Race and Racism
Now what is your race? How do you feel about racism in the past? and how do feel about the racism going on today?
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I'm a white guy. And racism is not something that should never be tolerated in society. Just because someone is a different fucking race than you doesn't make them inferior. It's fucking bulllshit. In Australia, racism is illegal and I hope America does the same.
racism should be illegal in America but its not. Is really illegal in Australia like a crime? like people go to jail for it?
I'm not sure what the punishment is for racism, but I know back in the 90's the government added anti-racism laws that Tony Abbott was trying to remove back in March. I don't know if he succeeded or not.
man i hope he didn't.
I checked, and it looks like he didn't.
Race should be deemphasized.
Also, thanks to political correctness, racism against whites is too often seen as trendy/acceptable/no big deal. That is a problem.
Racism is wrong and bad, but should not be illegal. People should be free to feel or say whatever they want. Not everything that is wrong or immoral should be illegal. Also, the enforcement ends up not being applied equally.
dude let's be real i'm pretty sure racism against white people is really fucking rare. Like no ones gonna follow you in a store because you're white.
He's right whites deal with more racism than any other ethnicity lol because what they did and do to other nations of people. In the end nobody is perfect. Every ethincity went through racism for going against god's laws.
haha i see bringing a comedy in this nice. and what do you mean "Every ethnicity went through racism for going against god's laws"? Care to elaborate on that?
Well in the garden of eden god told adam and eve not to eat from the tree in the middle, or they'll get punished. They did it anyway causing sin, and one of their children was of the evil seed that killed his brother. The punishment for disobeying god was every new nation of people would experience racism and slavery. And what's so humorous about this lol.
no the first sentence was funny not the bible stuff. at least i think you were trying to be funny.
I'm mostly white, with a bit of Native American and Middle Eastern. There's never an excuse for making someone feel less than human and racism is no exception
Unfortunately, it's still a pretty big problem in the US often factors into our politics.
13 year old, white girl of Native American (Cherokee specifically) and European (Irish, English, and German) decent.
Racism should never be tolerated. No one should be allowed to hurt someone just because of their race - and that means eliminating the use of the N word (by ANY race, I'm sick of double standards... Sorry.) or any racial slur for ANY OTHER RACE. I'm not familiar with a lot slurs for other races such as Asian or Native American, but I would definitely love if everyone stopped saying them. And also, I wish people would stop: Stereotyping based on race, being rejected on jobs because of race, being killed because of race, ect.
I wish we were equal, no matter what.
Edit: Yes. This is edited because I'm a wuss and I don't think what I originally had would have helped this thread.
I'm 1/4 Cherokee and 1/4 Blackfoot. I live in America and yes, I have encountered racism. I think racism is wrong. It should never had existed, a white guy can be just as bad if not worse then a black man. I have black friends and friends from other countries, like Germany and France and Italy. I ALWAYS respect other races, frankly I don't care if your white black yellow or pink. Were all in the same ship and racism isn't gonna get us anywhere any time fast. We need to learn to be able to live together to communicate with each other to learn compassion to move forward from our past and into the future. Those who are racist are those who are afraid of progress. We as a world have dug our own grave and have willingly begun to bury ourselves. This hole is to deep for one man to conquer we can't beat it alone. We need to work together, all races all ages. It only takes a spark to ignite an inferno, and people tend to follow the light. Lead by example, show kindness and equality to all races. Be a human today.
Not trying to be mean, but the tree you are talking about is the tree of knowledge of good and evil I believe.
Fully agree.
I'm only 14, but I've already seen enough racism for a life time.
Huh, you're a year older than me. I have as well. I go to school with a lot of those ignorant, trailer trash people (sorry if I offend anyone) and racism is practically as abundant as rabbits in Australia.
EDIT: Damnit, this was supposed be in reply to mr.quality. Sorry!
I'm really tired of racism, I guess its never really made any sense to me.
well the n word is our word (i'm black) and its not going anywhere
Whatever you say... Alright. As long as it doesn't offend you, I suppose.
I'm a white American, Not really much racism towards me, I regret what happened in the 60s because that was just awful to the African American people and today I feel like it could be handled better but since I'm an American ,Me and other Americans have the right of free speech.
I see this thread is kind of working out well, thats good, lets hope it stays somewhat peaceful.
I actually don't see that many rabbits over here in the area I'm in. I'm not sure if there's that many left in Victoria.
I'm white (and half polish), and racism should not be tolerated anywhere, if you are a racist, you can go drown yourself for all i care.
I was born in America but my parent's were born in Iraq, so I guess that makes me middle eastern
. Anyway racism in the past was childish bullshit, and racism today is still childish bullshit.
I'm going to sound a bit extreme; but it depends what the law says. In the US, there is often hate crime legistlation (whereby crimes motivated by racial prejudice are more severely punished), but I don't think racism in itself should be a crime. It's a horrible thing, but I think the American standard of a 'clear and present danger' is the only legitimate standard for limiting speech. There are plenty of neo-nazis allowed to march in the US, and as abhorent as their ideology is, as long as words are all they use, I really don't think it is the role of the government to police the thoughts and speech of its citizens.
I'm German-American, and besides being called a nazi a lot (which, though annoying, hasn't exactly limited my job opportunities, access to education, credit etc, so it's a relatively moot point.
Racism, although certainly real and something to be dealt with, is often a red herring for talking about issues of class, which is a huge problem in the United States, and as neoliberalism spreads througout the world, the world as well. I forget where it was, maybe Bill Maher, but they were interviewing somebody who was saying that, as they grew up, went to college etc, they came to find that even more than race, class was the limiting factor. While racism has left minorities in the lower classes in the US, and even though racism is declining, the lack of class mobility leads to severe class division. However, in racializing the issue, it becomes a lot easier to attract poor white majority to policies which are ultimately against their interests.
Here's a far more articulate version of what I'm trying to say, especially the first bit he said with identity politics.
I feel like class division is a larger problem today in America than racism or sexism.
i feel they're all important. that we're talking race please keep on topic because i know how you hate you when people change topics on you.
They brought it up, I put in my opinion, tell them to stay on topic.
I'm white finnish boy and I hate racism, I just don't understand racist people at all.
To me, everyones human. If see a person of some other race, I'm just like; "Oh, there's another human over there."
Racism is bad and should not be tolerated. African Americans were not the only people who were put in slavery. History Teachers only tell you the half truths to start race wars. Everyone was given will power and punished for the sins of eve and adam. they had cain and able and their children were both malevolent and benevolent. Jesus teaches us that everyone has a chance to correct themselves before they die.
He also says to love your enemies even though they may do harm to you. That's where the phrase: ''my enemy is my best friend.''
And there are also plenty of "Black Panthers" and Louis Farrakhan supporters marching around.
Problem with class division? You mean someone envying what other people have and then thinking they're entitled to it?
No, "racial inequality" is a cultural issue. No minority groups are "left" in lower classes because of racism. That's a cop-out, IMO. US has great opportunities for social and economic advancement, provided the people are willing to work hard. Why are some groups still afforded all kinds of special government treatment in schools and hiring because of their skin color? Will these racist programs favoring certain skin colors over others ever be ended?
And look at Asians. Don't need affirmative action. Still succeeding. Illustrates the important role culture and work ethic plays in achieving success.
In the United States there is a Latino supremacist organization called "La Raza" ("the race") that advocates for illegal aliens. It's unfortunate that it isn't condemned as much as it should be. If there were a group called "the white race" that promoted "the advancement of white people first" then it would be seen as evil. Big double standard in this country.
Is there anything like that in your country?