Anyone dislike Snow White?

She didn't even bother to investigate Lily's disappearance, telling Crane about the murder of Faith when Bigby specifically told her not to and denying Toad the chance to get a glamour when he had the money (causing his death) and sending Colin to The Farm when as Colin mentioned could pass as a pig.
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I would never dislike my Snowbunny. Besides, the reason why she denied Toad's money was because of canon with the comics, and even if Colin was forced to go The Farm (again), he would always make his way back into Bigby's apartment no matter what.
This ^^
Also, a lot of people seem to dislike her behavior especially after episode 2. But on god damn earth, how would you behave if somebody would discover that your boss (or someone else) is spying on you and making prostitutes to look like you? I'm actually surprised she didn't went on a rampage, I don't know what I would do in this kind of situation. People could be more empathic sometimes, at least in my opinion.
Vive la Snow White!
I could never hate my precious Snow White because an Avalanche of furry is headed my way, should I say different. XD
But seriously, I'd be worked up, too. All that BS she dealt with, went through-surprised it didn't drive her to alcoholism. Another reason why I love her; she's her own damn woman and can handle her own!
ya, Snow!
Right? To add Snow into the Snow machine: it's also weird that she didn't start swinging a broadsword towards his way, you would think that she would, but she didn't. At least Snow proved she can be level-headed among the most teeth-clenching of situations. ;D
Hmm, I noticed that you love all the female characters in TWAU, hm ? (wink)
I still like her. I think she usually makes up for the bad things she does (she apologizes for telling Crane and wanting to burn Auntie Greenleaf's tree).
About Toad, I think she saw he could pay for one glamour, but that's it, then he would be out of money again, and running around unglamoured.
I still like her. Most of the harsh decisions she made was because it had to go in canon with the comics. Also, you find out your boss has perverted fantasies about you, then you might be a little cold for a couple of days. Just maybe.
I don't dislike her because shes fuckable...
What can I say?
If I had an abundant amount of Mundy money to purchase nachos and cheese for every lady in Fabletown, I would.
All except Goldilocks, she doesn't deserve my nachos and cheese.
That ninja-edit
Well, you know, I am quite fast...
I used to have a small dislike to her but that ended shortly. Mainly my past dislike of her was because I just can't get on board with the BigbyXSnow White ship. And not being able to avoid the implied romance was rather annoying...
But I do like her now (My dislike only lasted about three days before episode 3) Not in my top 5 but somewhere in my top 10 for sure.
I only dislike her for being a love interest for Bigby; given how we only play as him, she doesn't really understand his nature and what I mean is that Bigby turns werewolf (or partially) when he's backed into a corner like when he fought with Gren, battled the Tweedles at Lily's funeral and again with Bloody Mary at the alley, and etc. When she questions him after the funeral if he "enjoys" it when things go wrong because it gives him an excuse to shed blood - this makes me think that a part of her believes that he's still the ravenous monster from the Homelands like nearly everyone else believes (she should've at least know him a little better than that after working with him for centuries).
I personally think she's better off at having a close relationship with Bigby than a romantic one.
Other than that, I do like how developed her character is. I can understand why she was so cold and harsh in later episodes but she is compassionate underneath her cold exterior.
I was mostly annoyed with her in the first episode; not because of her personality but because she had to come with us to Toad's and Lawrence's. There was really no reason for her to come along; at Lawrence's, all she did was stand around and be someone for Bigby to listen his observations, and at Toad's she just comforted TJ (though I will count that as a merit because she's better at handling children than Bigby). Honestly, Bigby could've done all that himself but I think Telltale put Snow there for more screen time.
Well she did order Bigby to burn down Greenleaf's tree because of the fact she was supplying "illegal" glamours of her to Crane.
"It's not technically illegal miss. It's certainly not encouraged..."
-Bufkin S1 E3
I'm not that fond of her, I have my reasons.
I'm not gonna lie, I dislike her too.
Fast like a lightning. ϟ
I'm not gonn lie and pretend I like Snow because I didn't. I have my reasons.
I couldn't stand her after the "I'm not yours to lose" line.
I don't dislike her, but I think she could really cut bigby some slack. But yes, she made mistakes. So did bigby, whether you choose to or not. I still ship them.
All aboard the S.S. Snigby.
I liked Snow a lot. If we ever get a season two though, I hope her character lines up more like she is in the comics.
"..for sure. But there are no laws specifically forbidding it."
First off, how is Snow's personality in the video game different than in the comics?
As for my thoughts on this, I did like Snow White especially in the earlier episodes when she seemed concerned for Faith and Lily. But what makes me use the term "like" kinda lightly here is fact that she stood appalled at Bigby when I killed Crooked Man, he was a bastard. Snow does have a few bitch moments in the game, though I respect her.
Thing is, I like Nerissa and Faith far more, I like their friendships with Bigby better than Bigby's friendship with Snow.
She became unbearable once she found out about Crane. Technically Crane was right. She should not have been investigating from when the head was discovered but definitely when Crane was found to initiate prostitution with impersonating a gov't official.
Cant stand her
Hate her. Everything from the way she acts to her personality is unbearable to me. She's also dreadfully boring as a character. Faith on the other hand...
I dunno, maybe i just have a thing for bad girls in videogames. Really hope she comes back in S2 and was really glamoured as Nerissa this whole time.
Pretty much my reaction whenever I read Snow hate comments.
Faith!!! the most lovable female character this game had!
I know right?
(I respect everyone's opinions tho)
Don't worry, we will purge the Earth of Snow nonbelievers soon enough.
Oh, come on people that dislike Snow....
Don't forget the Sno-Balls!
I kinda blame the comics for what I'm about to say: when I first played TWAU I had never heard of Fables and I read the comics after finishing ep.5 so I was used to Snow and Bigby being colleagues and having awkward moments before reading... but then you reach issue 50 in the comics and they are married and very much in love from then on and I ship the BigbyxSnow pairing like crazy now! When I played the game again recently I couldn't replay ep.2 because of the "I'm not yours to lose!" line; it just broke my heart to hear it and I can't help but mutter 'not yet' every time she says it now... Basically what I am saying is I hate TWAU Snow simply because she and Bigby are dancing around each other!
Yes I agree 100%. Snow's character is not as lovable in the game as she is in the comics. But then again, I still don't mind her in the game, considering what she went through during the season.
Ok I'll admit she had some pretty good charcter development but her bitch-factor shot up to new heights by ep.4, blaming Crane for it all of course but she could cut Bigby some slack in the game! The turning into a werewolf being a lack of control; not believing you per se if you say you didn't beat up Dum/Woody... she just irritates me with her authority towards Bigby because sometimes she is going about it all wrong.
Oh and of course she does care about him, and if you read the book of fables, she "may seem cold" because of her difficult past. Also, she does tries to do what's best for fabletown, but what she does/orders/says can go too far, resulting in the opposite happenings of what her intentions were. Kinda like...Batman?