Boxers or briefs?
Hey everyone!
My names joe and I'm new here. I joined because I'm a big fan of the borderlands franchise so am interested to see Telltale's use of its universe!
I thought I'd ask the question that celebrities get asked all the time to kick things off haha: boxers or briefs?
Personally I prefer briefs (as does my wife haha)
What is you guys' preference?
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Boxer briefs.
Briefs for everyday and sport stuff. Sleep in boxers though.
Loose boxers.
boxers but i'd love a man with some briefs lol
Don't even know the difference.
Boxer briefs with Ninja Turtles on them! XD
Both...At the same time!
Who doesn't?
O_o that must be an interesting experience haha
Haha it was certainly an interesting image!
It looks like a diaper...
It was certainly quite the image!
I presume that means briefs on the outside and boxers on the inside though as boxers on the outside would just look like regular boxers
...Ive been lying to you this whole time...I just wear boxers...Im ashamed.
runs and cries in corner
You SHOULD be ashamed scumbag..
Dern sure!
Hahaha my husband has just asked Gavin Hammon (Kenny's VA) whether he prefers boxers or briefs on his
Hahaha has he replied yet?
Not yet!
Keep us informed, this is the most exciting thing happening in these forums nowadays
I think he's a briefs guy
Boxers then.
He's replied, apparently he wears colourful briefs!
Now I can die in peace knowing that Gavin Hammon wears colorful briefs
Ahh but which colour?
we may never know
Goddamit Flog now I'm in suspense
I'm tempted to ask...
But that would come off as kinda creepy
Why not both?