You better believe it. Those were dark days. I'd have a glass of apple juice and you know I'd enjoy it and be all happy but then 10 minutes later...... I'd have a stomach ache This kept going on for weeks and weeks and I just really didn't know what to do so my mum had the bright idea that maybe I should stop drinking it. Obviously this was a tough thing for my 7 year old mind to get around, give up apple juice, the thing I loved more than anything in the world. In the end I made the decision to give it up The stomach aches stopped and over the years I began to forget about that amazing drink.
But then I started drinking it again last year and it wasn't giving me stomach aches anymore so yeah, that's the story of how I got my username!
You better believe it. Those were dark days. I'd have a glass of apple juice and you know I'd enjoy it and be all happy but then 10 minutes … morelater...... I'd have a stomach ache This kept going on for weeks and weeks and I just really didn't know what to do so my mum had the bright idea that maybe I should stop drinking it. Obviously this was a tough thing for my 7 year old mind to get around, give up apple juice, the thing I loved more than anything in the world. In the end I made the decision to give it up The stomach aches stopped and over the years I began to forget about that amazing drink.
But then I started drinking it again last year and it wasn't giving me stomach aches anymore so yeah, that's the story of how I got my username!
Ah, what the hell, I might as well explain the origin of DragonButter.
Well... it all started due to my love for dragons. Since, y'know, dragons are the best thing ever when it concerns the world of fantasy. As for the butter part, it was most likely because I was thinking of buttery popcorn, so I thought it'd go good with that.
Ah, what the hell, I might as well explain the origin of DragonButter.
Well... it all started due to my love for dragons. Since, y'know,… more dragons are the best thing ever when it concerns the world of fantasy. As for the butter part, it was most likely because I was thinking of buttery popcorn, so I thought it'd go good with that.
The wolf among us combined with The walking dead makes an excellent combination.
I agree. Both are great games, along with great characters.
Well, I love blue, and if I had a superpower it would be neon (guess where I stole it from).
anything neon is really cool.
Would this have something to do with it?
Larry. Saltlick. 123%.
InFamous: Second Son?
I know it does.
(aka hidden bump)
Combined my first and middle names.
Sounds really interesting and cool
Wow this thread is pretty old, lol.
Well, I love it to cuddle cats so.....
Because uh... I ran out of ideas. ;~;
'Tis okay, Daddy. ;-;
Thanks son. :')
I'm a good son!! :'O
The story of how I got my username is one of love, loss and desperation.
Or you just like apple juice.
Yeah your right, I just really love apple juice XD
pumps fist YES knew it. XD
You might not believe this but I've had a very love hate relationship with apple juice in the past.
No, I can believe it. XD
Well, bloop is something I came up with randomly because I barely have any creativity,
sigh This happened on page 1 too...
You better believe it. Those were dark days. I'd have a glass of apple juice and you know I'd enjoy it and be all happy but then 10 minutes later...... I'd have a stomach ache
This kept going on for weeks and weeks and I just really didn't know what to do so my mum had the bright idea that maybe I should stop drinking it. Obviously this was a tough thing for my 7 year old mind to get around, give up apple juice, the thing I loved more than anything in the world. In the end I made the decision to give it up
The stomach aches stopped and over the years I began to forget about that amazing drink.
But then I started drinking it again last year and it wasn't giving me stomach aches anymore so yeah, that's the story of how I got my username!
Like if u cri evertim
I'm thinking of turning it into a film when I'm older. I can tell its gonna be a blockbuster.
Oh, it will be. You just watch.
I guess, but not that much, most ideas of something are taken form something.
But we all have our own ideas at one point.
Still, bloop is sort of creative, right?
It is! It's your own idea
The creative things that come out of my head are the most random.
That's a good thing to be random
Ah, what the hell, I might as well explain the origin of DragonButter.
Well... it all started due to my love for dragons. Since, y'know, dragons are the best thing ever when it concerns the world of fantasy. As for the butter part, it was most likely because I was thinking of buttery popcorn, so I thought it'd go good with that.
Yes. Good. We'll go with that. XD
It's a pretty cool username, dude.