Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • edited September 2014

    Luke is a huge lover of dogs and most likely wouldn't kill one even if it was attacking him. This is mentioned if you have Clementine say that she killed Sam.

  • Ah, I see. Thanks for the correction!

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Actually those are not the official names for the soundtracks. Mikonreborn, her/himself said that he names them like that so it could be easier to find.

  • Clementine lies about her age to Christa. When they first meet by the tanker Christa says she wants to get to know her better. After the fight in the station, Christa will say " You and an eight year old versus three of them". However by this point Clem is nine, since the stranger says her birthday was six days ago when him and Lee met, and six days has not passed. (unless there was a time skip between episode 3 and 4)

  • If you don't break the ice (when you are given the option to save Luke or cover him) and you choose to cover Luke in Episode 5 of Season 2, Bonnie will actually die with him and drown.

  • Don't know if this is mentioned but in episode 205 when Jane offers Clem a drink of rum, if she takes it she will spit it out. She will mention that it does tastes better than the moonshine she drinks with Nick in episode 202 with you choose to drink it.

  • clem is a drunken badass

    pcharl01 posted: »

    Don't know if this is mentioned but in episode 205 when Jane offers Clem a drink of rum, if she takes it she will spit it out. She will men

  • edited September 2014

    Perhaps she didn't tell Christa about her age but tell her that she's in the 1st grade, and Christa deduct that she's around eight?

    Nice catch anyway.

    Kennythegod posted: »

    Clementine lies about her age to Christa. When they first meet by the tanker Christa says she wants to get to know her better. After the fig

  • How about the bird Mark wants to get?

    Wyatt: It won't help us to hit a cow.

    The first living animals to be seen are the two crows at the start of episode 2.

  • In No Going Back, in the Ice scene you could kill off Bonny and Luke if you don't smash the ice with your pistol.

  • Maybe Clem just forgot it was her birthday? It would make sense, and The Stranger probably asked her directly 'when is your birthday dear?' or something, which reminded her of it.

    Kennythegod posted: »

    Clementine lies about her age to Christa. When they first meet by the tanker Christa says she wants to get to know her better. After the fig

  • That its still a game?

  • Excuse me, but Mike is not horrible. I could understand his fear and reaction if you let Bonnie live and tried to save Luke, but Bonnie was just being horrible.

    ErenCoral posted: »

    ehm and Mike too.

  • edited September 2014

    (S2E3) If you don't tap 'Q' while restraining Sarita, she will break free and will get knocked out by Troy. She will have a cut/bruise on her cheek for the rest of her appearance in the game.

  • creepy

    In the St. John's Dairy if you investigate the stalls in the barn you can see lots of bloody clothes in a wheelbarrow. You can then go outsi

  • Theres files in Episode 1 for Clem getting her hat from Sam,

    This event occurs after Clem wakes up in the shore, she will see Sam biting her hat and you have an option to take it, if you do, Sam will growl and pull the hat away from you, resulting to a QTE. If you successfully did it, Clementine will wear her hat with dog spit.

  • I up voted you but damn that's sad

    There is a hint in that scene to show that Christa did in fact die in my opinion. If you throw a rock: Christa runs, you hear a struggle

  • Back in S1 E1 when Lee's group first arrives at the Drug store, the the semi truck that Lee and Kenny use to climb over in Episode 3 can be seen in the background with no ladder attached.

  • edited September 2014

    Some people say that choices don't matter, but one of them literally bends space time! Depending whether or not you choose to leave at night time in 101, you can choose how far away Clem's house is from Hershel's farm. They still arrive at the same time, but if you chose to go by cover of day, it seriously took all day for Shawn to drive them to his dad's farm.

  • I remember the sticker thing. I like to think thats why Clem stood up for Ben when Kenny wanted to kick him out of the group.

  • That's confusing to me, I was 6 in the first grade. I think first graders are still 6, right? All my nephews and nieces were 18 or close to it when they graduated from high school.

    24601 posted: »

    Perhaps she didn't tell Christa about her age but tell her that she's in the 1st grade, and Christa deduct that she's around eight? Nice catch anyway.

  • edited September 2014

    Kenny didn't know any details about what happened to Lee when he died, so when Clementine says I had to shoot Lee (204) it was probably a big shock.
    (Only if your Clementine killed Lee.)

  • For the sake of the plot doiii...

    Mikejames posted: »

    They all could have helped. I didn't understand why everyone suddenly forgot that they were holding guns.

  • Cool :o

    Theres files in Episode 1 for Clem getting her hat from Sam, This event occurs after Clem wakes up in the shore, she will see Sam biting

  • When Kenny goes to the house in S1Ep2, you dont have to open up the door to the back of the barn, you can just walk out without seeing anything

    You can be bitten multiple times when walking to the Marsh house in the street without getting a game over in S1Ep5.

    The Stranger's station wagon can be seen driving on the highway at the beginning of the game

  • edited September 2014

    When Clementine is stressed out or is under pressure of something bad about to happen, she breathes rapidly. Everyone else reacts normally, but Clem's body goes full in motion every time something happens. This only happens in Season 2. It's never like that for her in Season 1 or Duck.

  • I'll try the 1st one.

    Apples posted: »

    When Kenny goes to the house in S1Ep2, you dont have to open up the door to the back of the barn, you can just walk out without seeing anyth

  • edited September 2014

    Jane leaves her knife behind after the altercation with Kenny if you go with her, the one that was being used to stab her.

    I guess she didn't want any mementos from that moment. If you look at it's sheath strapped to her leg at Howe's, it's empty.

    "We can just...leave all of this behind, Clem"

  • About 20 years ago here in northeast China we went to 1st grade at the age of 7. But about 5 years later when my cousin sister and her peers went to school they were at the age of 6.

    And this suddenly comes to me: When should the school day start and when it should be the holiday? Clem TALKS about her 1st grade with Kat but it's in summer, and our 1st school day should be around September, so maybe she should be in the 2nd grade after the summer if the disaster didn't happen?

    Gwion posted: »

    That's confusing to me, I was 6 in the first grade. I think first graders are still 6, right? All my nephews and nieces were 18 or close to it when they graduated from high school.

  • Maybe... or I think she should tell Lee about that.

    Maybe Clem just forgot it was her birthday? It would make sense, and The Stranger probably asked her directly 'when is your birthday dear?' or something, which reminded her of it.

  • In the attic scene during No Time Left all the furniture from Around Every Corner has been moved or removed. Some furniture was added.

  • edited September 2014

    Luke's birthday is determinant. Regardless of whether you chose to wait for a few days or leave in the morning in Amid The Ruins, he'll still say it's his birthday.

    Something else weird brought up by that same choice is Jane's return. If you choose to wait a few days, she would have surely made some distance before Clem's group meet the Russians. She either didn't leave at all, or changed her mind after walking for a day or two and by luck managed to save Clem's group.

  • I agree with Jane, but Luke mentioning his birthday was a guess at best, could be he just realized while they were walking that day

    Novis posted: »

    Luke's birthday is determinant. Regardless of whether you chose to wait for a few days or leave in the morning in Amid The Ruins, he'll stil

  • Okay. I don´t what meaning has having ‘abusive tendencies’ if you are not abusive, but sure, whatever.

    perhaps english isn't your first language, so abusive tendencies is a way to make predictions about people without the use of telepathy. take for example your comments about bonnie, that would be due to you seeing her tendency to justify her viewpoints, which leads to the prediction that what she says might be completely false. people that are abusive not only don't start out that way, but they also learn to hide such behavior. looking for warning signs is a way to stay clear of them before things reach the point of abuse.

    I don´t think you can really compare Kenny to Carver at the time of the fight. Hell, I think you cannot compare Kenny to Carver at all.

    I mean that for Kenny Arvo is just like Carver, just another bad guy.

    arvo may be a bad guy and for those that recognize abusive tendencies, can see that kenny might end up being abusive. another bad guy in the story that was abusive was carver. so if those that knew carver seem to think kenny has some similarities to him, then maybe he does. given that arvo has communicated less with kenny than the others that also know carver better they probably are better at drawing comparisons between the two.

    Also, how was troy know for screwing up?

    carver's own words, after killing reggie no less. so either he was lying about liking reggie and that he killed him over his screw ups, or he is lying about troy being a screw up. given that his talk of reggie dovetailed together and the comment about troy seemed to be a comment to himself, rather than directed at clem, that means that if he was lying about troy he was doing so with far more effort, foresight, and benefit than if he was lying about reggie.

    And how is that bad?

    sometimes good stuff can mix with bad stuff to make even worse stuff.

    But like I said, he took Arvo hostage for the group

    carver hunted down and had a shootout killing several innocent people for the 'good of humanity'. he killed reggie for the 'good of the group'. he had sarah punished for 'her own good'. every bad thing carver did was for the good of someone else, just because you can justify doing something for a greater good doesn't make it right. it sure doesn't create separation between those actions and other actions by someone else that also did the same thing for the greater good as well.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    the argument isn't about him being abusive, but showing abusive tendencies. Okay. I don´t what meaning has having ‘abusive tendencie

  • Dunno if you know this already but he was the storm trooper in star wars that were looking for the droids.. in that "these aren't the droids you're looking for" scene

    fugelot11 posted: »

    The voice of Larry (Terence McGovern) was the voice of Launchpad McQuack in Duck Tails and Darkwing Duck if you are old like me and remember it during your childhood . Then again I'm only 22.

  • edited September 2014

    In the very beginning of S1E3, there is a barrel on the ground that if you click, Lee will go "Huh" then he will go "Hmm" when you click it again. It's amazing.

    Edit: Also behind the jeep, there is a pile of rubble. Click on that and Lee will go "Huh" and "Hmm" again.

    Around the 5:55 mark then around the 7:14 mark then 7:30 again.


  • nick wrote ep 5. some other guy wrote episode 4. nick probably had no idea about that choice :P

    Novis posted: »

    Luke's birthday is determinant. Regardless of whether you chose to wait for a few days or leave in the morning in Amid The Ruins, he'll stil

  • Me too, I think it was probably something along the lines of "I'm sorry you had to see that dear but this is part of survival" seems like something he would say

    Yeah, in that moment I wondered about what he was telling her

  • Hmm, you know, I think you may be right. It's summer when this starts, so first grade was just over...but her birthday is in about November. The cut-off date for birthdays is mid-September, so she would have turned 7 the previous November if she started when she was 6. So if she had a late birthday and her parents started her late, 8 is possible.

    I feel really nerdy for trying to figure this out :P

    24601 posted: »

    About 20 years ago here in northeast China we went to 1st grade at the age of 7. But about 5 years later when my cousin sister and her peers

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