Vertigo releasing comic adaptation of Wolf Among Us story

I saw this retweeted from Telltale's twitter and thought you guys might find this interesting. Evidently, Vertigo is choosing to release a digital comic where they retell the story of Wolf Among Us.
Just as Bigby Wolf is a fable no matter whether he’s in the mundane world or more mystical realms, so is his story “Fables” no matter what format it’s in.
That’s the thinking that guides “Fables: The Wolf Among Us,” an upcoming Digital First comic series written by Matthew Sturges and Dave Justus, which is based on TellTale Games’ well-regarded “The Wolf Among Us” video game — itself a prequel to Bill Willingham’s lauded and long-running Vertigo comic “Fables.”
Sturges, who has a fabled past writing the spinoff “Jack of Fables” with Willingham, and Justus will be joined by artists Stephen Sadowski (“Fairest”), Travis Moore (“JSA All-Stars”) and Shawn McManus (“Fables,” “Fairest”), with Chrissie Zullo (“Cinderella” miniseries, “Fairest: In All the Land”) creating the covers. The series, the debut Digital First title from Vertigo, DC’s imprint for mature readers, will launch in December, and print collections will follow next year.
Like TellTale’s episodic game release, the new series will be set before the beginning of Willingham’s multiple-Eisner-Award-winning myths-in-modernity series and follow Bigby, sheriff of Fabletown and erstwhile Big Bad Wolf, on a murder investigation.
A question I imagine people will be asking themselves is, “If I’ve played the game, will this comic book show me anything new?” and the answer to that is an unqualified “Yes.” We’ve added a great deal of depth and characterization and back story, which we’re able to do in comics because it’s such a nimble medium. In a comic you can go anywhere and do anything and you don’t have to worry about your narrative bogging down gameplay. Of course, in the comic, the audience doesn’t get to tear anyone’s arm off, like they do in the game. You have to imagine what it’s like to tear off the arm, which is far less visceral. It’s a trade-off.
And yes, the comic is canon. The game is technically canon, but it’s canon in this strange quantum-mechanical, indeterminate way where several different outcomes are canonically all true at once until you as the player have observed them and forced the story to choose an outcome. Our comic is purely Newtonian: It collapses the narrative waveform and gives you the macro-level canonical events without all the weird simultaneously-dead-and-alive cats.
Thread: So this is a thing that's happening
Surprised this wasn't posted already (not that I could see anyway - sorry if it was)!
Discuss etc.
There may be some things I'd like them not to fuck about with etc, but if nothing else, I'm interested to read this...
Also, not sure whether this is good or bad for a Season 2 - could go either way.
Seems interesting. I'll have to look for it.
Interesting, so does this mean that events that take place in this, is the cannon version of the game?
They seem to imply that they will be taking liberties with the story to only focus and elaborate upon the "macro level" events that are not determined by player choice. That being said, keep in mind that the overall narratives of Telltale's newer choice based games are the same and that player choices exist more as a tool to characterize your protagonist.
I mean as choice like killing Dum and all that, I hope there's different versions to this, like have your version of the game play it the comic.
Motion comic? Why not go full force and make it into an animated movie? Like all those DC are pumping out with Batman and Superman. The straight to DVD ones.
I'd buy and watch the shit out of it.
How do you think they'll handle the in-game choices?
Actually, I'm not sure whether this a good or bad thing. I love Wolf Among Us but I feel like its story is much more oriented toward a game than a comic. Not sure how this is gonna affect both Wolf and Fables in the long run, but am curious to find out.
Yeah, thats one of my concerns too. Like you said, I guess we will have to find out.
I don't know, which is what I am mostly concerned for this comic. I feel like it might screw around with the awesome story in the game a bit. I trust Bill Willingham to do something well, but at the same time I'm worried.
Yeah, like any guy I hope they use the choices I made. but I hope they'll be different versions of this, like have the choices in a menu slot, pick them, and that's how the story will play out.
Not sure thats gonna work out since they are planning on releasing a print model of this in 2015. I think they will probably just avoid a lot of options that don't seem to work for how Bigby is in the comics. Like Bigby in the comics would probably kill Dum, so thats what they are probably gonna do. Not 100% sure though.
Then that means he's gonna send Colin and Toad to the farm.
I also made a thread on what choices that Comic Bigby would make, My Bigby and Comic Bigby don't share similar choices.
But killing Dum is cool because I killed him too.
I also wonder if the voice actors will be reprising their roles.
I would say yes.
I don't read comics but this actually looks like it could be something really cool, I'm interested to see how this will turn out. (Even though I know how the story will turn out :P)
well thats kinda cool
That looks wonderful! Even though I KNOW the story, it still wouldn't hurt to check it out. Looking forward to this!
Kinda cool? You obviously mean it's badass through and through.
yes i mean its badass... im sorry .-.
I'm somewhat confused on this, if TWAU is becoming a comic and its canon. What does this mean for our choices? Did they happen or is the comic forcing a canon story?
I think for the most part the story will be changed to reflect more on the canon parts of it rather than the choice and consequence part of it, which is something that I'm not really looking forward to
Looks hot!!
It should include things that happened offscreen such as Snow "dragging" Bigby after he got shot by Bloody Mary, where did Faith go after meeting Bigby and well, you get the drift.
Yeah, I think the interview was actually implying they would expound upon events as well as character interactions and motivations that the game did not touch upon as heavily.
It's beyond hot, it's steamy.
It's okay, Bloody Mary concluded that she won't chop you up into little pieces.
Hopefully there's a physical release at some point.
thank you..... .-. ._.
...for now, anyways. Maybe she will just "feed their lungs to the family dog" instead.
I'm getting that.
Where did it say motion comic? It's just a digital first, right?
Wait, yeah I read it wrong. Whoops.
Holy sweet Jesus! I need daaaaaaaattt!
Do you think they can do the same for TWD? I don't think so but after this, it's possible. But they'll piss off many fans. You know; "They ruined my experience!" S1 might be hard to do. But in S2 there's not that big "Choices and Consequences" stuff so it might be easy. (Until the last episode) Or this exclusive comic could be about what happened in this 16 months with Clementine and Christa.
Robert Kirkman confirmed that we will never see Clementine or Daryl in the comics. Not sure if that applies to spinoffs, but it may.
Berry interesting
Why pokie why?
srry m8