Telltale, thanks for TWAU
I just wanted to say that TWAU was an amazing game, full of so much writing gold, a fantastic soundtrack, beautiful art-style and brilliant characters.
I have no idea why it didn't win any Golden Joysticks, because it sure as hell deserved some.
Thanks to all the Telltale Staff who worked on TWAU Season 1, because it was just so damn brilliant. Ever since I started Episode 1, I loved everything about the game, apart from the unbearable wait for the next episode in the series. The characters were just incredible, and were brought to life through the game. You could tell that from the forum itself, with so much speculation and love for these diverse creatures. And the way the story twist-and-turned made it a million times better, starting from the first cliffhanger to the final one at the end. The music more than complimented the scenes, with each piece seeming absolutely perfect. And the art style, just wow. I don't think I've loved a game's appearance more, just because of the innate beauty of it. It made the different characters themselves all look both realistic and supernatural at the same time.
The voice acting was superb, with every person making their characters come to life. From Bigby's gruff tone to Toad's strong accent, Snow's delicate voice to Bloody Mary's psychopathic swagger, each one had a memorable voice behind the appearance, enhancing the experience.
Ultimately, TWAU was a fantastic (and criminally, underrated) game that spawned a whole community and did justice to the comics. Everything about it was just fantastic, and you could see the love and hard work invested in the project from everyone involved. It has so much potential, and I hope that, at some point down the line, Telltale expand the storyline even more with another series. Sure, it hasn't made the impact it should have yet, but it definitely will be recognised at some point for the masterpiece that it is.
Please don't give up on this series, guys.
Only Telltale is able to make us curse it to hell and beneath, and when the new episode is released, we praise Telltale to heavens and above
And TWAU is one of the best of their products, that's for damn sure 
Now all they need to do is make a Season 2
You forgot to mention the awesome forum community that TWAU has behind it, US!
You want to get famous Dragon ?
I wouldn't say famous... maybe well-known would be a more appropriate choice of wording. Besides, I would consider myself to be 'kind of' well-known on the TWAU forums anyway.
Users are going to be like, "Hey, look! There's that DragonButter guy commenting in various discussions again. You know, to tell you the truth, he really decapitates my Faith sometimes - but still, you gotta love that DragonButter though."
The things I find while trolling the forums XD
Yes this post is amazing. This series was amazing every moment and I really hope Telltale doesn't abandon it and at least delivers us DLC. I feel like it really needs one, far more than Walking Dead needs one right now.
Also it sucks that it didn't win any Golden Joystick Awards. But then again, a s2 might always have a chance
Indeed, it's always a treasure trove of creativity and smartassery when I'm around.
Yeah, hopefully it will get more recognition when the console versions are shipped out. A DLC is a must for me
Aren't we already "The Crew of TWAU" ?
With all old members, like Pipas, TheZorkij, Dalton and others 
Of course we are! If we were to live in Fabletown, I would totally take the lot of you to the Trip Trap. Drinks are on me!
I agree and I think a DLC is a must for everyone :P
Just need to be careful and not destroy the bar in an accident
I'll try my best not to, last time I did that I had to pay for new stools.
Don't forget to bring some change for the tips
I really wish we were getting a wolf among us season two instead of TFTB..
And a DLC... I'm waiting patiently.
Preferably a Thanksgiving or Christmas-themed one!
Well, I actually joined not so long, like 3 months ago. But I'm flattered you already consider me an old member.
Proud to be part of The Crew!
TWAU Crew is the best Crew ever
Yes...that's a great idea!
Hear, hear!
I wholeheartedly agree; Wolf Among Us was definitely some of Telltale's best work in my eyes. If they ever make a DLC Episode or Season 2, I'll blow up with excitement!
Both would also work just fine. TWAU is never too much!
If they do both I'll blow up then resurrect myself using magic only to blow up again!
I totally agree. TWAU is my second favourite game, after TWD season 1. Took me a while to get into it, but, once I did, I absolutely loved it. Here's to a DLC and season 2!
I have only one thing to say about this amazing post.
Just. Gotta. Save. Dat gif.
Of course, every topic that compliments Telltale for their games is bound to get a minimum of 10 upvotes. :P
Awesome post!
Couldn't have said any better than this. TWAU is my top favorite Telltale game (yes even more than TWDs1), so it would be a real shame if there won't be any more sequels to this brilliant title. Thank you Telltale for making this game for us. The hours I spent playing the game were just pure joy and it's a kind of experience I've never really get from any other games out there. It's just simply amazing. It even makes me start reading Fables comic (which turns out to be pretty addictive).
What I want to say is that please give us season 2 we are dying to hear any news about it. (lol)
The main point for my post was to show TellTale the support from the community for TWAU, and maybe encourage them to seriously consider working on new TWAU-content
You and many others, dude. I understand where you're coming from though.