Feminazi is a term popularized by radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh and in use since the early 1990s. It is a portmanteau of the nouns femi… morenist and Nazi. The online version of the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term as used in a "usually disparaging" manner, to describe "an extreme or militant feminist".[1]
The term is used pejoratively to attack feminists who are perceived as extreme.
It's a demeaning term. Much like nigger, spic, kike, cracker, faggot, and the abundance of other destructive wording. I'm disgusted that it's actually a preceived and accepted term for some mouth-breathers. (scroll down a bit to find two.)
While I don't particularly like the context in which it was created, I do find it to be an apt term to describe the minority of feminists who express extremely radical ideas in a very aggressive manner and seek to silence their opposition. It's not really like the terms you listed. It's more like "bible-thumper" or "geek" or "tiger mom" in that it describes an extreme subset of a group.
Feminazi is a term popularized by radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh and in use since the early 1990s. It is a portmanteau of the nouns femi… morenist and Nazi. The online version of the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term as used in a "usually disparaging" manner, to describe "an extreme or militant feminist".[1]
The term is used pejoratively to attack feminists who are perceived as extreme.
It's a demeaning term. Much like nigger, spic, kike, cracker, faggot, and the abundance of other destructive wording. I'm disgusted that it's actually a preceived and accepted term for some mouth-breathers. (scroll down a bit to find two.)
So then they're extremists. It'd be like me saying all Muslims are terrorists. Some are, most aren't.
Out of curiosity, have you met any of these "radical feminist." Or did you just get the info from Fox news or something ridiculous like that?
What did I do? Did you not read what talimancer posted? Or are you just blind?
I won't calm down, either. Whoever that person was, they insulted me. So no, I won't.
It wan't created to be used like that though. It was created by Rush Limbaugh to distort the feminist movement so that women would go back to cooking and cleaning. It's a hateful term, created by hateful people.
Redskin is very comparable. It was created with extreme prejudice to describe the "filthy savages" that were the native Americans. Now there is a whole baseball team called the "Redskins." It's still a hateful word though, sweeping things under a rug is never a good thing. If a word has bad history behind it, it's bad.
"Mouth-breather" is also a demeaning term...
While I don't particularly like the context in which it was created, I do find it to be an a… morept term to describe the minority of feminists who express extremely radical ideas in a very aggressive manner and seek to silence their opposition. It's not really like the terms you listed. It's more like "bible-thumper" or "geek" or "tiger mom" in that it describes an extreme subset of a group.
Well, I've looked it up and this was the context in which he used the term:
I prefer to call the most obnoxious feminists what they really are: feminazis. Tom Hazlett, a good friend who is an esteemed and highly regarded professor of economics at the University of California at Davis, coined the term to describe any female who is intolerant of any point of view that challenges militant feminism. I often use it to describe women who are obsessed with perpetuating a modern-day holocaust: abortion. There are 1.5 million abortions a year, and some feminists almost seem to celebrate that figure. There are not many of them, but they deserve to be called feminazis.
So actually, the term did originate to be used as I described. Rush Limbaugh merely adapted it to fit his agenda against abortion.
It wan't created to be used like that though. It was created by Rush Limbaugh to distort the feminist movement so that women would go back t… moreo cooking and cleaning. It's a hateful term, created by hateful people.
Redskin is very comparable. It was created with extreme prejudice to describe the "filthy savages" that were the native Americans. Now there is a whole baseball team called the "Redskins." It's still a hateful word though, sweeping things under a rug is never a good thing. If a word has bad history behind it, it's bad.
You apparently haven't, have you seen the video where she states she hates video games, have you seen where she exaggerates points that she made up, have you seen where she vocally attacks men but someone does it toher and she calls herself a victim to draw support?
I never said shes evil, you're literary making stuff up now to try and have a point.
I've read, watched, researched, and investigated her and her cause.
But, you're right. She's "evil" because she said things you don't agree with.
I get that you were insulted but that's no reason to insult others in turn. Let's everybody just calm down and try to talk to each other like adults here.
You apparently haven't, have you seen the video where she states she hates video games, have you seen where she exaggerates points that she … moremade up, have you seen where she vocally attacks men but someone does it toher and she calls herself a victim to draw support?
I never said shes evil, you're literary making stuff up now to try and have a point.
Learn about the "poor victim" you're defending.
Well, I've looked it up and this was the context in which he used the term:
I prefer to call the most obnoxious feminists what they re… moreally are: feminazis. Tom Hazlett, a good friend who is an esteemed and highly regarded professor of economics at the University of California at Davis, coined the term to describe any female who is intolerant of any point of view that challenges militant feminism. I often use it to describe women who are obsessed with perpetuating a modern-day holocaust: abortion. There are 1.5 million abortions a year, and some feminists almost seem to celebrate that figure. There are not many of them, but they deserve to be called feminazis.
So actually, the term did originate to be used as I described. Rush Limbaugh merely adapted it to fit his agenda against abortion.
Limbaugh has used the term to refer to members of the National Center for Women and Policing, the Feminist Majority Foundation, the National Organization for Women, and other organizations at the March for Women's Lives, a large pro-choice demonstration.
I won't get into a abortion debate. But I'll say this... Comparing any group of people that choose (with their own bodies) what to do with a fetus to a group that worked to exterminate an entire group of people based on religious value is sick. It's narrow-minded and disgraceful.
Well, I've looked it up and this was the context in which he used the term:
I prefer to call the most obnoxious feminists what they re… moreally are: feminazis. Tom Hazlett, a good friend who is an esteemed and highly regarded professor of economics at the University of California at Davis, coined the term to describe any female who is intolerant of any point of view that challenges militant feminism. I often use it to describe women who are obsessed with perpetuating a modern-day holocaust: abortion. There are 1.5 million abortions a year, and some feminists almost seem to celebrate that figure. There are not many of them, but they deserve to be called feminazis.
So actually, the term did originate to be used as I described. Rush Limbaugh merely adapted it to fit his agenda against abortion.
I get that you were insulted but that's no reason to insult others in turn. Let's everybody just calm down and try to talk to each other like adults here.
Well, I guess for people who honestly believe that abortion is the termination of a human being's life, the comparison would actually be pretty appropriate. They're wrong in their belief, but I do see how that belief would lead to that comparison.
But, really, the term/suffix "-nazi" has come to be used to describe any oppressively strict attitude. You have feminazis, grammar nazis, Seinfeld's "Soup Nazi." It is probably a bit insensitive but I don't mind it too much.
Limbaugh has used the term to refer to members of the National Center for Women and Policing, the Feminist Majority Foundation, the National… more Organization for Women, and other organizations at the March for Women's Lives, a large pro-choice demonstration.
I won't get into a abortion debate. But I'll say this... Comparing any group of people that choose (with their own bodies) what to do with a fetus to a group that worked to exterminate an entire group of people based on religious value is sick. It's narrow-minded and disgraceful.
Well, it's a good thing I don't care, huh? Also, what an insult. Telling me that I'm wrong because none of the thirteen year old's that infest this side are "backing me" really hurts my ego.
I think I'll change my viewpoints and/or not voice them because of this...
You mean her series on VIDEO GAMES? She attacked every man on a series about VIDEO GAME? I want to be clear, cause I don't recall her attacking men on a series about VIDEO GAMES.
You mean her series on MALE DOMINATION OVER FEMALES IN VIDEO GAMES? She did attack every man with a series about MALE DOMINATION OVER FEMALES IN VIDEO GAMES. To be clear, I don't think you watched her series about MALE DOMINATION OVER FEMALES IN VIDEO GAMES.
What are you talking about?
You mean her series on VIDEO GAMES? She attacked every man on a series about VIDEO GAME? I want to be clear, cause I don't recall her attacking men on a series about VIDEO GAMES.
When in actuality no one is backing you.
Well, it's a good thing I don't care, huh? Also, what an insult. Telling me that I'm wrong … morebecause none of the thirteen year old's that infest this side are "backing me" really hurts my ego.
I think I'll change my viewpoints and/or not voice them because of this...
Well, I guess for people who honestly believe that abortion is the termination of a human being's life, the comparison would actually be pre… moretty appropriate. They're wrong in their belief, but I do see how that belief would lead to that comparison.
But, really, the term/suffix "-nazi" has come to be used to describe any oppressively strict attitude. You have feminazis, grammar nazis, Seinfeld's "Soup Nazi." It is probably a bit insensitive but I don't mind it too much.
I don't know what an SJW is though. I don't relegate myself to one form of thinking either, I am who I choose to be. Nothing more, if I think something is bad, I don't like it.
You started by telling me to "fuck off." Don't do that, it REALLY pisses me off. And then calling me a "tool?" That's the talk of a thirteen year old. If you can't voice your opinion without slinging your verbal insults at me, then we have a problem.
Plus, I really don't care what your opinion is anyway after you opened up with "Fuck off."
I never said you're wrong. Hardly I think you're clouded by Anita's Victim complex, but let me reefer you to your own insult
Shhh. Eve… moreryone, I think it's trying to speak...
You're still trying to invoke reactions out of other members with your cocky attitude. Which as I pointed out is to no avail.
Also don't call others 13 when most SJWs are that age.
Books actually make you smart whereas blogs brainwash you and make you eat whatever shit is thrown at you. Like eating all the garbage that comes out of that lesser being anita sarkeesian's mouth.
That's...not an attack on men. It's a criticism of a trend in the video game industry. One that does exist. If I say "racial profiling by the police tends to negatively effect blacks more than whites," that's not an attack or accusation against all whites. An acknowledgment of a social trend that favors one group over another says nothing about the quality or character of the group being favored.
Wow...You really didn't...
You mean her series on MALE DOMINATION OVER FEMALES IN VIDEO GAMES? She did attack every man with a series abo… moreut MALE DOMINATION OVER FEMALES IN VIDEO GAMES. To be clear, I don't think you watched her series about MALE DOMINATION OVER FEMALES IN VIDEO GAMES.
That's...not an attack on men. It's a criticism of a trend in the video game industry. One that does exist. If I say "racial profiling by th… moree police tends to negatively effect blacks more than whites," that's not an attack or accusation against all whites. An acknowledgment of a social trend that favors one group over another says nothing about the quality or character of the group being favored.
It's...pretty widespread, actually and if people think that addressing it would help to improve video games and make them more appealing to half of the population of people in the world, why shouldn't it be addressed? I've seen Anita's video series as well and while I disagree with a fair number of the points she brings up, there wasn't anything in there that constituted an attack on men. Stuff is said in there that could be used as a point with which to attack men, but that's a different claim entirely.
Yes. Extreme feminists. And really, compare racism to slurs against "problem" feminists, how fucking dense can a person be.
"Mouth-breather" is also a demeaning term...
While I don't particularly like the context in which it was created, I do find it to be an apt term to describe the minority of feminists who express extremely radical ideas in a very aggressive manner and seek to silence their opposition. It's not really like the terms you listed. It's more like "bible-thumper" or "geek" or "tiger mom" in that it describes an extreme subset of a group.
You need to calm down and yes I have, you need to stop making allegations. Plus didn't I say not all feminists?
I've read, watched, researched, and investigated her and her cause.
But, you're right. She's "evil" because she said things you don't agree with.
Point is still valid in my opinion. Just gotta change it to "m'lady"
Do you know many times I been personally insulted on these forums.
I been called a racist, among other things.
Life isn't so bad,
I like Amish People the best, if i could be Amish i be Amish.
It wan't created to be used like that though. It was created by Rush Limbaugh to distort the feminist movement so that women would go back to cooking and cleaning. It's a hateful term, created by hateful people.
Redskin is very comparable. It was created with extreme prejudice to describe the "filthy savages" that were the native Americans. Now there is a whole baseball team called the "Redskins." It's still a hateful word though, sweeping things under a rug is never a good thing. If a word has bad history behind it, it's bad.
Well, I've looked it up and this was the context in which he used the term:
So actually, the term did originate to be used as I described. Rush Limbaugh merely adapted it to fit his agenda against abortion.
You apparently haven't, have you seen the video where she states she hates video games, have you seen where she exaggerates points that she made up, have you seen where she vocally attacks men but someone does it toher and she calls herself a victim to draw support?
I never said shes evil, you're literary making stuff up now to try and have a point.
Learn about the "poor victim" you're defending.
I get that you were insulted but that's no reason to insult others in turn. Let's everybody just calm down and try to talk to each other like adults here.
Give me links. I'd be happy to see her "vocally attack men" especially since she never did (not from what I've heard, at least).
How old are you, 5? I mean seriously. Can you not formulate a normal argument or response. Tsk. Typical tumblr.
Then you've never watched ANY of her videos.
That's cool if you're cool with it. I'm not cool with people telling me to "fuck off" though and calling me a "tool" because of something I support.
Then saying I'M wrong? I do research into things and try seeing the points of both sides. I don't follow blindly.
awh shit, get schooled son.
I won't get into a abortion debate. But I'll say this... Comparing any group of people that choose (with their own bodies) what to do with a fetus to a group that worked to exterminate an entire group of people based on religious value is sick. It's narrow-minded and disgraceful.
Its very hard to take you seriously...
I'm not insulting, I'm giving advice.
It is easy to think once you put forth some effort.
Watch her videos...
Backpedaling, are we?
Do you have evidence of her "vocally attacking men" or not?
It's funny really, you still think you still have grounds to make comebacks. When in actuality no one is backing you.
Watch her videos...You know you say you did research but I think you didn't, it seems like you didn't watch a single thing of hers.
Well, I guess for people who honestly believe that abortion is the termination of a human being's life, the comparison would actually be pretty appropriate. They're wrong in their belief, but I do see how that belief would lead to that comparison.
But, really, the term/suffix "-nazi" has come to be used to describe any oppressively strict attitude. You have feminazis, grammar nazis, Seinfeld's "Soup Nazi." It is probably a bit insensitive but I don't mind it too much.
Well, it's a good thing I don't care, huh? Also, what an insult. Telling me that I'm wrong because none of the thirteen year old's that infest this side are "backing me" really hurts my ego.
I think I'll change my viewpoints and/or not voice them because of this...
Come on. You know what you're doing. Just try to keep it civil. I don't want to see bans coming down in here.
What are you talking about?
You mean her series on VIDEO GAMES? She attacked every man on a series about VIDEO GAME? I want to be clear, cause I don't recall her attacking men on a series about VIDEO GAMES.
Wow...You really didn't...
You mean her series on MALE DOMINATION OVER FEMALES IN VIDEO GAMES? She did attack every man with a series about MALE DOMINATION OVER FEMALES IN VIDEO GAMES. To be clear, I don't think you watched her series about MALE DOMINATION OVER FEMALES IN VIDEO GAMES.
I never said you're wrong. Hardly I think you're clouded by Anita's Victim complex, but let me reefer you to your own insult
You're still trying to invoke reactions out of other members with your cocky attitude. Which as I pointed out is to no avail.
Also don't call others 13 when most SJWs are that age.
It still isn't a good thing to hold to though.
And that's the point. It's not a term that should be used, point blank period.
I don't know what an SJW is though. I don't relegate myself to one form of thinking either, I am who I choose to be. Nothing more, if I think something is bad, I don't like it.
You started by telling me to "fuck off." Don't do that, it REALLY pisses me off. And then calling me a "tool?" That's the talk of a thirteen year old. If you can't voice your opinion without slinging your verbal insults at me, then we have a problem.
Plus, I really don't care what your opinion is anyway after you opened up with "Fuck off."
I would hope if they did, I wouldn't be the one to get banned. Seeing as though talimancer called me a "tool" and told me to "fuck off."
No clue how to embed a video here so link...
Great, attacking men...
Men must be afraid of losing their "privilege" because they disagree.
Woman have gotten equal rights in America, I hope the actual "femnazis" of America go to China or India to learn what REAL patriarchy is.
Did you mean to say "Read a blog."?
Books actually make you smart whereas blogs brainwash you and make you eat whatever shit is thrown at you. Like eating all the garbage that comes out of that lesser being anita sarkeesian's mouth.
That's...not an attack on men. It's a criticism of a trend in the video game industry. One that does exist. If I say "racial profiling by the police tends to negatively effect blacks more than whites," that's not an attack or accusation against all whites. An acknowledgment of a social trend that favors one group over another says nothing about the quality or character of the group being favored.
Does it exist? Yes.
Is it everywhere and needs to be addressed? No
The way Anita does it IS an attack on men.
It's...pretty widespread, actually and if people think that addressing it would help to improve video games and make them more appealing to half of the population of people in the world, why shouldn't it be addressed? I've seen Anita's video series as well and while I disagree with a fair number of the points she brings up, there wasn't anything in there that constituted an attack on men. Stuff is said in there that could be used as a point with which to attack men, but that's a different claim entirely.