wtf America I'm trying to listen to the music channels and everytime there is a break I have … moreto see these bullshit show trailers like this one I seen a minute ago
So they are straight but want to be gay to get people and boys to like them by pretending to be gay? LOGIC and the school actually gives a shit and by the looks of it by the end they realize it doesn't matter about being popular they are actually gay for eachother and they fall in love the end
My Irish brain can't even handle the trailers to these shows
Can anyone come up with the stupidest idea for a teenage girl drama?
Well, walked all the way there and back again, they really need to start being responsible and tell me when the fuck I'm supposed to be there, but at least I got some inspiration to continue writing, so I ain't mad.
He had it coming. I am not really violent but if I have to defend my self I will, and I will do it damnn good. On the other hand I got 2 days detention but who gives a shit.
He had it coming. I am not really violent but if I have to defend my self I will, and I will do it damnn good. On the other hand I got 2 days detention but who gives a shit.
So my GF wants to sit and watch Disney movies when I'm finished having my 'guy' time on the internet.
It better be The Little Mermaid and not that butthole Aladdin! XD
So I was bored so I tested to see were my sistahs here the bad kind of gamer gurls by PM by asking their favorite games and then these questions they passed but I found their answers to these questions so interesting and the lounge is so quiet I'll share their answers
Honestly, I hate this question because there's pretty much no way you can express your opinion (especially in a public forum) without getting at least some people mad at you. You already probably know that I'm a huge believer in equality (though true equality probably won't ever happen any time soon), and I think that men and women should be on equal terms with each other. I don't see women as inferior or superior, nor men either. A lot of video games industries are employed with male programmers (not all, but a good majority), so naturally their ideas of how a female should be presented in a video game is shoddy. I don't like how (in some games) the female is always represented as the "damsel in distress" type, destined to be saved by the lead (male) role. HOWEVER, I also don't like when female main characters, and even background characters who happen to be female, are unrealistically "bad ass" (example: Lara Croft). Sure, she can be strong, but can't she be realistic too? I prefer games with realistic (female) characters, like Clementine in TWDG. For the most part she is realistic. (Note how I said "the most part". I agree that there are some things about her character that are a little bit too much, but I digress). But I do think that there are some gaming companies who treat women in their video games pretty much the same way - as prizes that need to be won in order to complete the game (example: Princess Peach)
What's your idea of a perfect female character?
I like strong female characters, but realistic as well. Don't give her a bunch of useless talents just for the sake of making a strong female character - actually put some thought into her. Give her dreams, hopes, goals. Don't just slap a sword onto her and make her join the army to save her lover or some shit just because you feel that there are too many strong male characters and not enough female ones. The perfect female character HAS to be believable. If she's not, no buy. I have to feel connected to her in some way. I have to feel like I understand what makes her tick, and what drives her to accomplish these goals.
Most females aren't given a lot of development and are mainly used to appeal to male gamers with scantily-clad outfits and not much personality. They are also used as damsels in distress. Fortunately, the gaming world is evolving and adding female characters with much more depth and substance to them.
My idea of a perfect female character would be a strong heroine that develops throughout the game.I'd want her to be intelligent and not have to depend on male characters. I don't want her to have huge D cup breasts and an unpractical, exposed outfit. Zoey for L4D is an example of a female character who does not follow this trope- she wears a simple hoodie and jeans. She is very relatable and a strong female presence. I'd like room for faults, as I wouldn't want her to be flawlessly badass. She should have weaknesses but an overall inner and outer strength that pushes her through the game's challenges.
It might make some people think that because they don't look like that, that they're not good enough. They need to be better to reach that level of perfection, and if they don't then there not good enough to appreciate who they already are.
"In Hollywood I'm obese. I'm considered a fat actress. I'll eat like a caveman, I'll be that only actress that doesn't have anorexia rumors! I'm never going to starve myself for a part. I'm invincible. I don't want little girls to be like "Oh, I want to be like Jennifer, so I'm going to skip dinner!" - Jennifer Lawrence.
These perfect girls are making others not want to be who they are. Who they were meant to me, who God created them to be. Not what some video game character shows what you should look like. Be who you are. Not what you think you need to be. Okay I'm going off topic here...
It puts guys expectations way to high. That if some girl doesn't look as perfect as some chick in a video game that they're playing, "I'm not going to even bother to get to know her 'cause she doesn't look the way I expect her to". Then they grow up to being a douche. Doesn't grow up to be a gentleman, the way he should have.
What's your idea of a perfect female character?
None. It doesn't exist. There is no perfect video game character. I don't care what you say, or what you do, it doesn't exist.
That's hard evil partner, since I don't really play a lot of games. I feel like they're represented as "sexy" women, because people still think guys are the only ones who will play it, and they think they need to catch their attention. I might be wrong. And I don't think have an idea of a perfect female character. Just something original is good enough most of the times.
My opinion, huh? Ok. I think that in a world where the two sexes are alnost even it is unfare to think that girls don not fit in the gaming industry, not only as buyers, but working there as well. Now about a perfect female character, I would have to go with an imperfect woman. You know, not Lara 's boobs (before the reboot) not as brave as Clem and not as objectified as the dead or alive beach volleyball. They should be atrractive in a way, they should be strong, maybe a little dark, with short hair and millitary boots. Maybe with freacles, not much makeup and scared. Cause making a woman genuis, fearless and the hottest shit around is as bad as making the a head on a pair of boobs.
For me I look for a a common dominator or a trend in all the different perspectives to get an definite answer I used to think for me anyway I hate stupid hot damsels in distress the more badass the better like Ellie in TLOU the hero instead of the victim the more badass the better.
I learned from the girls they don't want a perfect heroine badass female they want a realistic character who despite their weaknesses overcome challenges with fight and grit a more earned way to becoming a badass an average girl who must overcome her weaknesses to find strength in a sense a victim turned winner would be their perfect hero.
The damsel in distress who came out of herself and weaknesses to save or defeat a problem or person
Like for example Princess Peach saving Mario instead sort of thing a girl coming out of her shell to become the hero
So my GF wants to sit and watch Disney movies when I'm finished having my 'guy' time on the internet.
It better be The Little Mermaid and not that butthole Aladdin! XD
So I was bored so I tested to see were my sistahs here the bad kind of gamer gurls by PM by asking their favorite games and then these quest… moreions they passed but I found their answers to these questions so interesting and the lounge is so quiet I'll share their answers
Are you a gamer gurl challenge
How do you feel females are represented in games?
What's your idea of a perfect female character?
How do you feel females are represented in games?
Honestly, I hate this question because there's pretty much no way you can express your opinion (especially in a public forum) without getting at least some people mad at you. You already probably know that I'm a huge believer in equality (though true equality probably won't ever happen any time soon), and I think that men and women should be on equal terms with each other. I don't see women as inferior or superior, nor men either. A lot … [view original content]
So I was bored so I tested to see were my sistahs here the bad kind of gamer gurls by PM by asking their favorite games and then these quest… moreions they passed but I found their answers to these questions so interesting and the lounge is so quiet I'll share their answers
Are you a gamer gurl challenge
How do you feel females are represented in games?
What's your idea of a perfect female character?
How do you feel females are represented in games?
Honestly, I hate this question because there's pretty much no way you can express your opinion (especially in a public forum) without getting at least some people mad at you. You already probably know that I'm a huge believer in equality (though true equality probably won't ever happen any time soon), and I think that men and women should be on equal terms with each other. I don't see women as inferior or superior, nor men either. A lot … [view original content]
Yeah but I punched him harder... >:}
How about.
Looks like Steven Buscemi with bigger eyes
MTV be like
High five brotah!
what the actual fuck!!!
Well yeah kinda
Well, walked all the way there and back again, they really need to start being responsible and tell me when the fuck I'm supposed to be there, but at least I got some inspiration to continue writing, so I ain't mad.
You should still never punch girls but well done
Wair for it to heal xD
He had it coming. I am not really violent but if I have to defend my self I will, and I will do it damnn good. On the other hand I got 2 days detention but who gives a shit.
I'm so sorrythat a guy would ever hit a girl tho of course you were right and that was so badass but wtf his a coward :'/
I'll do my practicing ;:D
When did Arvo grow claws?
So my GF wants to sit and watch Disney movies when I'm finished having my 'guy' time on the internet.
It better be The Little Mermaid and not that butthole Aladdin! XD
No, I am just too badass for him.
Violent Mood Swings, lol.
So I was bored so I tested to see were my sistahs here the bad kind of gamer gurls by PM by asking their favorite games and then these questions they passed but I found their answers to these questions so interesting and the lounge is so quiet I'll share their answers
How do you feel females are represented in games?
Honestly, I hate this question because there's pretty much no way you can express your opinion (especially in a public forum) without getting at least some people mad at you. You already probably know that I'm a huge believer in equality (though true equality probably won't ever happen any time soon), and I think that men and women should be on equal terms with each other. I don't see women as inferior or superior, nor men either. A lot of video games industries are employed with male programmers (not all, but a good majority), so naturally their ideas of how a female should be presented in a video game is shoddy. I don't like how (in some games) the female is always represented as the "damsel in distress" type, destined to be saved by the lead (male) role. HOWEVER, I also don't like when female main characters, and even background characters who happen to be female, are unrealistically "bad ass" (example: Lara Croft). Sure, she can be strong, but can't she be realistic too? I prefer games with realistic (female) characters, like Clementine in TWDG. For the most part she is realistic. (Note how I said "the most part". I agree that there are some things about her character that are a little bit too much, but I digress). But I do think that there are some gaming companies who treat women in their video games pretty much the same way - as prizes that need to be won in order to complete the game (example: Princess Peach)
What's your idea of a perfect female character?
I like strong female characters, but realistic as well. Don't give her a bunch of useless talents just for the sake of making a strong female character - actually put some thought into her. Give her dreams, hopes, goals. Don't just slap a sword onto her and make her join the army to save her lover or some shit just because you feel that there are too many strong male characters and not enough female ones. The perfect female character HAS to be believable. If she's not, no buy. I have to feel connected to her in some way. I have to feel like I understand what makes her tick, and what drives her to accomplish these goals.
Most females aren't given a lot of development and are mainly used to appeal to male gamers with scantily-clad outfits and not much personality. They are also used as damsels in distress. Fortunately, the gaming world is evolving and adding female characters with much more depth and substance to them.
My idea of a perfect female character would be a strong heroine that develops throughout the game.I'd want her to be intelligent and not have to depend on male characters. I don't want her to have huge D cup breasts and an unpractical, exposed outfit. Zoey for L4D is an example of a female character who does not follow this trope- she wears a simple hoodie and jeans. She is very relatable and a strong female presence. I'd like room for faults, as I wouldn't want her to be flawlessly badass. She should have weaknesses but an overall inner and outer strength that pushes her through the game's challenges.
How do you feel females are represented in games?
They make them the "perfect girl". No flaws, imperfection, deficiency, nothing. They're perfect.
It might make some people think that because they don't look like that, that they're not good enough. They need to be better to reach that level of perfection, and if they don't then there not good enough to appreciate who they already are.
"In Hollywood I'm obese. I'm considered a fat actress. I'll eat like a caveman, I'll be that only actress that doesn't have anorexia rumors! I'm never going to starve myself for a part. I'm invincible. I don't want little girls to be like "Oh, I want to be like Jennifer, so I'm going to skip dinner!" - Jennifer Lawrence.
These perfect girls are making others not want to be who they are. Who they were meant to me, who God created them to be. Not what some video game character shows what you should look like. Be who you are. Not what you think you need to be. Okay I'm going off topic here...
It puts guys expectations way to high. That if some girl doesn't look as perfect as some chick in a video game that they're playing, "I'm not going to even bother to get to know her 'cause she doesn't look the way I expect her to". Then they grow up to being a douche. Doesn't grow up to be a gentleman, the way he should have.
What's your idea of a perfect female character?
None. It doesn't exist. There is no perfect video game character. I don't care what you say, or what you do, it doesn't exist.
That's hard evil partner, since I don't really play a lot of games.
I feel like they're represented as "sexy" women, because people still think guys are the only ones who will play it, and they think they need to catch their attention. I might be wrong.
And I don't think have an idea of a perfect female character. Just something original is good enough most of the times.
My opinion, huh? Ok. I think that in a world where the two sexes are alnost even it is unfare to think that girls don not fit in the gaming industry, not only as buyers, but working there as well. Now about a perfect female character, I would have to go with an imperfect woman. You know, not Lara 's boobs (before the reboot) not as brave as Clem and not as objectified as the dead or alive beach volleyball. They should be atrractive in a way, they should be strong, maybe a little dark, with short hair and millitary boots. Maybe with freacles, not much makeup and scared. Cause making a woman genuis, fearless and the hottest shit around is as bad as making the a head on a pair of boobs.
For me I look for a a common dominator or a trend in all the different perspectives to get an definite answer I used to think for me anyway I hate stupid hot damsels in distress the more badass the better like Ellie in TLOU the hero instead of the victim the more badass the better.
I learned from the girls they don't want a perfect heroine badass female they want a realistic character who despite their weaknesses overcome challenges with fight and grit a more earned way to becoming a badass an average girl who must overcome her weaknesses to find strength in a sense a victim turned winner would be their perfect hero.
The damsel in distress who came out of herself and weaknesses to save or defeat a problem or person
Like for example Princess Peach saving Mario instead sort of thing a girl coming out of her shell to become the hero
Anyway I find it interesting
LMAO! No wonder you didn't answer my message! XD
Nah, man! Beauty and the Beast!
She looks like she is high. And that is not how you wear blood.
That seriously me when I am trying not to laugh.
XD ew flagged
Some nice insight...
Yay! She unblocked me.
Your bio made me LMAO anyway carry on XD
This is really well made. buddy.
wat? but good
Lol his bio xD
Great, what about the other girl?
Oh that.. Good for you.
I just want to be friends with the one who blocked me, and she unblocked me so I'm gonna try and do that. The other girl I will try to get with...
You can PM any of us, if you want.
Uh.. I want to talk to someone right now.