I thought I could help. Then I remembered that I'm a 13 year old girl... Anyway...
I personally don't see anything wrong with it, even as a religious individual. Maybe there are certain things you could do to distract yourself, especially while using the bathroom. If you're not using a urinal, maybe you could read on your cellphone or read a book or something to distract yourself? Terrible advice, but who knows? I've heard that it takes 24 days to break a habit, maybe you could try that?
I'm sure you know how to get an erection GOUSTTTT. You have to be sexually attracted to their body. I'm not saying you view women as objects (though I still believe it's a potential outcome) but I am saying that in that moment, when you are viewing something arousing, you care about nothing else.
If you walked down the street and checked out a girl walking by, would that then make it okay to go home and have pretend sex? Why did you check out that girl? To get an erection? To simply admire? When I talk to a girl or look at a girl, I think of her as cute, but I don't think about it just to get an erection, I avoid that, because to me, it says "I really want that body".
Masturbation isn't love, masturbation is simply lust. Difference is that love you don't just want pleasure, you want a happy life with the person you are with. Lust is the opposite; you want the pleasure and could care less about life together and all that jazz. I mean, when viewing porn, I could tell you that I never cared about what woman was in the videos, as long as they were hot and had a nice pair of feet. And that in turn caused me to masturbate.
Masturbation was the cause, the effect was a bad marriage for a long while. If dad hadn't done what he did during his marriage or broke the addiction beforehand, it would never had happened.
But why is being sexually attracted to a body immoral when it's completely natural? It's true in that moment that you don't think about anything else, because you're focused on masturbating.
I thought I could help. Then I remembered that I'm a 13 year old girl... Anyway...
I personally don't see anything wrong with it, even as… more a religious individual. Maybe there are certain things you could do to distract yourself, especially while using the bathroom. If you're not using a urinal, maybe you could read on your cellphone or read a book or something to distract yourself? Terrible advice, but who knows? I've heard that it takes 24 days to break a habit, maybe you could try that?
I'm sorry, I suck at advice.
Are you in middle school or high school? Immaturity has a way of spiraling out of control in those types of schools, as you probably already have noticed. :P
We don't have middle school here. We have primary school which goes from 5-11 years old (Prep to Year 6) and then high school which is 12-18 (Year 7 to Year 12). I'm currently in Year 8. Unless it's during a sex ed class, everyone's really immature about anything remotely tied to sex.
Are you in middle school or high school? Immaturity has a way of spiraling out of control in those types of schools, as you probably already have noticed. :P
Thank you everyone for all your helpful comments it is very appreciated But just to make it clear, my problem about masturbation is that i can't STOP even if i try.........What i want is to be able to not masturbate only for the sake of DECIDING to no do it. I just want to be able to say : if i want today i'm not doing it.
That's what i'm gonna try tomorrow, ill give you news. And once again, i thank you all for your support . It makes me feel really better to talk about it, because where i live, it is a very touchy subject and its extremely awkward to talk about it even with my best friends.
It's something between you and a committed partner, not between any woman you want to masturbate to/have sex with that day. Something being natural doesn't make it okay or moral. It's natural to lie to people; nobody teaches you how to lie, but we see it as immoral.
But why is being sexually attracted to a body immoral when it's completely natural? It's true in that moment that you don't think about anything else, because you're focused on masturbating.
We don't have middle school here. We have primary school which goes from 5-11 years old (Prep to Year 6) and then high school which is 12-18… more (Year 7 to Year 12). I'm currently in Year 8. Unless it's during a sex ed class, everyone's really immature about anything remotely tied to sex.
It's going to be hard, no doubt. Sex drive is pretty uncontrollable, but one method was to "starve" the sex drive, which is what I did. If a sex drive is too large or powerful, you will get knocked down every time when you wrestle with it. But if you starve it and let it shrink, it wont get the upper hand every single time, and you will be able to wrestle and win.
Do this by avoiding sexual images, thoughts, or actions as much as possible. Kinda like a diet. Make the sex drive controllable in size.
Thank you everyone for all your helpful comments it is very appreciated But just to make it clear, my problem about masturbation is that … morei can't STOP even if i try.........What i want is to be able to not masturbate only for the sake of DECIDING to no do it. I just want to be able to say : if i want today i'm not doing it.
That's what i'm gonna try tomorrow, ill give you news. And once again, i thank you all for your support . It makes me feel really better to talk about it, because where i live, it is a very touchy subject and its extremely awkward to talk about it even with my best friends.
I don't masturbate so I wouldn't know how to resolve said issue... however I think you should do whatever makes you feel comfortable. If someone is trying to make you stop, it's not unhealthy, so you should have to. Of course, only if you want to continue doing it yourself.
As long as it's not getting in the way of having a fulfilling life, school, etc. it is perfectly fine, and totally normal. Don't see shame in it.
~And sure as hell do not pay attention to certain commenters bringing religion into masturbation.
Seriously? just because your mom didn't like it doesn't mean it's bad overrall. Or just because you just had a bad experience with it doesn't mean it should frowned upon. That's you man. And addiction is just a word that doesn't have to be bad at all. what if somebody is addicted to fruits and living a healthy life style? Is that bad then? Masterbaition isn't horrible and it's okay if you do it daily. I know many people who do this and they're healthy and normal and they're people I love. Nothing is wrong with them at all.
He couldn't control it, which is what made it an addiction. He went to counseling when it started getting really bad.
Was he a bad husband at the time? Maybe. I was very young.
It's going to be hard, no doubt. Sex drive is pretty uncontrollable, but one method was to "starve" the sex drive, which is what I did. If… more a sex drive is too large or powerful, you will get knocked down every time when you wrestle with it. But if you starve it and let it shrink, it wont get the upper hand every single time, and you will be able to wrestle and win.
Do this by avoiding sexual images, thoughts, or actions as much as possible. Kinda like a diet. Make the sex drive controllable in size.
What the hell are you seriously serious serious? Masturbation in a relationship is fucking healthy if the girl doesn't want to have sex alot or whatever since it literally calms the guy down. If a girl is disgusted by it then that's her. if a girl would break up with a guy just because of that then she's a shitty ass girl that deserves to be lonely since she's so close minded.
Stop saying that masturbation is evil, it's OKAY to have an opinion but please do not do it in this thread where a guy is seeking help for it.
It's to be expected because that is what is proper. The only way masturbation is good in a relationship is if the wife gives consent, otherwise how is she to know that you're not masturbating to other women?
It's going to be hard, no doubt. Sex drive is pretty uncontrollable, but one method was to "starve" the sex drive, which is what I did. If… more a sex drive is too large or powerful, you will get knocked down every time when you wrestle with it. But if you starve it and let it shrink, it wont get the upper hand every single time, and you will be able to wrestle and win.
Do this by avoiding sexual images, thoughts, or actions as much as possible. Kinda like a diet. Make the sex drive controllable in size.
I think I should have rephrased that last part. What I meant is that it's expected to have a sexual attraction to someone else but not a romantic attraction. It's not really something a person can avoid.
It's something between you and a committed partner, not between any woman you want to masturbate to/have sex with that day. Something being… more natural doesn't make it okay or moral. It's natural to lie to people; nobody teaches you how to lie, but we see it as immoral.
Perhaps try slowly getting yourself off of it. Limit yourself to maybe two times a day and at specific times, then to one a day and so on. Plus, if you don't do it as often, you might enjoy it a bit more when you do do it.
And? What the hell? holy shit your points and replies infuriate me so god damn much. Keep.Religion.Out.of.THIS.
What the fuck do you want guys to do? Follow them and stalk them? There's nothing wrong with thinking about anybody while masturbating. Nothing at fucking all. Imagine if that weren't possible, they'd be many many rapes so your point is invalid.
"lust" is only a valid point IF we're religious, which we're not and we never mentioned it. And OP said he isn't so please keep your COMMENTS TO YOURSELF. Or I will report you. Shoving your religious views down somebody's throat who's seeking help is evil.
There's nothing wrong with it. nobody dies, nobody gets hurt. so all you guys continue fapping and ignore the religious close minded freaks.
Dude, I know very little married couples who would approve of their loved ones looking at other men/women and masturbating to them.
Yes, an addiction to anything is bad, because an addiction takes control of your life, it says so in the very definition: "a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble)."
So yeah, if fruit is taking over your life and causing harm in some way, it's an addiction. I'd love to live a healthy love style; does that make me addicted to wanting to be healthy? No. It makes it a good goal to achieve.
Some people don't develop lung cancer when they smoke. It doesn't make it okay. Same here: not everybody has a wrecked relationship because of masturbation, but I don't know any woman who wouldn't mind her man looking at OTHER woman and masturbating.
Seriously? just because your mom didn't like it doesn't mean it's bad overrall. Or just because you just had a bad experience with it doesn'… moret mean it should frowned upon. That's you man. And addiction is just a word that doesn't have to be bad at all. what if somebody is addicted to fruits and living a healthy life style? Is that bad then? Masterbaition isn't horrible and it's okay if you do it daily. I know many people who do this and they're healthy and normal and they're people I love. Nothing is wrong with them at all.
I truly don't know how to stop or slow down masturbation without God. I've only had experiences of freedom with religion involved (if you w… moreant me to discuss), and since you are not religious, I'm afraid I can't provide very good advice.
I was taught that masturbation to pornography or other women was wrong and evil, therefore it provided me a small incentive to stop. It wasn't enough for me to completely stop whenever I wanted, but enough for me to be motivated to slow down. To this day I haven't stopped, but I am no longer doing it to porn and no longer doing it on a daily basis. It has shrank to about once every three or four days.
What you need, I believe, is a long detox from internets and porn. The reason you masturbate without it is because those images are still fresh in your memory, and they will be for a long time, but when I did that it almost didn't affect me no more. Yeah, I still did it, but much less so.
Also, sex… [view original content]
I don't need to keep my religion out of anything. I live by these ways, I'm not going to discard them because they offend a few people or make them mad.
I want men to control their drive. I understand it's hard, but it's respectful imo. And yeah, I know some people don't want to, but I stand by these views nonetheless.
And I am obviously not shoving anything down anyone's throat. I'm not spamming you with these messages telling you "turn or burn". I am answering replies that people type to me, and I answer with all honesty. If you look at previous messages, I told him how I got out of masturbation, having little to do with religion. Stop being sensitive about it, I'm not forcing anything out of anyone's throat. Jeez, the mere MENTION of religion and I'm being threatened with reports for "shoving religion down one's throat"
And honestly, I should be the one reporting YOU for calling me a religious closed minded freak.
And? What the hell? holy shit your points and replies infuriate me so god damn much. Keep.Religion.Out.of.THIS.
What the fuck do you want… more guys to do? Follow them and stalk them? There's nothing wrong with thinking about anybody while masturbating. Nothing at fucking all. Imagine if that weren't possible, they'd be many many rapes so your point is invalid.
"lust" is only a valid point IF we're religious, which we're not and we never mentioned it. And OP said he isn't so please keep your COMMENTS TO YOURSELF. Or I will report you. Shoving your religious views down somebody's throat who's seeking help is evil.
There's nothing wrong with it. nobody dies, nobody gets hurt. so all you guys continue fapping and ignore the religious close minded freaks.
He clearly wants out of uncontrollable masturbation, and I don't know why I'm being attacked for doing the very thing he asked for. Just because I'm not telling him to go to town with his dick?
I don't need to keep my religion out of anything. I live by these ways, I'm not going to discard them because they offend a few people or make them mad.
And who the fuck are YOU? You're not his PARENT, he is 19 YEARS OLD. He doesn't need some furry giving him advice on this.
I've read your first sentence and YES YOU ARE. You are replying that it's driven by "lust" and "lust" is sinful. We know what you're trying to hint at. And that is NOT TOLERATED. OP stated he isn't religious
Between, i'm not a religious person.
So, ENOUGH. Your views are NOT appreciated and I flagged your posts. I am not disrespecting you yet you're disrespecting ALL OF US by stating it's a sin and that masturbation is bad. E-fucking-nough.
And about that "religious close minded freak". Did I call you that directly? No i did not. If you'd like to quote me on that then do so, I specifically said ignore people like that. If that isn't you, or if you don't think that's you. Then hunny, don't be CONCERNED about it.
I don't need to keep my religion out of anything. I live by these ways, I'm not going to discard them because they offend a few people or m… moreake them mad.
I want men to control their drive. I understand it's hard, but it's respectful imo. And yeah, I know some people don't want to, but I stand by these views nonetheless.
And I am obviously not shoving anything down anyone's throat. I'm not spamming you with these messages telling you "turn or burn". I am answering replies that people type to me, and I answer with all honesty. If you look at previous messages, I told him how I got out of masturbation, having little to do with religion. Stop being sensitive about it, I'm not forcing anything out of anyone's throat. Jeez, the mere MENTION of religion and I'm being threatened with reports for "shoving religion down one's throat"
And honestly, I should be the one reporting YOU for calling me a religious closed minded freak.
First of all, your opinions are not facts, despite what you think.
Second of all, there's a difference between advice and preaching to someone what you believe. I have nothing against other religions, however, when anyone is to bring religion into this matter, it's not helping anything and is usually unsuccessful.
I'm giving him advice. He said he wanted advice.
He clearly wants out of uncontrollable masturbation, and I don't know why I'm being attacked for doing the very thing he asked for. Just because I'm not telling him to go to town with his dick?
I know, just like someone can't avoid a lot of things like jealousy, lying, or stealing small things.
I don't expect people to resist 24/7, if at all, because I am not even able to 100% control it, but my religion isn't about 100% control. It's forgiveness for such things.
Obviously there are a lot who aren't religious, but that is how I view things: intent means everything.
I think I should have rephrased that last part. What I meant is that it's expected to have a sexual attraction to someone else but not a romantic attraction. It's not really something a person can avoid.
I don't need to keep my religion out of anything. I live by these ways, I'm not going to discard them because they offend a few people or m… moreake them mad.
I want men to control their drive. I understand it's hard, but it's respectful imo. And yeah, I know some people don't want to, but I stand by these views nonetheless.
And I am obviously not shoving anything down anyone's throat. I'm not spamming you with these messages telling you "turn or burn". I am answering replies that people type to me, and I answer with all honesty. If you look at previous messages, I told him how I got out of masturbation, having little to do with religion. Stop being sensitive about it, I'm not forcing anything out of anyone's throat. Jeez, the mere MENTION of religion and I'm being threatened with reports for "shoving religion down one's throat"
And honestly, I should be the one reporting YOU for calling me a religious closed minded freak.
Flagging his posts because he believes masturbation is a sin is infringing freedom of speech. He's only stating his opinion when he says masturbation is a sin. He also acknowledges that people have different moral values than others.
So calm the fuck down and learn some tolerance of those you disagree with.
I don't need to keep my religion out of anything. I live by these ways, I'm not going to discard them because they offend a few people or ma… moreke them mad.
And who the fuck are YOU? You're not his PARENT, he is 19 YEARS OLD. He doesn't need some furry giving him advice on this.
I've read your first sentence and YES YOU ARE. You are replying that it's driven by "lust" and "lust" is sinful. We know what you're trying to hint at. And that is NOT TOLERATED. OP stated he isn't religious
Between, i'm not a religious person.
So, ENOUGH. Your views are NOT appreciated and I flagged your posts. I am not disrespecting you yet you're disrespecting ALL OF US by stating it's a sin and that masturbation is bad. E-fucking… [view original content]
I know, just like someone can't avoid a lot of things like jealousy, lying, or stealing small things.
I don't expect people to resist 24/… more7, if at all, because I am not even able to 100% control it, but my religion isn't about 100% control. It's forgiveness for such things.
Obviously there are a lot who aren't religious, but that is how I view things: intent means everything.
First of all, your opinions are not facts, despite what you think.
Second of all, there's a difference between advice and preaching to so… moremeone what you believe. I have nothing against other religions, however, when anyone is to bring religion into this matter, it's not helping anything and is usually unsuccessful.
If that last sentence was towards me, I can tolerate people I disagree with. Sure. But if it comes down to religion and people are shoving their rules and preach then that's where I cannot tolerate. I don't know how you can, but I cannot. Especially in a thread like this where his views and opinions are NOT necessary since again, for the 10th time OP said he isn't religious.
Flagging his posts because he believes masturbation is a sin is infringing freedom of speech. He's only stating his opinion when he says mas… moreturbation is a sin. He also acknowledges that people have different moral values than others.
So calm the fuck down and learn some tolerance of those you disagree with.
I don't need to keep my religion out of anything. I live by these ways, I'm not going to discard them because they offend a few people or ma… moreke them mad.
And who the fuck are YOU? You're not his PARENT, he is 19 YEARS OLD. He doesn't need some furry giving him advice on this.
I've read your first sentence and YES YOU ARE. You are replying that it's driven by "lust" and "lust" is sinful. We know what you're trying to hint at. And that is NOT TOLERATED. OP stated he isn't religious
Between, i'm not a religious person.
So, ENOUGH. Your views are NOT appreciated and I flagged your posts. I am not disrespecting you yet you're disrespecting ALL OF US by stating it's a sin and that masturbation is bad. E-fucking… [view original content]
I am not just discussing the comments directly above. I was talking about your "advice" in general.
And in addition, just because indoctrination worked for you, doesn't mean it will work for everyone. Personal opinions and experiences are nothing compared to factual evidence supporting anyone's claims, not just yours.
Um, I didn't even MENTION religion in the above texts.
I am telling him what worked for ME, and telling him to try it for himself because it worked for me.
I believe lust is immoral, therefore masturbation in most cases is also immoral.
Lustless masturbation I don't think is necessarily immoral, but it is very difficult to pull off.
Mutual masturbation with a partner or a partner giving you consent to masturbate to them is okay as well, imo.
I thought I could help. Then I remembered that I'm a 13 year old girl... Anyway...
I personally don't see anything wrong with it, even as a religious individual. Maybe there are certain things you could do to distract yourself, especially while using the bathroom. If you're not using a urinal, maybe you could read on your cellphone or read a book or something to distract yourself? Terrible advice, but who knows? I've heard that it takes 24 days to break a habit, maybe you could try that?
I'm sorry, I suck at advice.
Thank you. That's something I've been wanting to say but didn't know how to word it.
I'm sure you know how to get an erection GOUSTTTT. You have to be sexually attracted to their body. I'm not saying you view women as objects (though I still believe it's a potential outcome) but I am saying that in that moment, when you are viewing something arousing, you care about nothing else.
If you walked down the street and checked out a girl walking by, would that then make it okay to go home and have pretend sex? Why did you check out that girl? To get an erection? To simply admire? When I talk to a girl or look at a girl, I think of her as cute, but I don't think about it just to get an erection, I avoid that, because to me, it says "I really want that body".
Masturbation isn't love, masturbation is simply lust. Difference is that love you don't just want pleasure, you want a happy life with the person you are with. Lust is the opposite; you want the pleasure and could care less about life together and all that jazz. I mean, when viewing porn, I could tell you that I never cared about what woman was in the videos, as long as they were hot and had a nice pair of feet. And that in turn caused me to masturbate.
Why don't you tell that to my dad, who nearly had his marriage ruined because of it?
What do you think about when you masturbate, then?
Masturbation was the cause, the effect was a bad marriage for a long while. If dad hadn't done what he did during his marriage or broke the addiction beforehand, it would never had happened.
And like I said before, there are many ways to relieve stress. Meditation, for example. Also, you must lust to achieve that point.
But why is being sexually attracted to a body immoral when it's completely natural? It's true in that moment that you don't think about anything else, because you're focused on masturbating.
Lol you do better than me most days.
Are you in middle school or high school? Immaturity has a way of spiraling out of control in those types of schools, as you probably already have noticed. :P
We don't have middle school here. We have primary school which goes from 5-11 years old (Prep to Year 6) and then high school which is 12-18 (Year 7 to Year 12). I'm currently in Year 8. Unless it's during a sex ed class, everyone's really immature about anything remotely tied to sex.
Thank you everyone for all your helpful comments it is very appreciated
But just to make it clear, my problem about masturbation is that i can't STOP even if i try.........What i want is to be able to not masturbate only for the sake of DECIDING to no do it. I just want to be able to say : if i want today i'm not doing it.
That's what i'm gonna try tomorrow, ill give you news. And once again, i thank you all for your support . It makes me feel really better to talk about it, because where i live, it is a very touchy subject and its extremely awkward to talk about it even with my best friends.
It's something between you and a committed partner, not between any woman you want to masturbate to/have sex with that day. Something being natural doesn't make it okay or moral. It's natural to lie to people; nobody teaches you how to lie, but we see it as immoral.
He couldn't control it, which is what made it an addiction. He went to counseling when it started getting really bad.
Was he a bad husband at the time? Maybe. I was very young.
You'll survive. (I hope)
I'm not trying to change anyone's minds, I am simply saying how I got out of masturbation for the most part and my views on the subject.
It's going to be hard, no doubt. Sex drive is pretty uncontrollable, but one method was to "starve" the sex drive, which is what I did. If a sex drive is too large or powerful, you will get knocked down every time when you wrestle with it. But if you starve it and let it shrink, it wont get the upper hand every single time, and you will be able to wrestle and win.
Do this by avoiding sexual images, thoughts, or actions as much as possible. Kinda like a diet. Make the sex drive controllable in size.
I don't masturbate so I wouldn't know how to resolve said issue... however I think you should do whatever makes you feel comfortable. If someone is trying to make you stop, it's not unhealthy, so you should have to. Of course, only if you want to continue doing it yourself.
As long as it's not getting in the way of having a fulfilling life, school, etc. it is perfectly fine, and totally normal. Don't see shame in it.
~And sure as hell do not pay attention to certain commenters bringing religion into masturbation.
Seriously? just because your mom didn't like it doesn't mean it's bad overrall. Or just because you just had a bad experience with it doesn't mean it should frowned upon. That's you man. And addiction is just a word that doesn't have to be bad at all. what if somebody is addicted to fruits and living a healthy life style? Is that bad then? Masterbaition isn't horrible and it's okay if you do it daily. I know many people who do this and they're healthy and normal and they're people I love. Nothing is wrong with them at all.
Everone is different. Just because you see shame in masturbation, doesn't mean everyone else should.
What the hell are you seriously serious serious? Masturbation in a relationship is fucking healthy if the girl doesn't want to have sex alot or whatever since it literally calms the guy down. If a girl is disgusted by it then that's her. if a girl would break up with a guy just because of that then she's a shitty ass girl that deserves to be lonely since she's so close minded.
Stop saying that masturbation is evil, it's OKAY to have an opinion but please do not do it in this thread where a guy is seeking help for it.
ok thanks, ill try that ! nothing to lose
I think I should have rephrased that last part. What I meant is that it's expected to have a sexual attraction to someone else but not a romantic attraction. It's not really something a person can avoid.
Perhaps try slowly getting yourself off of it. Limit yourself to maybe two times a day and at specific times, then to one a day and so on. Plus, if you don't do it as often, you might enjoy it a bit more when you do do it.
And? What the hell? holy shit your points and replies infuriate me so god damn much. Keep.Religion.Out.of.THIS.
What the fuck do you want guys to do? Follow them and stalk them? There's nothing wrong with thinking about anybody while masturbating. Nothing at fucking all. Imagine if that weren't possible, they'd be many many rapes so your point is invalid.
"lust" is only a valid point IF we're religious, which we're not and we never mentioned it. And OP said he isn't so please keep your COMMENTS TO YOURSELF. Or I will report you. Shoving your religious views down somebody's throat who's seeking help is evil.
There's nothing wrong with it. nobody dies, nobody gets hurt. so all you guys continue fapping and ignore the religious close minded freaks.
Dude, I know very little married couples who would approve of their loved ones looking at other men/women and masturbating to them.
Yes, an addiction to anything is bad, because an addiction takes control of your life, it says so in the very definition: "a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble)."
So yeah, if fruit is taking over your life and causing harm in some way, it's an addiction. I'd love to live a healthy love style; does that make me addicted to wanting to be healthy? No. It makes it a good goal to achieve.
Some people don't develop lung cancer when they smoke. It doesn't make it okay. Same here: not everybody has a wrecked relationship because of masturbation, but I don't know any woman who wouldn't mind her man looking at OTHER woman and masturbating.
Im pretty sure one of the reasons masturbation is view as bad is because of religion.
I don't need to keep my religion out of anything. I live by these ways, I'm not going to discard them because they offend a few people or make them mad.
I want men to control their drive. I understand it's hard, but it's respectful imo. And yeah, I know some people don't want to, but I stand by these views nonetheless.
And I am obviously not shoving anything down anyone's throat. I'm not spamming you with these messages telling you "turn or burn". I am answering replies that people type to me, and I answer with all honesty. If you look at previous messages, I told him how I got out of masturbation, having little to do with religion. Stop being sensitive about it, I'm not forcing anything out of anyone's throat. Jeez, the mere MENTION of religion and I'm being threatened with reports for "shoving religion down one's throat"
And honestly, I should be the one reporting YOU for calling me a religious closed minded freak.
I'm giving him advice. He said he wanted advice.
He clearly wants out of uncontrollable masturbation, and I don't know why I'm being attacked for doing the very thing he asked for. Just because I'm not telling him to go to town with his dick?
And who the fuck are YOU? You're not his PARENT, he is 19 YEARS OLD. He doesn't need some furry giving him advice on this.
I've read your first sentence and YES YOU ARE. You are replying that it's driven by "lust" and "lust" is sinful. We know what you're trying to hint at. And that is NOT TOLERATED. OP stated he isn't religious
So, ENOUGH. Your views are NOT appreciated and I flagged your posts. I am not disrespecting you yet you're disrespecting ALL OF US by stating it's a sin and that masturbation is bad. E-fucking-nough.
And about that "religious close minded freak". Did I call you that directly? No i did not. If you'd like to quote me on that then do so, I specifically said ignore people like that. If that isn't you, or if you don't think that's you. Then hunny, don't be CONCERNED about it.
First of all, your opinions are not facts, despite what you think.
Second of all, there's a difference between advice and preaching to someone what you believe. I have nothing against other religions, however, when anyone is to bring religion into this matter, it's not helping anything and is usually unsuccessful.
I know, just like someone can't avoid a lot of things like jealousy, lying, or stealing small things.
I don't expect people to resist 24/7, if at all, because I am not even able to 100% control it, but my religion isn't about 100% control. It's forgiveness for such things.
Obviously there are a lot who aren't religious, but that is how I view things: intent means everything.
Women masturbate too, you know its not just men.
Flagging his posts because he believes masturbation is a sin is infringing freedom of speech. He's only stating his opinion when he says masturbation is a sin. He also acknowledges that people have different moral values than others.
So calm the fuck down and learn some tolerance of those you disagree with.
So true about that last part. I think if a person means well and isn't out to harm anyone and doesn't then I don't see a problem.
I do try to limit my masturbation, because I do fee la bit... you know... filthy when I do it. It's hard.
Um, I didn't even MENTION religion in the above texts.
I am telling him what worked for ME, and telling him to try it for himself because it worked for me.
If that last sentence was towards me, I can tolerate people I disagree with. Sure. But if it comes down to religion and people are shoving their rules and preach then that's where I cannot tolerate. I don't know how you can, but I cannot. Especially in a thread like this where his views and opinions are NOT necessary since again, for the 10th time OP said he isn't religious.
I already said, Goddamn it: the only time I mentioned it being a sin is when peopled ASKED ABOUT IT!
I am not just discussing the comments directly above. I was talking about your "advice" in general.
And in addition, just because indoctrination worked for you, doesn't mean it will work for everyone. Personal opinions and experiences are nothing compared to factual evidence supporting anyone's claims, not just yours.