Your top 5 games of the last console generation? (X360/PS3)
Thought this would be an interesting topic.
This is my Top 5.
1 The Last of Us
2 Batman Arkham City
3 The Walking Dead: Season 1
4 Bioshock Infinite
5 Red Dead Redemption
What's your list?
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Are you not just saying that cause you have to?
Did you prepare to die?
This should be in the Telltale Talk section.
Anyway, mine are:
In no particular order:
Mass Effect series.
Walking dead series.
Souls series.
Dragon Age: Origins (specifically Origins; the second game bored me so much I didn't even finish it).
Dead Space series.
And you know what else I forgot? Spelunky. I freaking love that game. It's tied with all of the above, for sure
It's part of my neuro computational matrix so I don't have a choice in the matter!
Spelunky's amazing even though I'm really bad at it Only finished it once.
I really only have two. The Walking Dead Season One and Grand Theft Auto 5.
You should try red dead. Amazing game.
no particular order
The Walking Dead
Batman Arkham City
Halo 3
Mass Effect trilogy
Fallout 3
These are the games that really got me!
Bioshock Infinite
Red Dead Redemption
Portal 2
L.A Noire and Bully
Far Cry 3
Arkham City
Batman Arkham City,
Infamous Second Son,
Tomb Raider,
Pokémon X and Y,
Honorable mentions:GTA 5,Destiny,The Walking Dead,L4D2
Oh, man, this is going to be really tough to only pick five. I've played so many fantastic games this past generation!
1- The Last of Us
2- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
3- Portal 2
4- Journey
5- Bioshock Infinite
Super awesome games that I also adore: The Walking Dead: Season 1, Batman: Arkham City, Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception.
Honorable mention, Persona 4: Golden.
(Excluding TWD to keep it interesting, but it would've been like #2 or #3 on this list)
What the hell is Spelunky? Never heard of it.
It's a sidescroller platform jumping roguelike that's very well made. You can get it on XBLA, PSN, and Steam.
Not sure why people are putting series in the list.
They tried to make a tv show... They said it was realy good but Nomura was waking sequels so...