee... Many times where he said "it's OK" "you're right" "sorry" to Clem, I can imagine him saying "fuck you Lee! I can do this without you." And after Lee's death Kenny's attitude to him seems to be much better. I got a playthrough with Lee NEVER ever sided with Kenny in S1, and Kenny will still say that he wish Lee was there in S2E5.

    You can actually drop Ben and still get Kenny. The dialogue even changes when you ask Ben to come with you. Instead of "I'm not going if thi

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