You don't have to call PewDiePie a retard.
People keep saying "He made a rape joke about Clem. I hate him." or "He is so immature and he keeps screaming. What a retard." If he made a rape joke about Clem so what? It was a minor thing and he said he was sorry for it. He is immature we get it. He acts like it because it amuses a lot of people. But he doesn't have to be called a retard.
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First, who are you to tell anyone that their opinion is wrong? I personally dislike his videos because I find him unamusing and annoying, I have nothing against him, but you can't go around telling people they're wrong because they don't like him.
I don't mean to be an asshole. I mean they can hate him but they don't have to insult him by saying he is an annoying retard. Sorry if this offended you somehow.
Well, I don't think opinions are totally subjective. Obviously you shouldn't be a dick about it (not saying anyone here is), but stating why you disagree with their opinion is perfectly legitimate. At some point you should agree to disagree, exchange is important.
Btw, here is where Mitchell is objectively wrong. Rhubarb is delicious.
Meh, I think on the whole Pewdiepie is a bit too loud and obnoxious, but I still watch some of his videos a) to see if a game looks like something I'd want to buy (since he plays a lot - Bully being the big example. It looked good seeing him play, so I bought it) or b) get the storyline to games that look interesting, but not interesting enough to spend money on (or games, like stealth games, which I might really like the story, but hate the gameplay or especially horror. I love psychological horror but I hate cheap jump scares).
Pewdiepie is a cool guy. I only watch his TheWalking Dead videos and a few others. What I hate is his fans. I think that's the main reason.
I've also noticed that even he questions why he screams "PEWWWWWWDIEPIEEEEEEEE". Now he just says "It's Pewdiepie!". He's becoming less childish, but his fans are just what brings him down.
I don't think pewdiepie is a bad guy. I just don't like him.
And I don't think he is a retard, idiot, or whatever the pewdiepie haters call him. I just don't like him because:
1) I think he is annoying and his jokes aren't funny (IMO)
2) very immature
3) his fan base is full of little kids who rage whenever someone says they don't like pewdiepie. The fans don't know how to accept that not everyone has to like the same thing/person they like.
So yeah, I don't think he's a bad guy, I just rather not watch his videos. They annoy the living hell out of me.
Lemme give you a quote, first.
"Heh, the King in the North arises. Seems we killed some of your men, Your Grace. Oh, but I’ll make you an apology, that will mend them all again, heh."
I wasn't aware of this rape joke, and, frankly, I'm not that sensitive to care about it. But, in my opinion, apologies DON'T fix the situation. He apologized? Well, how nice of him, but maybe he shouldn't have joked about it in the first place, hmm? What do you think of that?
"None of your business"? What, your "leader" being criticized got you annoyed? If you like that sort of immature stuff, that's fine and dandy. Just remember that people who don't like this sort of immature stuff and randomly happen to click on his video are free to voice their opinion, regardless of how negative it is (though, it should be a constructive criticism to an extent, otherwise it's just an immature outrage, on the same level Pewdiepie's fans are acting).
He donates to the charity? Well, that's marvelous, and I suppose it is a reason why people should let everything he does slide. Or isn't it? What I'm trying to say is this - him donating to the charity doesn't improve his content in any way, nor is it a reason to silence his critics.
I won't keep you any longer, Fifth Fleet out.
Doesn't respect other's opinions
Moans when they don't respect his/hers
I don't want them to respect my opinion. He said Pewds was my "leader." I got offended. He talked like I was Pewds worshipper or something. I just wanted to point out a thing. I am sorry this thread was useless. I am an asshole. Alright? I am sorry all again. Ban me already. (I am serious.)
PewDiePie is in the illuminati and here's proof!!!!!!!!!
sure thing buddy.
Do it then.
Dude calm down. I am not a douche
Please forgive me guys. I can be an impossible guy sometimes but please. I am sorry.
Shut up you stupid idiot If you watched the BroKen podcast you would know more about him.
PewDiePie and Ken were right, theirs so fucking idiots on the Internet who talk shit and hate on almost anything you do for the dumbest reasons.
It's not your fault and you don't have anything to apologize for.
Are you fucking serious? Calling the OP a douche because of a youtuber he likes to watch?
When I first saw this thread, I knew it was gonna be full of negative crap. Its subjects like this that tend to pit people against each other. (This subject shouldn't, but, sadly there are people on the Internet who just want to start shit.)
Personally, I don't like Pewdiepie, but I'm not what you call a hater. I just don't watch his stuff. Period.
Attitude, not preferences. Although I guess you can say preference of word choice.
@Kenny- Wow you're a good example too. I refer you to my comment once again, lol.
He made a rape joke?
I'm sure he's a good guy, but he's really annoying.
For some reason, I just absolutely..hate his guts to death.
He can be funny but also annoying, I'm neutral about him, I find it annoying when people constantly hate on him excessively but I also find it annoying when people are like "Kill Yourself, Pewds is awesome" so I think he's Okay...... Just some people need to chill out.
I'm against hate against anyone unless they have bad intentions. In the case of PewdiePie making a rape joke about Clem, and he apologized, what's the problem? It's just a bunch of meaningless words. Obviously he didn't intend for anyone to be offended, and his apology showed that. It's the same thing with Jonah Hill. He said something that's offensive to gay people, but he wasn't using it in a homophobic way at all. When it comes to words, the intent is what matters.
And if you don't like his videos, then don't watch them.
You all are welcome to constructively discuss your opinions, but please try to do so civilly. I've already seen a few offending posts that I had to handle.
I don't hate Pewdiepie. I just don't like his content and hate that Youtube keeps suggesting his videos to me when I don't want to see them (honestly, even the thumbnails are obnoxious to me). Then I found out that there's a plug-in that automatically blocks his channel from appearing in my Youtube search results. Now we're square.
Op is a hypocrite.
Pewdiepie is total shit. He only did those charities after he was exposed flaunting and saying he was "richer" than his haters etc.
fans are the frosting to his cake and they speak for themselves.
Summarized my last comment lol.
Thanks for being positive.
Thanks for helping out Blind Sniper!
Try to be a civil for once.
Yeah. At the beginning of TWD series when Clem asks "What should we do now?" which PewDiePie responds "Rape you. I am sorry."
I tried watching his videos in the past and I couldn't make it past 30 seconds. He just annoys the hell out of me. But no I don't personally hate the guy.
I Like pewdiepie, I hated him in a one point but now I like him again... what I hate is the "bro army".
Theyre super annoying and they keep insulting other youtubers, because " PEWDS DID THIS BEFORE, YOURE COPYING HIM!!!" Then there's the other smart comments "Pewds what is this game called?" (reads in the description and sometimes he even says it n the video) " Pewds play [insert game here] " (he played it like a week or two ago) and the list goes on..,
No wonder pewdiepie turned the comments off, I couldnt handle that much crap eather
Lingvort I am sorry about what happened. I burst all my anger to you and I feel horrible now I hope you can forgive me.
Lol, no harm done. I'll just quote myself from my long-ass post. "I'm not that sensitive to care about it."
Just don't be so angry and dismissive at other people and their opinions. While some may sound like assholes or pricks, some have valid things to say.
PewDiePie....I really dislike this guy...
You are right.