Yeah about that, Well just Catch Up on it...."I liked Mark, he kept things light you need people like that to prevent falling into depression in times like these". (Sorry had to throw in a quote)
I'm renewing my Disney photoshop project
So far I have finished Noncy, Rachelle, Cornpopper, Anthony, Mark, and Liam. The rule is to cho… moreose any Disney character you want (besides those already chosen) and I'll photoshop your face on them and it will be a big magical GROUP SHOT.
If you don't choose a character, I'll pick one for you (which might be a bad thing- muahahaha)
Hi bro
Idk some chick that sits at my table.
And then what? :P
ayy lmao
Nothing. I kept doing what I was doing.
I didn't what to offend her because then id be going to her level. ... And there was witnesses.
ayy lmao dad
I heard Mark was Ded ;-;
It's not like I would have been able to do anything. I don't plan on getting suspended any time soon.
yes yes south park mickey beating a Jonas brother I'll even include the Jobro lol
mmmmm bakugan yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaa
Suspension is funny.
I broke a lotta things on my school, we lots of glass doors ;~;
Punching bags are fucking tiring x__x
hayy lmao
Damn Right.
Yes sadly, I don't know how he died, or where the fuck his corpse is, but people tell me that he's dead.
Should I use the Kenny face in your gravatar?
Witnesses... shit..
It's harder than going to the gym, but I get to kick shit.
Ben 10 Lol!
Does anyone like RHCP? If you do, what's your favorite song by them?
Mine's this:
Not one of their popular songs, but Anthony is incredible in this one, and I can relate to the lyrics, the chorus always gives me goosebumps
...Is it possible to want both, please?
Ayy lmao
Reminds me more of Skeptical Fry.
I'm a freaking genius!
Ayy ayy (lmao), Uncle Pete!
Yeah about that, Well just Catch Up on it...."I liked Mark, he kept things light you need people like that to prevent falling into depression in times like these". (Sorry had to throw in a quote)
This "not showing my face on the internet" being my thing is kicking my balls on this site.