What do you want next from TellTale? (Poll)
So I made a quick poll about what you want TellTale to talk about/ announce.
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So I made a quick poll about what you want TellTale to talk about/ announce.
It might be because this is Ted forum but those results seem to be telling ttg to stop wasting time on other franchises and focus on twd season 3. Hear that ttg?!?! Focus on what made you famous in the first place, don't place it on the back burner for 2 new franchises nobody cares about >.>
It's too soon for season 3 news so I'd say the announcement for a season 2 dlc is what I'm looking forward to the most right now!
I'm also looking forward to the game of thrones game. Concerning borderlands, I'll give it a try but I don't know how that will go since I'm not familiar at all with this universe.
Im so sure if Im going to get Tales from the borderlands because I never liked the normal Borderlands
You think noone cares about Game Of Thrones? Walter's gas is effective ;P
I can easily see that becoming Telltale's most successful game ever, even more than TWD.
And Borderlands also has a considerable fanbase.
I'm just saying, I'm way more excited fot GoT than TWD Season 3.
Im not super excited for got or bordlerlands but im sure they will be good
Right now I'm just excited to start Telltale's upcoming games. Especially Game of Thrones, I feel like it has potential to become a bigger success than The Walking Dead. Other than that, 'm hoping for some news toward a The Wolf Among s2 or DLC. Both if we're lucky.
I care more about Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands more than Walking Dead s3, and I know sure as hell I'm not the only one. Hell, if Walking Dead s3 got cancelled in place for another season of Wolf, I wouldn't care. In fact, I'd be cheering. God, I REALLY HATE fans like you.
lol there are in fact people who care about borderlands but not much here and you seriously just say no one cares about game of thrones? it is the highest viewed show on tv yea i think no one cares about it you must be right
Game of thrones for me
At this point, I would be happy just to see ANYTHING be released. Tales' first episode would be my first choice though, now that I actually got into Borderlands's lore and since it seems to be at least partially completed.
I want Wolf Among Us Season 2 more than Walking Dead Season 3, I'm also exited for Tales From The Borderlands but I haven't finished Borderlands 2 yet, so it can wait until I do that for all I care, it's pretty long, I'm not really interested in DLCs, those are nice but eh would rather they start a new season of something.
I really just want confirmation that Clem's the protag in S3
I don't mind the wait in and of itself, as I'd rather wait and have it be good; but I "really" want to know that detail. It keeps bugging me.
I actually would much rather see a wolf among us season 2 and Game of Thrones more than a new season of the walking dead. Im sick of borderlands at this point.
I tried to like borderlands. I really did, since every single one of my friends loved it. I just... didn't like it. The AI was garbage and once I realized that there is no reason to even try to stay alive the game just got really dull.
Diablo is a better loot grind game. It's much faster and... I always play on Hardcore
And the "charm"... I just didn't eat it up. I hated claptrap.
You are now added to the list of my best friends XD Just saying
I want to see some form of continuation for the Wolf Among Us story.
A game series adaption to the best selling novel series Warriors by Erin Hunter?
Just a thought.
Wow, you're mature.
Back on topic, stop saying that TWD s3 is being "backburnered" and all the other projects TT is working on is "shit' because neither one of those things are true and you know that. If you want to talk about how Walking Dead should be TT's priority, state it like your opinion and not like a fact because it isnt one.
I was going to say I want them to make something TWAU-related; the game was so awesome and I need more wolf my life. 'The Wolf Among Us' was (in my opinion) the most amazing game that telltale (or any other video-game company) has ever made; it deserves a lot more attention than it got and deserves a sequel more than any other game I can think of.
At the same time, I'm worried that if they DO make a season 2 or a DLC, they might not be able to make it as good as the first and original one. No matter how much effort they put into it (and we all know telltale make the best games), I just don't think it will ever be as epic and mind-blowing as season 1. And I don't want to feel disappointed and I don't want a sequel that lacks the epicness and the beauty of the original game. So maybe they should leave the wolf story intact. When they created the first season of this game, they set our standards high. They should know that, and they should know we expect a lot from them.
As much as I hate to admit it, I think they should just leave Wolf Among Us as it is and focus on their other projects for now. I just don't want to be disappointed, especially not by telltale. And I thought I wanted a sequel more than anyone, and I'm still confused about what I really want :P My heart says YES to a sequel but my mind says NO
-me and my confused mind and emotions
I couldn't figure out how to vote for Tales of Monkey Island Season Two...
Well since Season 3 of TWD is already confirmed I'll say Season 2 or a DLC for TWAU.
Season 3 of The Walking Dead. The hype train has no stops!
Game of Thrones! Can't bloody wait, hope it comes out this year.