So i was an accident
My parents just informed me my birth was an accident, hm, I guess cuban birth control pills suck.
Though it's kinda cool knowing i'm here even though I wasn't intended to exist, So I wanna know- any fellow accidents here on the forums?
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I wasn't planned either. It was fairly obvious since my mom was 18 when she had me.
At least you exist...
As someone who doesn't exist, I second this statement. It's a rough existence.
are you just cool with this? if it was me, i think i would be a little sad. But yeah, i was intended, so i wouldn't know how it feels
Well, my parents wanted a second child, but they didn't specifically plan me, either, so I guess I could technically qualify.
Well I guess I'm part accident lol. My parents wanted a girl, but instead they got this ravishing fellow right here.
Had me when they were 36-41 so... yeah. I guess they wanted me. I wouldn't be sad if I wasn't planned. If they said I was planned to be aborted then fuck yeah I would be sad.
wait.... your parents told you that they actually wanted a girl.... LOL, that sucks
I never understood why parents would tell their children they were an accident.
me neither, its not like they can use the information for anything, other than realizing that your parents didn't want you
I don't understand that, either. Telling your kid, 'Oh, by the way. You were an accident, so, yeah! Love you!'
M parents used the word 'unplanned' with me; the story attatched to it has haunted my dreams and have no idea what to make of it, either.
I must admit I thought this title was a funny typo and you inteneded to say in an accident.
And it doesn't bother you at all?
Why did they tell you that kind of thing? Did you have a big argument?
I know I wouldn't tell my kids that stuff even if it's true, it's hurtful to know you only exist because of a 'mistake'.
But it's a good thing that mistake was made
I was told , doesn't really bother me much because my parents said they are happy that I'm here now. My parents loved me so I was not really bothered
Yeah, I guess it doesn't change that much, if they don't let you feel it, then it's okay to tell you that.
Well that wasn't what I meant,but whatever.
There was a snowstorm where I was born so my Dad couldn't go off to work as the airports were closed. So, yeah, though they were planning to have me later anyway. Well maybe not "me" but someone else. What would his personality be like? Would he be like me or have some other characteristics? It's an interesting question.
My mom flat out said to me and my siblings 'you were all accidents but I love each and every one of you.' Guess condoms and birth control was a no and YOLO was big in the late 80's and early 90's for my folks.
Plus, she told me HOW I was conceived. Ummm. Wow, thanks mom. Batman, bubble bath and Keith go from there. XD
LOL, I can understand the bubble bath and Keith Sweat part, but Batman?
I'm not sad honestly, If they told me that I was an accident and then tried to abort/ set me up for adoption then i would be sad.
Wasn't too bothered, sure it's something to think about but in the end if they didn't love me then they wouldn't have raised me for so many years.
Now that's the type of story I wanna hear but at the same time don't wanna hear.
Something about she was Poison Ivy and he was Batman. Oh my poor fragile little mind! XD
thats good
. its not like i want you to be sad, as long as they love you, then its all good 
PS: i still don't see why they told you that you were an accident? what is the point of you knowing?
Well, it wasn't directly brought up just to let me know, It was just brought up in the conversation of discussing my sister-in-law's pregnancy.
ahh ok