What do you think about comics?
Hey if you seen my "reading any comics" post on this part of forum then you know i'm a big fan of comics. I've seen that Fables and the walking dead have gotten some people into comics. Well most I've people i've seen are just reading Fables and that's fine but there's so much more out there. There's comics in pretty much every part of the world. I know some of you can't get to comics because maybe your country doesn't have a strong market for them or maybe you don't live near a comic store and can't get to one or maybe you just can't afford them. some of you just don't like comics at all. that's all ok but it hurts because comics are beautiful. you can say anything you want to and show anything you want to.
I want to know what do you think about comics? Do you like them? Do you hate them? Do you feel they're inferior to other media such as novels? maybe you think they're only for kids. Want ever you think about comics good or bad put those thoughts in this thread.
I read comics when I was younger. I had to stop at some point, as they were getting more and more expensive, and I could no longer justify it.
One thing good about comics is how they show the story as the characters learn it themselves. Every panel should have a meaning.
But the best thing about comics are their ability to portray raw emotion in ways that are difficult to describe in words. It's one thing to write that one character looks at another with raw hatred for what he's just done, and another to actually see it.
very nice. i like the last paragrapgh(i guess you can call it that) very much.
and yeah comics have gotten more expensive than they used to be.
If you asked me if I liked comics 5 years ago I would just scoff at you and continue to read my manga. I was a HUGE weaboo back then...It was pretty awful. Now being a senoir in High School I'll read/watch/play anything that peaks my interest. If someone wants me to read/watch or play something I'll give it a chance because who knows it could become one of my favorite series. (Scott Pilgrim, Invincible ect.)
well manga are comics so there's no big difference.
I don't read as many as I used to, but here's some I still read:
Ultimate Spider-Man
The Dark Knight Returns
I wanna start reading Spawn and The Walking Dead.
As far as manga goes all I've read was the first three volumes of Death Note. Because why not.
i don't say manga i just say japanese comics because no one in japan calls them comics but if you want to sure. Death Note is amazing i'm glad you're reading it.
Manga is just another way to say Japanese comics since the term is used to describe specific Japanese cartooning, comics, and animation. Same with how people use anime to specifically refer to Japanese cartoons or JRPGs to refer specifically to Japanese role-playing games like Final Fantasy, or Tales of.
yeah i know but look at this:
see the company? jump comics
most people in japan don't say manga they comic. i mean i'm sure there are some that do but i don't think its the majority. Manga is just a way to sell it to kids so they its cool and new.
Majority of them do say manga actually. Manga is basically Japanese for comic books or graphic novels. Just because it's called Jump Comics on the Dragonball cover, doesn't mean they all call it comics. Jump Comics was just a company name, now they are called Shounen Jump which refers to shounen genre specific manga that the company publishes, but that doesn't mean that all Japanese all refer to manga as shounen now. Shounen just means "boy" or "lad" in Japanese and the genre name denotes manga that's specifically aimed at boys, kinda similar to how Shoujo (like Sailor Moon) is aimed at girls.
Did you know that some Japanese people say ka-tun (cartoon) when refering to some cartoon shows whether Japanese or western? That doesn't mean that the majority use that word, since the common word is still anime.
no they're called jump comics actually they use both. jump comics is on the books and shonen on the magazines. I know pretty everything you're telling me right now.
It still doesn't mean that the majority of Japanese say comics as oppose to manga just because a manga company uses the word "comic" in their name.
Many Japanese companies like to take the English equivalent of words and use them in their company names to sound cool and stand out, like how some of our companies use French or Spanish equivalents of words in their company brand names.
I speak enough Japanese to know that when conversing with my Japanese friends in their native tongue, whether in real life or on the net as pen-pals to know that they use manga to refer to comic books in general sometimes even to refer to our comics when they're talking about DC and Marvel.
ok mr. i speak japanese. damn. i'm just a lonely comic nerd you knows nothing about comics because i've spent years obsessing over them.
I wasn't trying to be insulting or condescending. If I was, I apologize. I love comics just as much as you do. I even try to draw and write my own, whether western-styled or Japanese-styled.
yeah i know i was just fucking with you. there's no western or Japanese style.
By "Japanese-style" I was referring to drawing comics more similar to manga in the way they're drawn and written and read. Kinda like how people use Western-RPGs and Japanese-RPGs to differentiate between the styles RPGs.
oh ok thought so