Dang i hate to see you go flog your a awesome dude they be just jealous of your awesomeness like others have said if you do decide to stay ill be abit more happy but if your going let hope ya have a good life buddy but dont let these trolls upset you
I second that, he banned me for calling NukemDukem a douchebag... and GOUSTTTT, Lingvort and girrafehat too even when they didn't say almost anything bad.
It's alright buddy , these people are just bunch of low life who have nothing to do with their lives, Don't let them bring you down, you're bigger than that, mate.
The only thing I can tell you is, don't leave us. XD
I'm sorry i wasn't around to help with this situation last night and after reading what happened i feel bad about not being here to help. Th… moreose type of troll comments are NOT acceptable and i will make a conscious effort to be online more to try and stop things like this from happening.
Makes you wonder what kind of life these degenerates lead, its actually very sad...
I know its probably shocked ya flog but personaly I would be concerned about what color socks im going to wear tomorrow..... just some kid who's parents probably dont give a shit about him and feels the need to gain attention in anyway he can... life is filled with em, best learn now to shake ya head and leave em in the gutter of life...
You'll be back.... your can't resist this place.... and its the weekend now, and we all know what CrazzyGeorge gets like on the weekend after comsuming 3x his body weight in alcohol.... just as long as he doesnt do that lap dance thing again in that grass skirt of blindsnipers...... still having nightmares...
Suffering as I do from infrequent but prominent panic attacks, my age can seem lower when in those situations without actually seeing my face as is the nature of the internet. But generally that isn't the case.
Those things are indeed true.
Suffering as I do from infrequent but prominent panic attacks, my age can seem lower when in those situations without actually seeing my face as is the nature of the internet. But generally that isn't the case.
Flog, welcome back! As has been said, don't let one idiot run you off. They don't matter and they are not coming back. Stand your ground the way you always do. People want you here.
Those things are indeed true.
Suffering as I do from infrequent but prominent panic attacks, my age can seem lower when in those situations without actually seeing my face as is the nature of the internet. But generally that isn't the case.
Flog, welcome back! As has been said, don't let one idiot run you off. They don't matter and they are not coming back. Stand your ground the way you always do. People want you here.
I just want to say thank you to the kind words of all of you.
I'm aware I didn't handle this in the best way by a long shot, but to paraphrase some walknig dead character I can't remember (Molly or Lilly?), 'That was just the end of a shitty day for me'.
I'd been struggling on the forum yesterday for x y and z reasons I'm not going to go into, but that post just kind of triggered me off. As mentioned above, I suffer from reasonably infrequent but powerful panic attacks. You've probably noticed it before: usually I post with reasonable grammar and vocabulary, but when I'm going through one my fingers kind of feel oddly detached from my mind and I get out half sentences and stuff that doesn't really make sense.
Regardless, I feel some time away from the forums will do me good. I may still read them from time to time, but I'm unlikely to engage in any discussion.
There are those who I'm sure think I just started this thread for attention or whatever. Well, that isn't true, but you're welcome to continue thinking it if it makes you feel more secure.
Thanks again for the kind words. This sentiment goes out to the other post about the event as well, of course. I don't want to spam the forums with the same message however, so I hope those awesome people will see it here.
I just want to say thank you to the kind words of all of you.
I'm aware I didn't handle this in the best way by a long shot, but to parap… morehrase some walknig dead character I can't remember (Molly or Lilly?), 'That was just the end of a shitty day for me'.
I'd been struggling on the forum yesterday for x y and z reasons I'm not going to go into, but that post just kind of triggered me off. As mentioned above, I suffer from reasonably infrequent but powerful panic attacks. You've probably noticed it before: usually I post with reasonable grammar and vocabulary, but when I'm going through one my fingers kind of feel oddly detached from my mind and I get out half sentences and stuff that doesn't really make sense.
Regardless, I feel some time away from the forums will do me good. I may still read them from time to time, but I'm unlikely to engage in any discussion.
There are those who I'm sure think I just started this thread for atten… [view original content]
Flog, welcome back! As has been said, don't let one idiot run you off. They don't matter and they are not coming back. Stand your ground the way you always do. People want you here.
Take as long as you need if you feel it's best for you. I totally understand wanting to be done with all the nonsense. I'm glad you got to see how many people support you and checked in.
I just want to say thank you to the kind words of all of you.
I'm aware I didn't handle this in the best way by a long shot, but to parap… morehrase some walknig dead character I can't remember (Molly or Lilly?), 'That was just the end of a shitty day for me'.
I'd been struggling on the forum yesterday for x y and z reasons I'm not going to go into, but that post just kind of triggered me off. As mentioned above, I suffer from reasonably infrequent but powerful panic attacks. You've probably noticed it before: usually I post with reasonable grammar and vocabulary, but when I'm going through one my fingers kind of feel oddly detached from my mind and I get out half sentences and stuff that doesn't really make sense.
Regardless, I feel some time away from the forums will do me good. I may still read them from time to time, but I'm unlikely to engage in any discussion.
There are those who I'm sure think I just started this thread for atten… [view original content]
Stay strong, Flog. Alt accounts are people bored with their lives so much, that they take enjoyment of trying to ruin others. They won't get a job, a house, a loving family or anything like that by treating someone like shit. But if you ignore it, and keep your head up and always move forward, then you're going to live a happy life.
Thing is, I'm not convinced: I went on that thread about 1 minute after it was started and it already had about 4 likes. He'd have to log in and out very quickly for that to be the case.
Also, on his profile it showed that he only made the account to post it, and that means his 10 alt accounts or whatever were probably made around the same time. If that's the case, wouldn't it be very obvious to the mods or something? And why haven't those alt accounts posted anything nasty as well?
Stay strong, Flog. Alt accounts are people bored with their lives so much, that they take enjoyment of trying to ruin others. They won't get… more a job, a house, a loving family or anything like that by treating someone like shit. But if you ignore it, and keep your head up and always move forward, then you're going to live a happy life.
Whoever posted something like that to you is a pathetic little twerp. You, on the other hand, seem like a fine person to me, and I hope you won't let the troll get you down.
Yeah, if it definitely is alt accounts
Thing is, I'm not convinced: I went on that thread about 1 minute after it was started and it alr… moreeady had about 4 likes. He'd have to log in and out very quickly for that to be the case.
Also, on his profile it showed that he only made the account to post it, and that means his 10 alt accounts or whatever were probably made around the same time. If that's the case, wouldn't it be very obvious to the mods or something? And why haven't those alt accounts posted anything nasty as well?
Maybe it's an IP ban or something I guess
what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. @Flog61, who did this, I'm am disgusted. I... don't know what to say. But don't go man, that was some serious shit, but the OP is banned now you are safe, so please don't leave . i was so happy when you came back.
But then that kinda ruins the hypothesis that they're some lowlife with no friends or life, if they've got 10 friends who he's close enough with that they'll make an account on a forum and go and upvote some random tirade against a person they've never heard of
what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. @Flog61, who did this, I'm am disgusted. I... don't know what to say. But don't go man, that was some serious shit, but the OP is banned now you are safe, so please don't leave . i was so happy when you came back.
I know you don't know me, but I remember when you actually replied to a few of my comments back on the TWAU forums. You seem like a chill guy, relaxed too! Don't let whoever it is bring you down like that!
Dang i hate to see you go flog your a awesome dude they be just jealous of your awesomeness like others have said if you do decide to stay ill be abit more happy but if your going let hope ya have a good life buddy but dont let these trolls upset you
Wtf why you copying my name? There can only be one Legendary and thats me...
I second that, he banned me for calling NukemDukem a douchebag... and GOUSTTTT, Lingvort and girrafehat too even when they didn't say almost anything bad.
It's alright buddy , these people are just bunch of low life who have nothing to do with their lives, Don't let them bring you down, you're bigger than that, mate.
The only thing I can tell you is, don't leave us. XD
A world filled with haters.
Why must people be so harsh? The world is filled with good, but clouded by bad.
Yep those trolls usually dont hurt people but when they do they cause big trouble
It's ok everybody.
You all still have me, Everyone'sClemInTime. The greatest member on these forums.
Don't be sad, I'll be here to keep the forums together
May Randy and Edith bless you in your adventures.
Edith is love
Randy is life
Oh, also, I am taking this very seriously, see ya Flog, you were a great guy.
Flog remember this...
"You don't just end it because its hard, you stick it out and help the folks you care about"
You can't be to blame for the idiots that we share this planet with..
You carnt be on all the time...
More mods wouldnt go a miss tho imo..
Gota love keyboard warrior's...
Makes you wonder what kind of life these degenerates lead, its actually very sad...
I know its probably shocked ya flog but personaly I would be concerned about what color socks im going to wear tomorrow..... just some kid who's parents probably dont give a shit about him and feels the need to gain attention in anyway he can... life is filled with em, best learn now to shake ya head and leave em in the gutter of life...
You'll be back.... your can't resist this place.... and its the weekend now, and we all know what CrazzyGeorge gets like on the weekend after comsuming 3x his body weight in alcohol.... just as long as he doesnt do that lap dance thing again in that grass skirt of blindsnipers...... still having nightmares...
Speak soon friend
Why do you make that affect you too much?
Well it seems like Flog is rather young. It wouldn't affect some adult that much. Bye cya.
Flog mentioned a husband, I believe, so not that young.
Those things are indeed true.
Suffering as I do from infrequent but prominent panic attacks, my age can seem lower when in those situations without actually seeing my face as is the nature of the internet. But generally that isn't the case.
We got your back!
Flog, welcome back! As has been said, don't let one idiot run you off. They don't matter and they are not coming back. Stand your ground the way you always do. People want you here.
Its not about how hard you can hit, its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward!
I just want to say thank you to the kind words of all of you.
I'm aware I didn't handle this in the best way by a long shot, but to paraphrase some walknig dead character I can't remember (Molly or Lilly?), 'That was just the end of a shitty day for me'.
I'd been struggling on the forum yesterday for x y and z reasons I'm not going to go into, but that post just kind of triggered me off. As mentioned above, I suffer from reasonably infrequent but powerful panic attacks. You've probably noticed it before: usually I post with reasonable grammar and vocabulary, but when I'm going through one my fingers kind of feel oddly detached from my mind and I get out half sentences and stuff that doesn't really make sense.
Regardless, I feel some time away from the forums will do me good. I may still read them from time to time, but I'm unlikely to engage in any discussion.
There are those who I'm sure think I just started this thread for attention or whatever. Well, that isn't true, but you're welcome to continue thinking it if it makes you feel more secure.
Thanks again for the kind words. This sentiment goes out to the other post about the event as well, of course. I don't want to spam the forums with the same message however, so I hope those awesome people will see it here.
That's really not necessary, he was just a dumb troll and it came at a bad time.
March, predicted. Could be earlier, though, as twins are more likely to be born early.
Do what you think is best, your awesome man!
Haha thank you
Thanks K, although to be honest I do think spending some time away would be helpful.
Take as long as you need if you feel it's best for you. I totally understand wanting to be done with all the nonsense. I'm glad you got to see how many people support you and checked in.
Stay strong, Flog. Alt accounts are people bored with their lives so much, that they take enjoyment of trying to ruin others. They won't get a job, a house, a loving family or anything like that by treating someone like shit. But if you ignore it, and keep your head up and always move forward, then you're going to live a happy life.
Yeah, if it definitely is alt accounts
Thing is, I'm not convinced: I went on that thread about 1 minute after it was started and it already had about 4 likes. He'd have to log in and out very quickly for that to be the case.
Also, on his profile it showed that he only made the account to post it, and that means his 10 alt accounts or whatever were probably made around the same time. If that's the case, wouldn't it be very obvious to the mods or something? And why haven't those alt accounts posted anything nasty as well?
Maybe it's an IP ban or something I guess
Whoever posted something like that to you is a pathetic little twerp. You, on the other hand, seem like a fine person to me, and I hope you won't let the troll get you down.
It could be friends/family members accounts?
what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. @Flog61, who did this, I'm am disgusted. I... don't know what to say. But don't go man, that was some serious shit, but the OP is banned now you are safe, so please don't leave
. i was so happy when you came back.
But then that kinda ruins the hypothesis that they're some lowlife with no friends or life, if they've got 10 friends who he's close enough with that they'll make an account on a forum and go and upvote some random tirade against a person they've never heard of
i wish i could have been there, but this happened while i was sleeping, I'm sorry for not being there @FLog61, i really am
It's ok, don't worry
who did this, and what do i do when you are gone, id be glad to continue your fight for freedom
Some guy started the thread and then 10 unknown forumites upvoted it.
I know you don't know me, but I remember when you actually replied to a few of my comments back on the TWAU forums. You seem like a chill guy, relaxed too! Don't let whoever it is bring you down like that!