Someone gave me a Humble Bundle key for Gunpoint. The email they sent didn't show so I asked for another and it gave me all my keys. And i noticed there were some I never redeemed. When did I ever get Metro 2033? Jeez how long has that been sitting there unused? So yes I redeemed that. Played a bit of Gunpoint and its really fun. Gonna have to startup Metro soon.
Someone gave me a Humble Bundle key for Gunpoint. The email they sent didn't show so I asked for another and it gave me all my keys. And i… more noticed there were some I never redeemed. When did I ever get Metro 2033? Jeez how long has that been sitting there unused? So yes I redeemed that. Played a bit of Gunpoint and its really fun. Gonna have to startup Metro soon.
Someone gave me a Humble Bundle key for Gunpoint. The email they sent didn't show so I asked for another and it gave me all my keys. And i… more noticed there were some I never redeemed. When did I ever get Metro 2033? Jeez how long has that been sitting there unused? So yes I redeemed that. Played a bit of Gunpoint and its really fun. Gonna have to startup Metro soon.
Hah. I used to do that whenever I played Denmark in Medieval II. Whenever I captured Knights or Generals, they went straight to the chopping block. Eventually, I decided to do the proper Viking thing and invade the British Isles. I think the Pope finally had enough of our little relapse after the Danes put Edinburough's population to the sword (axe?) and murdered half of the Scottish Royal family. I think we were excommunicated for like 20 years before I got around to sending an assassin down to Rome to "negotiate" with the old turd.
Then I wiped out the orthodox Russians and Papi was perfectly fine with that...
I'm a nintendo fanboy at heart, but I will play other systems, so I've got playthroughs of:
Yu-Gi-Oh Duelists of the Roses for the PS2
… more
Fire Emblem Awakening for the 3DS:
(I just found that funny XD)
And those are the big 2. I've been kinda playing Harvest moon, and kinda playing Pokemon, but those are my "I'm gonna 100% this game" playthroughs.
Why can't GTA have a story like RDR?
Someone gave me a Humble Bundle key for Gunpoint. The email they sent didn't show so I asked for another and it gave me all my keys. And i noticed there were some I never redeemed. When did I ever get Metro 2033? Jeez how long has that been sitting there unused? So yes I redeemed that. Played a bit of Gunpoint and its really fun. Gonna have to startup Metro soon.
Oldies but goodies.
Hopefully you enjoy Metro 2033 it's a very good game.
Yep. Its always good to discuss games.
I was thoroughly impressed with Metro 2033 (still indecisive about Last Light). You'll have to tell me what you think!
I've been playing Crusader Kings II with a friend. Here is my Empire, forged under Odin's hand:
I trust this empire is founded on the blood of many prisoners sacrificed in many blóts. :S
(viking pride son)
The Empire only sacrifices the finest Christians and Muslims, we would offer no less.
Fear the Viking's pride.
Hah. I used to do that whenever I played Denmark in Medieval II. Whenever I captured Knights or Generals, they went straight to the chopping block. Eventually, I decided to do the proper Viking thing and invade the British Isles. I think the Pope finally had enough of our little relapse after the Danes put Edinburough's population to the sword (axe?) and murdered half of the Scottish Royal family. I think we were excommunicated for like 20 years before I got around to sending an assassin down to Rome to "negotiate" with the old turd.
Then I wiped out the orthodox Russians and Papi was perfectly fine with that...
Played Recently: Mass Effect 1.
Currently Playing: L.A. Noire. for the first time.
Leveling my gunzerker on BL2 and playing the dlc for Dishonored.
Because it's required by law for GTA to be ungodly mean-spirited.
You'll love LA Noire. A top notch game!
Just downloaded the Fifa 15 demo. Its free. I've pre-ordered the full game. Can't wait!
RDR have some moments like GTA but it still had a great story.
I think GTA IV is the only GTA that took itself seriously.
I'm not saying GTA has a bad story. I think it has a really good story in fact. It's just that the harsh mean spirited tone really bugs me sometimes.
I think GTA IV had the best story, plus it has our favorite badass, Niko Bellic.
I agree. I've just started playing it myself and its one of the best GTA games.
It's an amazing game so far. Just got promoted to Vice, Homicide missions were brilliant.
Homicide missions were one of my favorites in the game. I love solving murders.
Me too. I have to ask you something, How long does it take to beat the other half of the game that I'm yet to play?
I'm not sure the exact length, but I think you got a ways to go your about half way through the game I believe.
I'm a nintendo fanboy at heart, but I will play other systems, so I've got playthroughs of:
Yu-Gi-Oh Duelists of the Roses for the PS2
Fire Emblem Awakening for the 3DS:
(I just found that funny XD)
And those are the big 2. I've been kinda playing Harvest moon, and kinda playing Pokemon, but those are my "I'm gonna 100% this game" playthroughs.
I love Yugioh.:D
Currently playing L.A Noire. Can't believe I haven't played this amazing game until now .-.