Music that reminds you of The Wolf Among Us soundtrack
Hi all,
I've lurked around the community forums for a while now and never made an account until recently. I've enjoyed scrolling through the threads and looking at some of the discussions, and hope to become part of the community too.
Anyways, since TWAU came out I've come to like many aspects of the game, such as it's story, gameplay and cast of characters (this is the first time I've been introduced to Fables, and since have bought the first five issues of the series). I've particularly enjoyed the soundtrack of the game, and it's music is quite possibly one of the greatest things I've ever heard. It's 80s synth noir tone is fantastic. I was hoping to find similar music that sounded the same, so I figured to create a thread where we can share some tracks that remind us of TWAU?
I'll start us off: She Wants Revenge - All Those Moments.
TL;DR - Post music that reminds you of TWAU's 80s synth-noir soundtrack and atmosphere.
This is fan-made about TWAU, so I guess it counts.
Miracle of Sound
I found a great one for a real 'action' scene, or a driving scene which I could imagine would be GREAT in the next season. I do love TWAU soundtrack but, so haunting and melancholy but also beautiful. I really want an official release of the OST. Anyway, here is mine, it might be a bit heavy, but I could see it fitting in nicely has that mix of modern culture, with the 'clicks' so prominent in TWAU's soundtrack, and of course, that 80's synth, but just a bit more prominent:
Todd Terje - Dolerean Dynamite
Not really to do with the Wolf Among Us but the song Don't Wanna Miss A Thing by Aerosmith makes me think about the relationship between Bigby and Snow and the Fables universe in general every time I hear it now.
this song is cool
Yeah MOS has a lot of awesome songs, you should check him out.
Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Relax
It has a lot more energy then most of the TWAU songs but hey man
The 80s
Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Relax (original version)
Also cough
I just did and they are awesome I really like the Destiny one
Yeah hes one of my favorite musicians.
the root of all evil - dream theater :P
I'm really liking the beginning of that song, definitely can see something like this in an action sequence for a future season of TWAU.
Man, that's a cool track! Thanks for sharing it.
The first time i saw the intro/credits sequence, drive came rapidly to my mind.
A Gentle Awakening by JD McPherson. The piano keys just remind me of TWAU so much.
I'm going to throw something from the gaming industry (Blood Dragon Reprise):
This song reminds me of TWAU in general more than its soundtrack. (you seriously can't go wrong with Fleetwood Mac) Besides, it's a classic that reminds me of a classic, I say this would be a win-win situation!
Well, the opening theme kind of reminds me of Mass Effect. I guess some Mass Effect songs kind of remind me of TWAU too. XD
Dance With the Dead - Signals
This song reminds me of the game itself, not necessarily a specific song from the soundtrack.
enter link description here
Not the song itself, but the lyrics makes me think a lot of Bigby and Snow relationship.
Undisclosed Desires by Muse
I think it goes pretty well for them