Finally TWAU is coming to playstore
HAI Guys,i saw a trailer of TWAU release for ps4 and xbox one retail and digital version.In that i notice this also.Yes it is coming to play store november 3 or 7..Go and watch the trailer!!!!!!!!
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Ha ha! Just in time for my B-Day.
I wish it was crossplay, in which if you already bought it on your PS3, then you could download it on your PS4 for free. 
Ahhh! You had me thinking Telltale would consider doing a thing like that, with the whole "already bought it on current-gen, so we would get it for free on next-gen" scenario. Too bad it isn't the case. ;(
The devs of Hotline Miami did that.
Shame on you for not doing what these other developers are doing, Telltale! Haven't you gotten enough money from your current-gen buyers already?
Oh, no well the devs of Hotline Miami did the whole, "Its free on the PS4 if you bought it via PS3" lol.
Well, that was embarrassing. Time to edit my above comment. :S
I can't find the physical edition in our b2p web
I'm going to buy a copy (even tho I'm a PC player) and then I'm gonna sleep with it. Every. Night.
"I like your style." - Luke
i cant wait i love this series {even think its better than the walking dead} very noir and dark and griity now on next gen is just even better