Batman Arkham Origins, This blatant cash grab was WB Game's attempt at capitalizing on Rocksteady's success because they weren't willing to wait for them to finish the 3rd game before shoving another one out. They promised us an awesome story involving Black Mask and Deathstroke.. Instead they give us MORE Joker and Deathstroke is reduced to first boss and then never seen again. If it weren't for Bane's sudden awesomeness this story would have nothing going for it. Seriously I love Joker as much as the next guy but they obviously made this a prequel so they could use him again because he's dead in Rocksteady's canon! Top that off with combat that isn't up to par and stealth sections that are WAY too damn easy with a game world that is just devoid of any life. I mean Arkham City had more life than this! And it was supposed to be a bleak prison! Trying to recreate that with a shitty version of Gotham with a flimsy excuse of "winter storm lol stay home errybody"...... I'm currently replaying it to see if maybe a 2nd try might make me like it more. Not to say its pure garbage, I mean it is a fun game but it is a very weak entry in an otherwise perfect game series. This was the biggest disappointment of last year.
Batman Arkham Origins, This blatant cash grab was WB Game's attempt at capitalizing on Rocksteady's success because they weren't willing to… more wait for them to finish the 3rd game before shoving another one out. They promised us an awesome story involving Black Mask and Deathstroke.. Instead they give us MORE Joker and Deathstroke is reduced to first boss and then never seen again. If it weren't for Bane's sudden awesomeness this story would have nothing going for it. Seriously I love Joker as much as the next guy but they obviously made this a prequel so they could use him again because he's dead in Rocksteady's canon! Top that off with combat that isn't up to par and stealth sections that are WAY too damn easy with a game world that is just devoid of any life. I mean Arkham City had more life than this! And it was supposed to be a bleak prison! Trying to recreate that with a shitty version of Gotham with a flimsy excuse of "winter stor… [view original content]
Hey, who turned out the lights? Hey, who turned out the lights? Hey, who turned out the lights? Hey, who turned out the lights? Hey, who turned out the lights?
@ComingSoon YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANTED, WELCOME YOUR NEW SISTER @InKennyWeTrust also @Jewfreeus and @AllThatRemains had a new son named WTWH Jr in memory of ATR's first husband.
Watch the vid
Also he is a dick to his fans a rascist and possibly a sociopath/Pedophile hell he laughed his off in the scene where clem was stiching her arm just watch this:
Lol stupid druggies
XD true story
TLOU isn't an FPS lol
Nope another hint
"This is fucking stoopid"
and he is worse than pewds
When I close my eyes for 5 minutes and wake up 2 hours later:
I was being lewd.
XD HOLY SHEET it's legit I found it in google images
Batman Arkham Origins, This blatant cash grab was WB Game's attempt at capitalizing on Rocksteady's success because they weren't willing to wait for them to finish the 3rd game before shoving another one out. They promised us an awesome story involving Black Mask and Deathstroke.. Instead they give us MORE Joker and Deathstroke is reduced to first boss and then never seen again. If it weren't for Bane's sudden awesomeness this story would have nothing going for it. Seriously I love Joker as much as the next guy but they obviously made this a prequel so they could use him again because he's dead in Rocksteady's canon! Top that off with combat that isn't up to par and stealth sections that are WAY too damn easy with a game world that is just devoid of any life. I mean Arkham City had more life than this! And it was supposed to be a bleak prison! Trying to recreate that with a shitty version of Gotham with a flimsy excuse of "winter storm lol stay home errybody"...... I'm currently replaying it to see if maybe a 2nd try might make me like it more. Not to say its pure garbage, I mean it is a fun game but it is a very weak entry in an otherwise perfect game series. This was the biggest disappointment of last year.
lewd? O_o
That game physical hurt me to play it was that bad so depressing I enjoyed the boss battles but apart from that just terrible I agree >:'(
"books", shame
I don't erase mine, because it's funny to look back at them once in a while xD
Hey, who turned out the lights? Hey, who turned out the lights? Hey, who turned out the lights? Hey, who turned out the lights? Hey, who turned out the lights?

@LeeTheProfessional You're lucky I came on my laptop today and everything was okay and back to normal!
Yeah, shake my head. I didn't know Lee could be that mean/
Things Rory Williams cannot stress enough:
You just summoned the aliens back to earth.
Actual aliens.
Deadly aliens.
I want to look it up, Ma.
XD I don't know why I do these things but I do you shouldn't of told me :'O
Sorry for the Doctor Who spam.
Face it, nobody looks at porn mags anymore. "The internet is for porn"- Avenue Q
Me when tha kool kidz walk by
Not possible.
B-but my joke...
Also probably true.
Forum of the Dead Chapter Five, part 1: Shadow dies
Things HelloWorld cannot stress enough:
I just stepped in something.
It's poop.
It's human shit.
It's my sister's shit.
I stopped going to facebook like 5 months ago. Best thing I have ever done.
Me neither. I'm gonna keep an eye on him from here on out.
Watch the vid
Also he is a dick to his fans a rascist and possibly a sociopath/Pedophile hell he laughed his off in the scene where clem was stiching her arm just watch this:
If you're so eager to see it, maybe your stepfather could use you as a demonstration.