Just went out shooting! My nephew got his new AK-47 and my dad's pistol and we found a nice spot in the middle of nowhere got a bunch of soda cans and bottles full and went to town! First time I ever held a loaded weapon let alone fired one
so bloody bad thank god the us version got canceled after what 2 episodes or something doesn't matters its just dogshit
Men ARE NOT mind readers.
I do kinda agree with this one, but sometimes body language is obvious and showing that something is wrong.
… moreLearn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.
It's a sign of respect. Also, women automatically sit whereas men stand and can see the seat is down right in front of them.
Sunday sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.
Okay, but you're cleaning up after.
Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.
That's fine (tackles three girls to get the last size XS)
Crying is blackmail.
Crocodile tears, sure. Genuine crying isn't, and shouldn't, be treated as manipulation.
Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it… [view original content]
Okay. ^-^
Quick question, do you have steam?
. You should get one if you want.
:DDD cool. Well, happy birthday! I'm not late then.
I'll post some stuff, maybe it will come back.
"you look like my uncle"
This place is dead...
I feel dead.
I don't have a good PC
That's last one has so many typos. (I didn't make it)
Darn it.
Sorry :c
"Some people need to be surrounded by death to feel alive" ,Well this place is kind of dead right now...
RIP to Everyone...
rip to everyone
I mean I'm just really sick. It's dead here too though.
This little girl is so friggin adorable. Even though she walks in on her parents xD
so bloody bad thank god the us version got canceled after what 2 episodes or something doesn't matters its just dogshit
Just went out shooting! My nephew got his new AK-47 and my dad's pistol and we found a nice spot in the middle of nowhere got a bunch of soda cans and bottles full and went to town! First time I ever held a loaded weapon let alone fired one
Soon before all of us can play L4D2 together
Viva la Vida motherfuckers.
Everyone just died :x
slow dances alone
First time seeing the US version, that was just terrible.
My bestfriend's gone, but not I, I'm not gonna die young.
What if they did?
It was like 2 o' clock here.
Damn right!
Guy: Where is the nalecliper?
Mom: In the bathroom. Why do you need it?
Guy: To hunt down dragons.
It's quiet... Here's a random song: