Beard poll!
What is your stance on them?
Do you like them, or hate them?
And do you wear one yourself?
I love them.
Much more preferable to shaving.
I've worn a full beard off and on for the last three years.
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I'm not a fan of them, but I'm still 14 and one of the few people in my year level who actually have facial hair. I hate mine because it makes me look really unkempt and uncivilised, which isn't me, so I shave it when I can.
Beards rock wooooooooooooo
get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur
I prefer to be clean shaven. Being 16 I don't really have much of a choice. Too much to not shave, yet too little to grow.
I like them and I like my husband to have one!
I'm sort of growing one at the moment. Gonna grow it out until it's long enough that I can tell whether it looks good or silly on me.
You and your husband should have matching goatees
I do not like facial hair on OTHER guys but I DO have a little patch in between my chin and bottom lip.
Haha that's not really our style I think tbh
I just want medium stubble like he has atm
I would prefer to have one. For some reason it doesn't fully grow on the right side.
I had that. Are you young?
When I was 18 it didn't grow evenly on the right but it evened out in time.
Beards are pretty cool but I'm more of a goatee guy.
I used to grow a Van Dyke one but then I realized that a 2 or 3-day stubble looks waaay better.
I like beards, I have the beginning of a great beard right now. I'm 14 BTW and I have true best freshmen beard ever.
Naw I'm in my mid twenties. I've come to the realization that it's never gonna happen.
I can grow one and I'm 16, 5 guys at my school who are in my grade (10th) have full beards haha I just shaved about 2 weeks ago and now I have a Ben stash and beard.
As a beard owner myself, I'm rather fond of them. Usually I maintain it just for convenience, but ten someodd years ago I had it long enough for a viking knot. I think that was my ancestral pride stage.
Only thing that annoys me, is despite my hair being a sort of sandy blonde colour, my facial hair grows out nearly jet-black, with some greyish miscolouring. I'm not a fan, but some people have told me it actually looks alright, :S
The goatee is cool.
Full beard is better.
I enjoy having a beard, yes. In fact, friends of mine have described it as "Majestic" and once in awhile they even ask if they can stroke it.
You may think I would be making that shit up. You would be wrong. People get strange out here in the Midwest.
Shame. But you should still match, would be awesome
I'm only 14 (15 on 7th day of this month) so I can't have a beard yet. But when I'm adult I'm gonna maybe grow a small beard..
Love them! Really want one, I have a moustache so far.
This thread... this thread is what I've been waiting for my whole life...
Please, if you're a dude, grow a beard.
Did you say "Beard"?
Like I said, been bearded off and on for 3 years.
(sorry, couldn't resist)
He still has a beard in that NONCANON PIC So your point is invalid...
My beard hurts more the longer I look at this picture.
y u do dis, Flog.
Some of the pics in your montage are also noncanon.
Thus, your point is invalid too.
"Is that what this is" Challenge accepted....
You made me feel bad
It's Non Canon Bro, Chill..
Wonder what @Lee4life will think about this
I wish I could chill, but I'm not like Luke.
Wow, That was straight up COLD
May I ask where in the Midwest? Just curious.
Cool your jets, man, let's not start a long line of Luke puns.
If you ask me, it's all the corn that does it. We're all fucking weirdos out here.
I'm with ya , all the way.