If you were a writer for Telltale, what would you make a s2 about?

As we all sit here and "patiently" wait for a hopeful announcement for s2, what are some ideas you would incorporate into a second season if you were a writer at Telltale? If you think writing a whole season would be too much, what would you make a DLC based off of?

I'll start. I think a murder case where Bigby is being framed as the main suspect would be awesome, and you play as Bigby trying to find out who the real killer is and clear your name. For a DLC, I just want all the questions left in Cry Wolf explained.

What about you? What would your ideal s2 be about?


  • edited September 2014

    For a DLC, I would set it on The Farm and you play as TJ since Bigby is not allowed on The Farm. Doing so will give players an insight on what life is like there and why many Fables, like Colin, hate it there. It would also give a glimpse of revolution to come with Goldilocks and the Three Bears like in the comics.

    For a Season 2, I like the idea of Bigby being framed for a murder and he has to find who the real killer is. I would personally add some canon characters from the comics like Cinderella, Boy Blue, Pinocchio, and so on to make those unfamiliar with the comics more familiar; I like the character's Telltale made but I want to see more of the canon characters. Since Snow is now the Deputy Mayor, I would add her ex-husband Charming and her sister Rose to add some tension in the plot. I would also bring back Detective Brannigan and give her a bigger role.

    Oh and it would be set in the winter so that we can see Bigby's badass trench coat. XD

  • Almost everything you said would work except Rose Red and Charming appearing because it would go against canon.

    For a DLC, I would set it on The Farm and you play as TJ since Bigby is not allowed on The Farm. Doing so will give players an insight on wh

  • I also like the idea of Bigby being framed for a murder and having to prove his innocence. So probably that.

    I´m terrible at details so I´ll leave it at that.

  • Why? I read somewhere that ever since Snow became Deputy Mayor, Rose would raise some hell in order to embarrass her (something along those lines). As for Charming, well I'd imagine that he would come over and try to charm her out of something since she has an high official position, which is very unlikely.

    papai46 posted: »

    Almost everything you said would work except Rose Red and Charming appearing because it would go against canon.

  • Rose Red is a possibility, but it is not possible for Charming. He is said to have been traveling for years and just came back to Fabletown by the time of issue 1.

    Why? I read somewhere that ever since Snow became Deputy Mayor, Rose would raise some hell in order to embarrass her (something along those

  • Well that's a shame, I would really want to add him in because he would add so much tension for Snow.

    Rose Red is a possibility, but it is not possible for Charming. He is said to have been traveling for years and just came back to Fabletown by the time of issue 1.

  • I like the Bigby being framed for murder idea. Working off of that, I'd have the Mundy police get involved and begin to uncover clues about Fabletown. In the end, Bigby and Detective Brannigan will have to work together in order to capture the real killer.

  • A really want to see before the Fables escaped the Homelands. Maybe Boy Blue fighting the Adversary armies or something with Prince Charming.

  • How about Fables escaping the Homelands for a DLC. Just think about it, we would get to see how Bigby first met Rose and Snow and how he got his human form a couple of centuries later before leaving. Boy Blue's last stand at the castle and his affair with (fake) Red Riding Hood before escaping with Bluebeard and many others. Beauty and Beast hastily leaving the Homelands (I assumed this because when they arrived in Fabletown they had nothing but their clothes). Such DLC would involve a lot of action.

    KCohere posted: »

    A really want to see before the Fables escaped the Homelands. Maybe Boy Blue fighting the Adversary armies or something with Prince Charming.

  • A dlc nice will be the boy blue homeland and the battle( who read the comics know what i talk about).But it will be too long.

  • Spoiler

    Season 1 Spoilers!

    The Farm would definitely work, I'd love to meet some of the Farm characters I've read about in the WIki (never read the comics, but plan to buy them because of this amazing game). I could get behind the idea of Bigby getting framed for murder and proving his innocence, and I'd vote for the victim to be dependant on whether or not you spared Dum in Season 1. I didn't, so whoever framed Bigby could kill Dee and pin it on him. You could work with Holly and Gren based on how you stuck up for them when the brothers shot up the funeral, and brought Lily's killer to justice. I'm not so clear on who they could kill and blame Bigby otherwise, maybe both Tweedles? They have a pretty bitter past and, unless I'm mistaken, the Tweedles aren't involved in the comics so they'd work for a plot like this. And who am I kidding, I'd just REALLY like to see them dead.

  • They'd have to be careful not to step on the events of the comic but it sounds good to me.

    werewolf7 posted: »

    How about Fables escaping the Homelands for a DLC. Just think about it, we would get to see how Bigby first met Rose and Snow and how he got

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