Westboro Baptist Church
I was debating gay rights on another forum today and someone mentioned this group. I looked into them, and what I learnt was absolutely disgusting. This group... where to begin? Well first of all they hate homesexuals. They even want to protest at Robin William's funeral because he portrayed a gay character. Now, I didn't see many of the films Robin Williams was in, so his death didn't hit me as hard as it did others, but the fact that these people want to attack him while his family and friends try to mourn his loss is just despicable.
Next is their reaction to Sandy Hook. Over twenty children under the age of ten were lost that day, kids with their whole lives ahead of them, and this "church" wanted to disrespect and insult those who died and the grief-stricken families and friends of the victims by protesting at a vigil for the victims. Disgusting.
And this third one angers me significantly as an Australian. These assholes praise God for the bushfires which have killed so many people and left countless more homeless. They attack us because we allow abortion and homosexuality in our country, and would see us all punished for our way of life.
Quite honestly, I think someone needs to step in and shut this group down. They don't care who they hurt as long as they force everyone to live by their moral values. And to the Westboro Baptist Church, I'd like to say with all sincerity, can you please go and get fucked.
I appreciate any contributions to this discussion.
wtf is wrong with people, this is fucking disgusting #FAITH IN HUMANITY LOST
PS: why do you wanna discuss this on the TELLTALE forums
Why is it relevant to the topic that it's the Telltale forum? I posted this here to ask what people thought on the issue. The Telltale Talk section is for anything off-topic from the games. This forum section is for general talk.
ok then
Nobody likes them. They do this because they want attention. It's best not to give them what they want. Ignore them.
it's hard not to when they cause so much pain. They showed up at a vigil for kids who were murdered and basically said it was a good thing. That's not something to ignore, that's something to put a stop to.
And this is why I stray away from religion, people like them take their beliefs way too seriously at times when it is not needed. The people at this Baptist Church need to get new hobbies or something.
You think people haven't tried? Nearly everyone does. It hasn't worked yet.
The founder of the church passed away some time ago. I thought it might collapse without him, and in some sense, it has, but some will keep doing it as long as they can keep getting people outraged.
I'll try to ignore it, but I hope these people someday realize that they've caused more harm than good.
Fucking lunatics. I hate people like this. People taking their religious beliefs way too serious.
Yep. Always telling us to obey God and that we'll go to hell if we don't. Well I'm going to be the person I want to be, not the person someone tells me to be, and if that means going to Hell, then so fucking be it.
The worst part is that kids are mixed up in it too. I've read statements by former members and there's a lot of brainwashing/abuse (allegedly) going on there.
The fuckers don't even pay taxes because it's a so called 'religious institution'. They should introduce legislature to review and possibly revoke the tax exempt status of churches that are classified as hate groups. WBC loses it's tax-exempt status and boom, that's 1/3 of their income down the shitter. That's 33.3% less traveling, picketing and lawsuits.
I've heard of them. Bunch of religious assholes who think that their way of life is the only way to live. Now that's arrogance of the highest order.
To them I say:
I prefer to call them a pompous pretincious and hypocritical group of donkeyfuckers. And that's the nice version.
They are scam artists hiding under the veil of "religion" in an attempt to rile people in hopes that someone starts something physical so they can sue the ever daylights out of them. Most of the members are lawyers for crying out loud. Real life version of internet trolls.
The best thing you can do is ignore them. Anything else is feeding right into them.
I can't stand these fuckers. I first heard of them a while ago protesting falling soldiers funerals. Truly sickening.
there the reason perfectly normal religous folks get bashed for believing in a god.
Here's a link to a segment on them from 60 Minutes Australia.
Irrational individuals will always use faith to justify hating people who are different, that's why i'm glad that i'm not irrational and I also don't have faith :P
Holy shit, i'm a little surprised they hate Australia so much. It honestly doesn't bother me what a bunch of zealots in America think of us. People are entitled to their opinion no matter how morally bankrupt it is. But if they share their opinion it gives me someone to laugh at :P
Your bio... OMG!
Lol yeah i'm back after a two and a half month hiatus, it was going to be permanent but I missed the community
I forgot my old password so I just made a new account.
Doesn't the login give you an option to reset it? Anyway, welcome back!
Extremist groups like this one is one of the many things that made me turn away from religion.
Bisexual Christian here. Fuck Westboro. If they hate me simply because I love more than one gender then they can go fuck themselves. There is no reason to hate a homosexual (or anyone really, but mostly sexuals who sexuality don't begin in "hetero") at all. My sexuality has nothing to do with them, so it's none of their business at all.
Besides, according to what they preach (and most of what I believe), God created us this way for a reason, and that includes our sexuailties. He's supposed to love all of us, therefor, wouldn't it be stupid and rather counterproductive to hate us because of who we love?
Exactly. If God hates homosexuality, then why did he make it possible? I haven't read the Bible, but from what information I've gathered, God is supposed to love everyone, so what Westboro says isn't even logical.
Also, funny thing is, they've never said anything about bisexuality.
I remember my boyfriend talking about it one day when we were on the subject. It was also animal homosexuality to:
Me: I remember people saying, "If being gay is natural, why don't animals do it?"
Boyfriend: Animals DO do it! It's been recorded in nature. It's a natural thing.
Me: Thank you! For god's sake, one of my friends' male hamsters banged.
But yes, if God didn't want people to do that, he wouldn't have made it possible for us to be attracted to the same sex. It's not even the same with murder and metal illness, because there are legitimate reasons why that stuff happens. With being homosexual, it's just what happens. I don't think there IS a reason.
Legend. Also, can't decide on a profile pic?
I saw two kangaroos at it once. I think they were males.
What. A. Legend.
I swear it keeps changing itself so I eventually just changed it to Lee and now it has stopped changing. I'll eventually upload my own profile pic.
A lady in that video had a shirt on called "God Hates Fags". Shakes my head. God doesn't hate anyone.
Check this one out:
They're kinda funny, I talked to some personally and they always call me the usual. I love talking to youtube christian trolls too, I really do not mind. They're entertaining and they give me a good laugh.
I'm gay btw.
Saw it lol. And the 9/11 cartoon, America, sharpen your pitch forks and pick up your white, blue and red hats, we got some assholes to hunt.
Its good you see humour in it.
Well it's funny when they try to go along with these people. In fact, I'd say it actually makes them look a bit... human.
its disturbing to see kids holding up those signs.. they dont even know what theyre talking about if im ever in America and see them protesting at a kids or soliders funeral i will climb over those bars and rip a sign or two up.