I just saw a thread everyone commented a bike, car, skateboard etc but then I saw Maddi
Four male supermodels lift my chariot (purple velvet upholstery and French chiffon silk curtains over the windows for privacy on the interior, golden-plated wheels and the flag of my family sigil on the exterior, if you must know) and carry me to every destination. The only thing they wear are man thongs fashioned out of owl feathers and Tiffany Diamond nipple piercing studs. I couldn't have it any other way.
how do you prefer to get around?
I just saw a thread everyone commented a bike, car, skateboard etc but then I saw Mad… moredi
Four male supermodels lift my chariot (purple velvet upholstery and French chiffon silk curtains over the windows for privacy on the interior, golden-plated wheels and the flag of my family sigil on the exterior, if you must know) and carry me to every destination. The only thing they wear are man thongs fashioned out of owl feathers and Tiffany Diamond nipple piercing studs. I couldn't have it any other way.
how do you prefer to get around?
I just saw a thread everyone commented a bike, car, skateboard etc but then I saw Mad… moredi
Four male supermodels lift my chariot (purple velvet upholstery and French chiffon silk curtains over the windows for privacy on the interior, golden-plated wheels and the flag of my family sigil on the exterior, if you must know) and carry me to every destination. The only thing they wear are man thongs fashioned out of owl feathers and Tiffany Diamond nipple piercing studs. I couldn't have it any other way.
how do you prefer to get around?
I just saw a thread everyone commented a bike, car, skateboard etc but then I saw Mad… moredi
Four male supermodels lift my chariot (purple velvet upholstery and French chiffon silk curtains over the windows for privacy on the interior, golden-plated wheels and the flag of my family sigil on the exterior, if you must know) and carry me to every destination. The only thing they wear are man thongs fashioned out of owl feathers and Tiffany Diamond nipple piercing studs. I couldn't have it any other way.
Kid rode 2 miles on his bike for Skyrim?
PFFFFFFFFFFFFFT I had to walk straight up cliffs both ways a million miles to the moon and back for Megaman! And get whipped if I complained!
Lol I'm loving that third one
Lmfao "Reading is Radical"
Buenas Noches.
Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse, I get a headache.
how do you prefer to get around?
I just saw a thread everyone commented a bike, car, skateboard etc but then I saw Maddi
My sister took my Skyrim and plays it 24/7 so I never can.
She pisses me off so much it's not even funny.
Welp, looks like you're gonna have to kill her.
Lmao wtf. xD
Wait there's a thread like that?! :O
No.. That won't do it. She'll probably take the game into the grave with her.
Lifestyles of the rich and the famous
They're always complainin'
Always complainin'
If money is such a problem
You got so many problems
Think I could solve them
I prefer pegasus.
ffs stoppit pls >:'P dat second cake holy sheet gimme dat K :'D
One day Rachelle keep on dreaming
mmm Cake + Ice cream=Cure to cancer.
Now why you gotta be like that :'D
These cakes though!
Lol, that gif though! Have you seen the video it originated from?
nope XD
Ew, hot dogs...
Lol I thought it was funny
Watch it when you get the chance. It's jokes!
XD Irish cakes nice touch