TWAU Movie Cast
So I was just thinking, who would play the characters of the game, if there was a movie? I was thinking Hugh Jackman as Bigby because he plays a somewhat similar role in X-Men. Who else would be cast for the movie?
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I honestly cant see anyone playing Bigby
Yeah it'd be hard to recreate the character but I think Jackman would be the closest thing unless someone else can think of one
Hugh Jackman as Bigby and Megan Fox as Snow lol.
But we will actually see who is playing Bigby, Snow, Beauty, and Beast in the Fables movie they announced thats supposed to be coming out next year or 2016.
They're really making a movie? I was just asking about if, IF, there was a movie but now I know there will be one. Not sure how I feel about this...
Here's a suggestion, kind of.
Holy shit that is actually a really good list...
Beast you lucky bastard
Just a thought.
A few candidates for Bigby :
Richard Armitage
Bradley Cooper
I think Jackman is a great fit too, although he's already famous as Wolverine.
Haven't thought much for other characters yet. haha. TheZorkij has already suggested a pretty good list.
lol @WWE Erick Rowen.
Wow. That line-up fits so well. I could see that actually happening
Cillian Murphy as Tiny Tim

Maybe those links won't work for me... Anyway you could look up the actor and the character and compare for yourself. Cillian Murphy plays a lot of small parts in movies so this one wouldn't be too different. The particular movie I'd use to compare images of him and Tiny Tim would be 'The Wind That Shakes The Barley', mostly because of the flat-cap
How'bout Danny Devito as Dee and Dum? Closest you're gonna get.
Wasn't he the Penguin in Batman Returns? He was fuckin' creepy in that movie when I first watched it as a kid.
Willem Dafoe: as Bigby.
Jeremy Irons: as the Crooked Man.
Scarlett Johansson: as Snow White.
Jennifer Laurence: as Beauty.
Gerard Butler: as Beast.
i kinda see brandon white as bigby. he's the dude kratos in god of war game is moulded after. he's the one on the left
Christian Bail could do a good Bigby
I can see Hugh Jackman as Bigby.
And I can definitely see Scarlett Johansson as Beauty, Lol!
Chris Hemsworth, yeah he could do Beast.
And I think Jennifer Connelly would make a good Snow White.
Erick Rowan, omg lmao.
Depending on how you look at it, TWAU is basically already a movie.