Ok....guys i need your advice, maybe someone went trough it before.
For the last 3 year , I've been masturbating EVERY SINGLE DAY without exception ever. Every evening, I CAN'T prevent myself from touching myself. God, i even do it twice a day regularly............... it can't be healthy to fap EVERY day's like a drug for me
I already tried to hide my computer , but it doesn't work , i even do it without using it.
I'm getting concerned now because last week i masturbated in the bathroom at work... no one saw me , but god ...i feel bad that i can't control myself
** So now i decided to try a fap free month..... i will try to keep a dairy here every day and if you guys can provide support i would be so thankful
also, fell free to tell my your story if you are in the same situation !
We're gonna make it !
Edit : if you wonder i'm 19 year old
Edit 2 : Thanks you guys for being with me you guys are a very supportive and mature community !!
You shouldn't feel bad about masterbaition, if you love doing it I don't see what's the problem. It's good for you and if it helps you relax then go ahead. It's okay to feel guilty, I understand how you feel. It's just the media claims it's "Horrible" and a "sin" since y'know, most people who say it's bad only say it because of religion. If you're not a religious folk, or don't care about any of it regardless, go ahead and choke that chicken.
Me though, I don't do that. I'm a giver, seems fun anyways. If I ever had a bf and if he were to ask me about that, I wouldn't see why not. I'm assuming it's funner with a partner. So try getting a bf/gf mang so you wouldn't feel lonely or bad or whatever.
Also if you just want this habit to stop, try finding something to do while you are urged to do it. Like play a video game, read, exercise, anything to keep your mind off of things. This is something I don't recommend since it will stress you out. Like i've said, there's nothing wrong with it lol.
I quit it's easy just distract yourself.
I do it every day if I can. Don't feel bad about masturbation. It's natural. If you think you're addicted to it, maybe ask someone that you can trust with that sort of thing.
Actually, I've read that masturbation is healthy for men and it prepares you for sex life.
Don't be ashamed of it, some people like to "fap", some people don't, it's completely normal. Every guy on earth "faps" at least once in a lifetime.
It's not really bad for you. Even every day. Just don't do it in the bathroom at work, or so aggressively that you physically hurt yourself. Tell yourself that you can wait until you get home. If you can do that, I think it's better than a month-long abstinence.
XD isn't fapping meant to be good for you? It releases stress and reduces the chance of getting stuff like prostate cancer.
Phew, I was worried that this would turn into some sort of immature chain argument. It's nice to see everyone being mature about this!
It's not like you will die if you fap every day lol
And not unhealthy either, unless you like to be ahem violent. Otherwise it will relieve stress and help you to concentrate afterwards.
You know, it is not bad to musterbate but it is not good for your health to do it so often. Good luck with what you got going over there. :}
You can fap as much you want, but don't be too rough or your balls will pop and dick stop working
thanks for the advice. Between, i'm not a religious person. I want to stop because at the point i am , I don't even do it anymore because i'm turned on, i do it because i feel empty if i don't
yeah but by unhealthy i mean on the psychological level, if i don't fap i feel very empty inside. 4 years ago I was doing it to release my stress but now its like a primary need , i can't sleep if i don't. that can't be healthy right ?
DAY 1 : i can't believe i just did it right when i woke up
....just the idea of not doing it made me feel empty inside .... it was like stronger than me.......i also did it right when i came back from school because i tough that day was already messed up ....that makes 2 today
.... god i think i will try to stop only a week at first
hmmm maybe you should find a partner or go find a friend maybe a friends with benefits?
yeah that would definitively be nice..... but there is another problem face (forehead mostly) is full of scars because of acnea......when i hangout with a girl, i only think about that , when i look her in her eyes , i wonder what she thinks of my forehead so I can never enjoy these moments. God , my body is muscular and very nice but if ONLY these scars would leave i would be so happy
And? If a girl only focuses on that and if she finds it bad in some way, then that girl is not for you. Never feel bad about things like that, and if it bothers you that much I think there's products that help with that.
I'm sure you're really cute, just try not to think about that and be you. try to forget about that.
Not trying to be mean or anything. A lot of people with bad acne (myself included) use stuff like this. Maybe you should give it a try?
I'm thankful I don't have to deal with acne or anything like that. I have enough problems already like having this big fat ass.
lol jk thats something i cherish & proud of.
Hmmm...I'm no fapspert, but I guess you should maybe see a doctor if it really bothers you as much.
Masturbation is fine unless your in a relationship, you don't want your girlfriend or wife catching you doing that.
I truly don't know how to stop or slow down masturbation without God. I've only had experiences of freedom with religion involved (if you want me to discuss), and since you are not religious, I'm afraid I can't provide very good advice.
I was taught that masturbation to pornography or other women was wrong and evil, therefore it provided me a small incentive to stop. It wasn't enough for me to completely stop whenever I wanted, but enough for me to be motivated to slow down. To this day I haven't stopped, but I am no longer doing it to porn and no longer doing it on a daily basis. It has shrank to about once every three or four days.
What you need, I believe, is a long detox from internets and porn. The reason you masturbate without it is because those images are still fresh in your memory, and they will be for a long time, but when I did that it almost didn't affect me no more. Yeah, I still did it, but much less so.
Also, sex wont help masturbation stop, nor porn viewing. Plus, its dangerous to build a relationship off of sex, as any time sex is restrained or not wanted by a partner, it could cause frustration and collapse, I've seen it many times. Plus, you don't want to "use" your partner either.
You need something to replace that emptiness. My replacement was God. You need a replacement as well.
Also see my comment below.
Well lust is a sin and you can't masturbate without lust which makes it a sin.
Girlfriend/wife should understand that unless she always intends to be completely available sexually any time on demand, masturbation will continue.
You have to masturbate with something lustful in mind, like a girl or a guy.
Unless you try lustless masturbation, which I tried, but it doesn't work out so well sometimes.
So what you're saying is because men don't have the ability to control themselves (which is completely false) women have to always be sexually available when demanded to be?
Nope, what I'm saying is, women shouldn't expect men to stop masturbating just because they're in a relationship.
And if the girl/guy you're thinking of while masturbating is your committed partner (husband/wife), is it still wrong?
It's to be expected because that is what is proper. The only way masturbation is good in a relationship is if the wife gives consent, otherwise how is she to know that you're not masturbating to other women?
There's nothing wrong with fapping, and the ones who say that it's wrong, well they're wrong. It isn't unhealthy, even for the amount of times you do it. I myself jack off about 2-3 times a day on average and I'm perfectly fine. I've even done it 6 times in a single day once. Besides, like everybody masturbates anyway, well most of the population does at least. Usually if somebody denies it, then they're usually lying but there is that small chance of them actually being honest. I don't see why somebody would even keep it a secret if just about everybody does it. It does relieve stress like others have already mentioned.
Do what you want, if you honestly feel that this is a problem for you, then you could attempt to stop but if somebody else is trying to stop you, don't listen to them. They have no say over your actions.
No addiction is ever healthy.
Unlike kids at my school
It's not the only stress reliever though. There are many other ways to relieve stress.
And it's not that I think it's unhealthy, its because I believe it to be immoral. But I wont act like my morals are the only morals, but I will try to help this poor soul out of his predicament. No addiction is ever healthy. If you can't go a single day without choosing not to masturbate, there is a problem. I personally set someone up for the challenge, saying that if they can resist masturbation and porn viewing for three days, then I wont say it's an addiction ever again.
You can guess how that ended up.
Exactly why is masturbation immoral though?
Because you are thinking about a woman whom you are not married to, lusting after them. You want them for their bodies, and that is all you are thinking about when you view her. You shouldn't view woman like that imho, because honestly that wouldn't hold up in an actual marriage.
I was asking about masturbation in general, but I guess that makes sense.
What is it, then, if it is uncontrollable?