Fables #145


How did you feel about this issue? I loved #144, even with the loss of our beloved Beast, but this issue to me felt more like a filler.

Totenkinder is a badass as always. For me she had the right idea on how to stop Bigby (dismembering him ratter than killing him, maybe keeping him dismembered until she could cure him, like she kept Baba Yaga powerless in the "adversary saga"), but it was cool to see her fail and take a heavy loss, "half of her power" in her own words. I don't get it how Ms. Dark (Leigh Douglas) was able to attack through Bigby wound and destroy "judgement", but I think now she knows who is she really dealing with, or at least what: "The Dark One" powers.

Bigby, on the other hand, was a surprise. He seems to be in enough control of himself. We had seen earlier that he was resisting Ms. Dark but now not only that he seems more eloquent. Unlike "shouldn't have come", "beast friend once", etc. now he's forming full sentences and is acting very rational, to the point of letting Rose off the hook be cause he doesn't "kill family, even if she's a bad seed". I dare to think he may be forcing his way to "new Fabletown" not to come to "his wife" but to end Ms. Dark on the spot. She may have all the Dark man powers but I don't think she has the experience to use it to full extent and I don't think her control over Bigby is enough to force him to do something so against his will like murdering his wife and children. I bet she will fall much like Ozma did, surprisingly easily, either by Bigby's or Totenkinder's hands (or, who knows, maybe Snow's... I just hope not Rose, and that the war between the sisters starts for some other reason), leaving the plot to follow the Camelot arch to the conclusion of the series.

Hell, another month of wait until the next issue. I have no idea what "next: let this cup pass" means (haven't given it much though yet), do any of you? Maybe Brandish in winning his trial by combat (which we know he sure will) will take Lancelot's place beside Rose? Damn, Rose... why didn't you listen to your sister just this once...

Let what you guys think be known!
My best regards to the community,
Rafael Lazera


  • ER....this issue is 145 :-/

  • oh, numbers... I said I was anxious for the next issue [edited] :-p

    lin3756 posted: »

    ER....this issue is 145 :-/

  • I think Bigby has his memories and his "self" back and is now fighting for control of his body from Mrs. Dark. And I think she's losing control a lot more quicker than she thinks. He went from mutilating Ozma and Beast to giving a pass to Rose and Totenkinder in a short amount of time.

    And God, I hope Rose isn't the one to kill Bigby. That whole, "Next time, I'll make you a widow, Snow" was a major eye-roll. It was bad enough having to endure Brandish kill off one of my favorite characters, I don't think I could take it happening again with Rose. Although it would be terrible to see, the only person I believe that should "release" Bigby is Snow. Or maybe his daughter, Winter.

  • Well Snow already ordered the murder of Brandish and Frau. But after Rose's line she'll do something much more sinister. The next issue Rose goes to her original home, which means Cinderella succeeds in killing Frau Totenkinder. Snow's murder order on Brandish will fail the first time, but when she gives her sister a fake gift Brandish will die since his punishment will be to use Snow's gift.

    I think Bigby has his memories and his "self" back and is now fighting for control of his body from Mrs. Dark. And I think she's losing cont

  • No matter what, I'm pinning Bill's voodoo doll

    oh, numbers... I said I was anxious for the next issue [edited] :-p

  • How do you know Rose is going to her "original home"? What gift are you talking about and, again, how do you know about it?

    Also, I'm not reading any of the side comics, like the one's about Jack, Cindy, "Fairest", etc. I'm sure I'm missing a lot of context on these, more or less, side characters. Am I?

    LukaszB posted: »

    Well Snow already ordered the murder of Brandish and Frau. But after Rose's line she'll do something much more sinister. The next issue Rose

  • wrong Bill?

    lin3756 posted: »

    No matter what, I'm pinning Bill's voodoo doll

  • Bill Willingham, fables writer :-(

    wrong Bill?

  • Kinda say Im actually pretty disappointing, not much was revealed or happened. Although I am eternally thankful no one else just DIED for no reason again. It seemed short and...unneeded? For lack of a better word. Not even filler, which at this point would be extremely detrimental to the comic seeing as its ending in 5 issues, but just...

    It's nothing, I feel extremely indifferent and somewhat disappointed in issue 145.

  • It is ironic that Snow orders Cinderella to assassinate Frau Totenkinder as she resurrect her in a story in Fairest.

    Btw, why does Snow order Cindy to kill Totenkinder? Is it because she want to stop her from killing Bigby?

  • Yeah I believe its because she knows Frau can probably defeat Bigby. But he is starting to get control of himself again so she doesn't want anything to happen yet.

    It is ironic that Snow orders Cinderella to assassinate Frau Totenkinder as she resurrect her in a story in Fairest. Btw, why does Snow order Cindy to kill Totenkinder? Is it because she want to stop her from killing Bigby?

  • How do you know Rose is going to her "original home"? What gift are you talking about and, again, how do you know about it? Also, I'm not

  • Are you 2 paying attention or not? "And indications are she's going to support Rose." Snow will have Rose all to herself and her sword is more powerful than Rose's as the fight between Bigby and Frau Totenkinder revealed.

    Yeah I believe its because she knows Frau can probably defeat Bigby. But he is starting to get control of himself again so she doesn't want anything to happen yet.

  • What the....most readers are caring about the wolf but they are going to say"Surprise!Snow and Rose are not real sisters!"...:-(

    LukaszB posted: »

    http://www.vertigocomics.com/comics/fables-2002/fables-146 And the original Camelot story

  • We all know they have the same mother, however there is doubt that they have the same father. Sounds more like they are half-sisters.

    lin3756 posted: »

    What the....most readers are caring about the wolf but they are going to say"Surprise!Snow and Rose are not real sisters!"...:-(

  • lol, I know it just reminded me of this ad :-)

    lin3756 posted: »

    Bill Willingham, fables writer :-(

  • I could swear they were twins!! Who is the younger sister? Snow? Where is it stated or implied that they are no twins? Twins may have not only different gender but features, like eye, skin and hair color, body build, etc. :-O

    LukaszB posted: »

    We all know they have the same mother, however there is doubt that they have the same father. Sounds more like they are half-sisters.

  • Yeah, I think filler was a bad word to use. It just didn't move the plot or answered any questions just created new ones to add to an already big list, and like you said with just 5 issues to go... But I liked it more after rereading it. I think Totenkinder will step down now that he lost "half of her power" with the destruction of "judgement". Seeing her surprise was this issue's climax (if my English is good enough to keep picking words like that). She's like the most powerful and cunning fable in the story, she siding with Rose would make the sister's dispute hardly even. But if Cindy is really able to assassinate Totenkinder and Bigby recovers, I don't think Rose will have any chance in the war (maybe Brandish will side with Rose and face Bigby a 2nd time, but there's just no way he would beat the hero again).

    Anyway, seeing how the side stories have been ending really nicely and well tied up, I'm positive that they will do a better job than Telltale did with TWAU and end this epic series with good if not perfect closure. Just a few more months now! :-D

    Maximum124 posted: »

    Kinda say Im actually pretty disappointing, not much was revealed or happened. Although I am eternally thankful no one else just DIED for no

  • edited October 2014

    I firmly believe that Snow is significantly superior to Rose in every way that counts, but so was Bigby to Brandish (the problem was that Bigby gave in to his beastly side and could never have expected to be caught by Brandish's sword's powers). I think there's always the possibility that the weaker side can win, specially if the stronger gets overconfident (like we have seen so many times now?). And remember that Snow will die from a sword through the heart, like when she defeated Brandish. Maybe Rose will impale her in the last minute like she just did to Bigby, but with deadly precision. Again, remember the very first issue, as Rose (or was it Jack?) wrote in her own blood, "NO MORE HAPPILY EVER AFTER". :-\

    LukaszB posted: »

    Are you 2 paying attention or not? "And indications are she's going to support Rose." Snow will have Rose all to herself and her sword is more powerful than Rose's as the fight between Bigby and Frau Totenkinder revealed.

  • Spoiler

    Snow's fate to die from a sword through the heart was fulfilled in the side comics "Fairest - In all the land". Cindy found the way to rescue her. I learnt about it in one of the threads here on the forum, and then I've read it on my own. It was a huge relief for me, cause I still hope for a happy ending...

    I firmly believe that Snow is significantly superior to Rose in every way that counts, but so was Bigby to Brandish (the problem was that Bi

  • I haven't read the issue yet and only know what I know from what I've been seeing in this thread sooooooooo

    LukaszB posted: »

    Are you 2 paying attention or not? "And indications are she's going to support Rose." Snow will have Rose all to herself and her sword is more powerful than Rose's as the fight between Bigby and Frau Totenkinder revealed.

  • edited October 2014

    Read Fairest in all the Land for the Brandish sword through the heart prophecy's end.

    We know Bigby as being just, hence Frau's blade named judgement was used forcefully on someone just which caused the blade to be destroyed.

    Snow named her sword ice, and Rose named her sword thorn. Ice freezes thorns, and thorns can't break ice for a very long time.

    Rose also committed suicide with her last comment. Bigby will outlive all his cubs and will die 5 times, with the fifth death being his last.

    I firmly believe that Snow is significantly superior to Rose in every way that counts, but so was Bigby to Brandish (the problem was that Bi

  • Dammit, I didn't know the spin offs would contain such vital content! I guess I'll have a lot of reading to do before the next issue (but I doubt I'll find enough time at this moment of my life)...

  • I know it probably won't happen (who knows) but I don't want Bigby to die again!! Before this issue came out, I was imagining Snow heading out of the gates and killing Bigby there and then or something along those lines with Totenkinder... Then the issue comes out and Bigby ends up beating both Totenkinder and Rose!
    Rose stabbing Bigby and him not dying as a result tells me that Bigby is a lot more powerful than people think (he has been referred to as a 'god' quite a lot recently)
    Hopefully he'll get his deserved revenge on Ms. Dark and Brandish; but he will have to leave Fabletown for good or die afterwards, why?: He's killed Ozma, Thrushbeard and Beast, even if he recovers he will never be accepted into the community again...

  • I wonder if Snow actually wants Bigby to come back or just remain dead; atm she seems pretty on the fence about it and it worries me; in Volumes 19 and 20 we can see that she really does miss him and even wept for him and begged his return when she was in private... but now I have no idea whether or not she really wants her 'husband' back....

    Yeah I believe its because she knows Frau can probably defeat Bigby. But he is starting to get control of himself again so she doesn't want anything to happen yet.

  • I'm tempted to say Snow is the older sibling but it might be because she looks older than Rose (at least to me) also Snow's maturity compared to Rose's....

    I could swear they were twins!! Who is the younger sister? Snow? Where is it stated or implied that they are no twins? Twins may have not only different gender but features, like eye, skin and hair color, body build, etc. :-O

  • Nowhere does it say they were twins. Actually features/traits would be similar in twins. For Snow and Rose to be twin sisters their father must be blond, considering the fact that everyone from their mom's family has a dark hair mix, and there only being a 33% chance. Their father must also have brown eyes for them to be twin sisters. Also the only similarities they have are from their mom's side of the family, which vastly limits the chance that they are twins.

    Snow is older than Rose, this has been self-evident for a long time.

    I could swear they were twins!! Who is the younger sister? Snow? Where is it stated or implied that they are no twins? Twins may have not only different gender but features, like eye, skin and hair color, body build, etc. :-O

  • I really like your observations! The fact that you said he was probably trying to go there to defeat Dark instead of his wife is something I didn't even think about! I like it! I'll take is a step further, and say that he might even be acting a part of it. Like, he was never going to kill Frau or Rose in the first place. He seems to have gained more real control after his unfortunate encounter in issue 144 (RIP Beast and Ozma, two of my favorite characters) And instead of fulfilling Dark's requests, he's just going to get rid of her. There's no way he could go kill his cubs after he said that he doesn't kill family. Why else would Willingham add that bit? It makes sense. I can't wait for the next issue. My bets are that either Cindy or Frau are the next to die, considering Cinderella's newest mission. Or, maybe they'll both die. That would suck big time.

  • Even if Bigby were to die, I think he would come back once again. He's supposed to outlive his children, and so far it seems as though that prophecy will come true. In general, nothing seems to have changed. I'm afraid of EVERYONE I love dying. Snow, Rose, Cinderella now, Frau. Pretty much everyone directly involved with Snow and Rose's little debacle. It's very suspenseful.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I know it probably won't happen (who knows) but I don't want Bigby to die again!! Before this issue came out, I was imagining Snow heading o

  • *7 times, he'll die 7 times.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Read Fairest in all the Land for the Brandish sword through the heart prophecy's end. We know Bigby as being just, hence Frau's blade nam

  • Bigby may leave Fabletown, I recall from his encounter with Boy Blue in the afterlife that if he were to return to life then there would a possibility that he fullfills his (original) purpose of becoming a monster.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I know it probably won't happen (who knows) but I don't want Bigby to die again!! Before this issue came out, I was imagining Snow heading o

  • I'm scared of the pauper cub being revealed right now, if the pauper cub will be revealed it will probably be Blossom. From the looks of it Brandish will die in a few issues considering he killed Weyland Smith and Snow sent Grimble to spy on him and he got arrested. The moment Grimble returns to Snow is when Brandish's fate will be sealed. Brandish wants to fight Rose, Snow will want both of them dead or at least one of them, and will rig a gift that kills the person who puts it on to Rose (just like Morgan le Fay's gift to King Arthur in the original Camelot plot) Rose will ultimately give it to Brandish.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Even if Bigby were to die, I think he would come back once again. He's supposed to outlive his children, and so far it seems as though that

  • In 1001 nights' first story very last page, Charming mentions that Snow has a twin sister. I guess that proves that at least Snow believe's Rose to be her twin.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Nowhere does it say they were twins. Actually features/traits would be similar in twins. For Snow and Rose to be twin sisters their father m

  • I think the let this cup pass is a reference to Jesus asking God to change his fate so he wouldn't have to die.

    Also, maybe if Bigby and Snow were able to see each other Bigby could some how communicate better and tell them that Spratt is controlling him.

  • I think Winter will discover Spratt is controlling Bigby; hell maybe Bellflower knows already but wants to kill him regardless! The 'let this cup pass' thing is this (to me): When we see Rose in issue 129 when she meets the Paladins of Hope, her 'evil' fate has her wearing steel armor not coloured gold but it has roses on it... So maybe Snow and Rose switch roles because of whatever has infected Rose from the Boxes or because Rose wants to kill Bigby...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I think the let this cup pass is a reference to Jesus asking God to change his fate so he wouldn't have to die. Also, maybe if Bigby and

  • Shouldn't the Pauper cub be Ghost? He is just a wind after all....

    LukaszB posted: »

    I'm scared of the pauper cub being revealed right now, if the pauper cub will be revealed it will probably be Blossom. From the looks of it

  • Actually, there is the fact that there are two versions of Snow's own words. 1001 Nights of Snowfall is when Snow tells 1001 tales including her tale. In another spinoff based on Snows words is a near opposite of her words in 1001 Nights of Snowfall, and the other one matches a story arc.

    In 1001 nights' first story very last page, Charming mentions that Snow has a twin sister. I guess that proves that at least Snow believe's Rose to be her twin.

  • Ghost through being unseen can live very long, "The 7th will live to ages old and is by heaven blest". Rose Red took the role of King Arthur, hence also having the ability to have a pauper. In the original Arthurian tale of Camelot, King Arthur's pauper is Morgan Le Fay's child.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Shouldn't the Pauper cub be Ghost? He is just a wind after all....

  • Actually Rose through wanting Bigby dead, will end up dead since Bigby can't be killed for 6 times.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I think Winter will discover Spratt is controlling Bigby; hell maybe Bellflower knows already but wants to kill him regardless! The 'let thi

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