If this is a big deal to Flog at all, I'd be concerned. Some random dick telling you to go kill yourself shouldn't offend you. If you're eas… moreily offended, this isn't really the place for you, if I have to be honest.
Not saying you have to leave, but you should learn to not give a shit about these people.
Its not just the one thing. Its just another example of how ugly its getting here. People are just bitching at each other over their decisions over a damn video game. Its fine to say "just shrug it off" when its one troll in a sea of cool people but the entire forums was getting insanely pathetic with it.
If this is a big deal to Flog at all, I'd be concerned. Some random dick telling you to go kill yourself shouldn't offend you. If you're eas… moreily offended, this isn't really the place for you, if I have to be honest.
Not saying you have to leave, but you should learn to not give a shit about these people.
Although I don't know what happened exactly... I can kind of guess looking at what others have said on this thread, and Flog didn't deserve that! Nobody does. Flog's a cool person, and usually stands up for their opinions like a champ, even if they aren't the most popular of opinions, which I find really admirable. I was actually happy to see they came back earlier today when I was lurking around, but then I left for a couple hours to get some work done, and then this happened? Such a shame. You're awesome, Flog! Please don't let what a single troll said get you down.
If it's a big deal to him, then let it be, you don't have the right to tell him or anyone this isn't the place for them. Also these words get people killed, it's called Cyberbullying look it up maybe it'll educate you about some things, I hope you come back with a little more sense and respect to edit out your comment, cause that was just plain disrespectful.
If this is a big deal to Flog at all, I'd be concerned. Some random dick telling you to go kill yourself shouldn't offend you. If you're eas… moreily offended, this isn't really the place for you, if I have to be honest.
Not saying you have to leave, but you should learn to not give a shit about these people.
If this is a big deal to Flog at all, I'd be concerned. Some random dick telling you to go kill yourself shouldn't offend you. If you're eas… moreily offended, this isn't really the place for you, if I have to be honest.
Not saying you have to leave, but you should learn to not give a shit about these people.
If it's a big deal to him, then let it be, you don't have the right to tell him or anyone this isn't the place for them. Also these words ge… moret people killed, it's called Cyberbullying look it up maybe it'll educate you about some things, I hope you come back with a little more sense and respect to edit out your comment, cause that was just plain disrespectful.
If it's a big deal to him, then let it be, you don't have the right to tell him or anyone this isn't the place for them. Also these words ge… moret people killed, it's called Cyberbullying look it up maybe it'll educate you about some things, I hope you come back with a little more sense and respect to edit out your comment, cause that was just plain disrespectful.
Flog, I only recently discovered what happened. These disgusting trolls have nothing better to do with their sorry-ass little lives. Think of it that way. If this seriously offended you, we are here to support you. We don't want you to leave us. But you really shouldn't give a shit about these low-lives. They only have the intentions of inflicting prior experiences of themselves upon you. Don't be distraught by these people man. You don't deserve to feel this way.
No, he said he would leave because some sick fuck made a thread saying he should kill himself. It was really, really messed up. We're just trying to let Flog know that we all appreciate him on the forums and that we don't want to see him go.
He IS cool. Not trying to be callous, but the way I see it; all that "go kill yourself" crap shows that those P.O.S. trolls saw him as a threat. Hats off to him for having the courage to say what a lot of us were thinking.
He IS cool. Not trying to be callous, but the way I see it; all that "go kill yourself" crap shows that those P.O.S. trolls saw him as a threat. Hats off to him for having the courage to say what a lot of us were thinking.
I didn't either but I've seen Flog around and Flog's good. It's sad to me that these forums seemed to have devolved so much in the short time I've been here.
The thing is, it shouldn't matter. I've been told to kill myself by people on the internet. They're just doing it to get a reaction from me, so I don't give one.
If someone told me to kill myself for reasons unknown, I'd sure be freaked out.
It's got nothing to do with 'being easily offended'.
A… morell we know is he's not coping well with the idea that someone actually told him to kill himself, so let's give him some support, ok?
If it's a big deal to him, then let it be, you don't have the right to tell him or anyone this isn't the place for them. Also these words ge… moret people killed, it's called Cyberbullying look it up maybe it'll educate you about some things, I hope you come back with a little more sense and respect to edit out your comment, cause that was just plain disrespectful.
He shouldn't be so suprised to see a vague insult on the internet. The internet's loaded with assholes. I guess he doesn't have to learn to deal with it if he doesn't want to, but he shouldn't be suprised by it.
Well this recent issue has helped to end the nonsense that has been going on here for so long. Stick around and you'll see the forums as they were meant to be.
I didn't either but I've seen Flog around and Flog's good. It's sad to me that these forums seemed to have devolved so much in the short time I've been here.
I really don't think they are even that bad as of right now. Obviously this whole incident is terrible, but overall people have stayed in bounds from what I have seen..
Well this recent issue has helped to end the nonsense that has been going on here for so long. Stick around and you'll see the forums as they were meant to be.
Wait, what? you're creating a thread for some guy called Flog61, OK.
Anyway What happened? some troll said to him that he should commit suicide? who gives? it's internet, trolls are everywhere, just ignore their bullshit. Unless he's under 13 he won't take it seriously. Why ragequit? for attention?
Wait, what? you're creating a thread for some guy called Flog61, OK.
Anyway What happened? some troll said to him that he should commit s… moreuicide? who gives? it's internet, trolls are everywhere, just ignore their bullshit. Unless he's under 13 he won't take it seriously. Why ragequit? for attention?
"Die die die die"
"Bye guys i'm leaving forever"
"Nooo come back pls pls !oneone "
He doesn't have to learn to give a shit. If it's a big deal to him, it's whatever. What matters is if we choose to support him, which we should.
Its not just the one thing. Its just another example of how ugly its getting here. People are just bitching at each other over their decisions over a damn video game. Its fine to say "just shrug it off" when its one troll in a sea of cool people but the entire forums was getting insanely pathetic with it.
Although I don't know what happened exactly... I can kind of guess looking at what others have said on this thread, and Flog didn't deserve that! Nobody does. Flog's a cool person, and usually stands up for their opinions like a champ, even if they aren't the most popular of opinions, which I find really admirable. I was actually happy to see they came back earlier today when I was lurking around, but then I left for a couple hours to get some work done, and then this happened? Such a shame.
You're awesome, Flog! Please don't let what a single troll said get you down.
If it's a big deal to him, then let it be, you don't have the right to tell him or anyone this isn't the place for them. Also these words get people killed, it's called Cyberbullying look it up maybe it'll educate you about some things, I hope you come back with a little more sense and respect to edit out your comment, cause that was just plain disrespectful.
If someone told me to kill myself for reasons unknown, I'd sure be freaked out.
It's got nothing to do with 'being easily offended'.
All we know is he's not coping well with the idea that someone actually told him to kill himself, so let's give him some support, ok?
You took the words right out of my mouth, bud
Flog is love. Flog is life.
I'll PM ya.
Flog was the first person that i saw with the same opinion as mine.
that day i was kinda restless
i saw his comment and i was.very happy
i though that i was alone but his comment showed me that i'm not..
Ty flog from the bottom of my heart and dont do anything stupid, we all love you ^^
Thanks >:3
Oh yeah I have to make that gif for you too! Don't worry I'll have it done by tomorrow so sorry it's taking so long
Wise words from Green.
Oh yeah I have to make that gif for you too! Don't worry I'll have it done by tomorrow so sorry it's taking so long
His my hero he taught me to believe again even tho I never talked to him :'D
flog = sexy & chill
Flog, I only recently discovered what happened. These disgusting trolls have nothing better to do with their sorry-ass little lives. Think of it that way. If this seriously offended you, we are here to support you. We don't want you to leave us. But you really shouldn't give a shit about these low-lives. They only have the intentions of inflicting prior experiences of themselves upon you. Don't be distraught by these people man. You don't deserve to feel this way.
Flog is a nice guy from what I've seen.
What??? Im glad that person got banned. That's not okay.
i dont know flog but i did see the hate thread in question and it was indeed hella not cool.
He IS cool. Not trying to be callous, but the way I see it; all that "go kill yourself" crap shows that those P.O.S. trolls saw him as a threat. Hats off to him for having the courage to say what a lot of us were thinking.
I didn't actually see what happened, but, I agree with you.
Eh, I'm not going to elaborate but something bad happened.
It was bad enough to where I am leaving this up in the Walking Dead section unclosed for a reason.
Thank you Green!
And it's okay. 
I didn't either but I've seen Flog around and Flog's good. It's sad to me that these forums seemed to have devolved so much in the short time I've been here.
The thing is, it shouldn't matter. I've been told to kill myself by people on the internet. They're just doing it to get a reaction from me, so I don't give one.
I've been on the internet long enough to form a stance on the topic, but uh, thanks for trying to "educate" me.
And edit out my comment? Please. I'm not going to censor my own opinion.
He shouldn't be so suprised to see a vague insult on the internet. The internet's loaded with assholes. I guess he doesn't have to learn to deal with it if he doesn't want to, but he shouldn't be suprised by it.
Well this recent issue has helped to end the nonsense that has been going on here for so long. Stick around and you'll see the forums as they were meant to be.
Hmm sure Flog is cool. I've only talked to him like once, but he seemed nice and chill.
I don't know you flog but I like your face!
I really don't think they are even that bad as of right now. Obviously this whole incident is terrible, but overall people have stayed in bounds from what I have seen..
Flog is coolest , most sensible guy I've ever met on the forum, he has an awesome English that always amazes me. I think he deserves to be a mod.
Flog is a hardened survivor... he will be back..
Ive seen that guy hack through a hurd to save a puppy in the snow, he's relentless.
No worries here , hes just having a smoke, he'll be back...
Look at all your supporters Flog61!!!
I've got something in my eye thanks to this beautiful thread that shows a united and friendly community!
OUR FLOG IS AN AWESOME FLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait, what? you're creating a thread for some guy called Flog61, OK.
Anyway What happened? some troll said to him that he should commit suicide? who gives? it's internet, trolls are everywhere, just ignore their bullshit. Unless he's under 13 he won't take it seriously. Why ragequit? for attention?
"Die die die die"
"Bye guys i'm leaving forever"
"Nooo come back pls pls !oneone "
still like your profile photo
This isnt the time...
Time for what?
I'm just curious. Trolls are everywhere, why quit because of them? Just click on Report and don't take their shit seriously.
What should i do? beg him to come back? No, i'm not gonna do that. He'll come back eventually, they always do.