how do you prefer to get around?
I just saw a thread everyone commented a bike, car, skateboard etc but then I saw Mad… moredi
Four male supermodels lift my chariot (purple velvet upholstery and French chiffon silk curtains over the windows for privacy on the interior, golden-plated wheels and the flag of my family sigil on the exterior, if you must know) and carry me to every destination. The only thing they wear are man thongs fashioned out of owl feathers and Tiffany Diamond nipple piercing studs. I couldn't have it any other way.
Finally beat Borderlands 2's main campaign. Woo! Now I think I'm better prepared for Tales from the Borderlands.
I was originally going to play for the story only, but I may as well play some of the extra side missions. :P
how do you prefer to get around?
I just saw a thread everyone commented a bike, car, skateboard etc but then I saw Mad… moredi
Four male supermodels lift my chariot (purple velvet upholstery and French chiffon silk curtains over the windows for privacy on the interior, golden-plated wheels and the flag of my family sigil on the exterior, if you must know) and carry me to every destination. The only thing they wear are man thongs fashioned out of owl feathers and Tiffany Diamond nipple piercing studs. I couldn't have it any other way.
Finally beat Borderlands 2's main campaign. Woo! Now I think I'm better prepared for Tales from the Borderlands.
I was originally going to play for the story only, but I may as well play some of the extra side missions. :P
stupid memecenter it puts some weird effect on my face STAHP IT MEMECENTER
Ugh, I love these gifs so much sakljaskljasklj
XD nice
LMFAO I was not disappointed :'D thanks for the share
Breaking News!
We finally discovered who killed JFK!
@sweetpeaclem @Welcome_to_Woodbury
This rabbit fucking hates his life
This bunny sucks.
Is that last one with the fanny pack you Pru?
That calculator looks like it was made when Benjamin Franklin was still alive
Plot Twist: I'm both of them, and none of them at the same time.
So my dad got me this today...
I'm gonna cut out their faces and tape it to my pillow.
I'm just staring at that picture of the two-headed chick on the circular swing.
U wot m8
Finally beat Borderlands 2's main campaign. Woo! Now I think I'm better prepared for Tales from the Borderlands.
I was originally going to play for the story only, but I may as well play some of the extra side missions. :P
Why am I subscribed to how to basic?
Lmao when I saw that I was like "what kind of crack is she on."
Ima go read about it now. o_O
RIP pillows
It's American Horror Story. I'm such a big fan, but I don't know about this season...
Snowcone the Rabbit
I wish I could get through the game... I literally fall asleep playing that game ;-;
How? xD
Same here, it's the exact same as CoD.
My anger issues in a nutshell.
I gave up on those claw machines. I kind of uh... Broke one.
just get the dark brotherhood to do it
y must u do dis to me
Plot twist... Elian is how to basic :O
Me too I played it on the Ps vita I love the comedy but the game is repetitive and so boring
This is how i get around
These are actually pretty good...
mmmmmmm that looks so yummy but...
Did you play all the DLC?