Bigby vs. Brandish
Is it just me, or does anyone else want a rematch between Bigby and Brandish before the series ends?
In their first fight Brandish was just Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overpowered due to the following reasons:
His blade Avictrix, containing power of hundreds of magical weapons and containing several spells (I'd wonder how this blade would fare against someone wielding the Vorpal sword?)
Even his heart is not in his body, so at the moment he's near-unkillable (he kinda reminds me of Davy Jones from the Pirates of the Caribbean films.....), unless someone finds his heart.
Bigby was always known to be cunning, so if they do get a rematch, I'm guessing he'll learn from his mistakes from the first fight and use different tactics to fight Brandish. I'd like to see him have a rematch with Brandish, beat Brandish mercilessly, then Snow can deal the killing blow (boy, that would be sooooooo satisfying).
p.s. I kinda chuckled when Brandish mentioned Trial by Combat in the latest issue. Guess that's now twice Willingham has referenced The Game of Thrones in Fables.
I think it's just to cater to the story :-(
Bigby also seems near indestructible at this point, due to his condition, so maybe the fight will be fairer. I'm going on a whim here; Even though Spratt (Er, Ms. Dark?) has ordered him to go to the Farm and kill his children, what made me think he will do otherwise was the scene where he told Rose "I don't kill family," Despite his rage. I think he'll be going to the Farm as he was told, BUT instead of killing his children, he'll be killing Prince Brandish. I almost want to say that he was going to Fabletown to kill the woman controlling him, however I'm not sure where he ran off to after his encounter with Frau Totenkinder and Rose Red. It's all speculation, but I think Ms. Dark doesn't realize how strong Bigby truly is, and thinks she's in control when she really isn't. Sure, he struggled at first, but now I think he can break away, if not now, then soon. Very soon.
It would be terrible if he were to die again
I really don't think Bigby will die again, considering that fate that was given to him. Then again, I don't think he's gonna live with a happy ending. I have a bad feeling Snow will die.
Ok I saw this thread and now I HAVE to put my comments. Atm in the comics I am on the fence with every possible outcome: Who will die Snow or Rose? Will Bigby die again? Who will be the one to kill Brandish? etc. Bill is keeping the tension high and for good reason my friend...
I personally have the idea that Brandish will fight and win in his trial by combat against maybe Lancelot, but Bigby has wandered away from Castle Dark now so maybe he is going to kill Brandish?? Just because Brandish doesn't have a heart doesn't mean that Bigby can't rip him to pieces; he managed to rip through the Golden Armor and it was meant to be able to withstand Dark's power (supposedly) Also Rose bragging that she will kill Bigby..... yeah that's not going to happen. If she couldn't kill him with her sword the first time then why would next time be any different.
I have a bad feeling she will too. Her AND Rose, I think they'll both end up dying. I'm going to be a depressed wreck if that ever happens. It'll be so bad
Tbh, I have never been a big fan of Rose. Though her death will probably be depressing because of the toll it will have on the other characters, I won't feel too depressed.
Snow on the other hand... well, let's just not go there
Remember back to the issue when Hope introduces Rose to the Paladins of Hope; she tells Rose that there are two outcomes to her fate: 1. is that she is mostly at peace with herself and dies being loved by all 2. Other possibilities are much worse (Snow and Bigby lay dead behind her) I think Rose will die and Snow will live, but the road towards that outcome will be tough and full of sadness. Also I am leaning towards Bigby now being a 'God' rather than just a Fable, he got stabbed by Rose's sword Thorn (which is supposedly very powerful) and just shrugged it off no-problem! Plus can't die unless all of his children do and Ambrose is clearly alive in the aftermath so therefore Bigby can't be dead!!!
OH, shit. I forgot about Hope's words toward Rose. Wow....I hate to say this, but I kind of want her to do the first one
( I love both her and Snow, although Snow I love a tiny bit more. If Snow were ever to die, I would be devastated. If Rose did, I would also be extremely depressed but I can also deal with it a little better. Man, Willingham is killing me with this stuff T.T
I don't think it was so much as bragging, but she might definitely be a little over-confident. I don't think Fables realize how Godlike he is, being the son of the North Wind and all. And, if it is true that the North Wind is essentially a God, does that make Winter more powerful than Bigby? I know she's still a child, but as you've probably read she's matured well past her years. She stays a child for the sake of her mother, but can be pretty much anything if she wanted. She has an army of loyal Fables for if this Camelot thing goes sour. It's all very interesting.
In the narrative (told by Ambrose) in the Destiny Game, isn't Bigby still alive (Ambrose mentions to Lady of Lake at end that he should talk to his dad etc)? Also, there is the prophesy, that he will outlive his cubs, after dying seven times. So no, I don't think Bigby will die.
Even Fly has stated (when 13th floor members were shocked Beast and Ozma were defeated so easily by him) that he's the God of Monsters. I know he's been quoted as God of Wolves time and time again before, but at his current state he seems to be so much more powerful than he used to be (especially with how in latest issues he fought against Frau and Rose Red).
I see you guys posting he might be heading to kill Brandish instead of following Spratt's orders to kill his children. That would be a very interesting development, actually one I would wish to see happen.
By the way, does Brandish have Avictrix back with him? Or is it just another sword? His attire seems to be the one when he fought against Bigby so I would imagine he's got Avictrix back (I would personally love to see Brandish try to use Avictrix on Bigby again, and Bigby just shrugging the cuts/spells off......and the shock on Brandish's face when he realises his ultimate weapon has no effect on Bigby)
As for Snow White and Rose Red, well Snow and Bigby have been my favourite 2 characters since the beginning, so no......I don't want Snow to die.....As for Rose Red, well, I guess she's a bit of complicated one to decide upon. I didn't like her much in the beginning, but then when she went to the farm to manage things there and supported Snow on the farm's revolution, she was alright. Then she got into the whole gloomy emo side which I didn't mind at first (since she was mourning Blue), but it kinda got really tiring as it got dragged on. Then she made up with Snow and became supported her, and she was alright again. After Bigby's death, she's at odds with Snow again, and I don't really like her at the moment. So actually, I can't really decide whether I like her enough (to survive), or hate her (to see her dead).
But I guess even if Rose dies, that will have a big emotional tear-jerking moment in the Fables, kinda like when Blue died. She is that big of a character (despite what I may feel about her).
I hope bigby tears that sh*t apart for making him look like a fool
When I read Volume 19; I was actually really excited during the fight cuz I already knew that Brandish defeats Bigby, but it was a sight to behold. Although I confess that I thought Brandish being much faster than Bigby was not possible, Bigby is shown countless times in the series to be quick and somehow Brandish is quicker!? Bullshit he is! Oh well Brandish is gonna die at some point and hopefully Bigg's will be the executioner
I love Snow the way Bigby does.... Anyway it will be sad in the end for whoever dies but Rose has always been on the fence with me; sometimes I like her a lot and other times I want her dead before she causes anymore problems!
Yeah i agree it was a bit PIS(Plot induced stupidity) that he beat him
Would brandish's sword even have an effect on bigby at this point? He seems to screwing up a lot magic
I think part of the reason why Brandish was quicker was his deflective spell (towards Snow) he had around him. In the beginning we see Bigby doing his huff-and-puff (pretty much his trump card, which for most situations has rendered his opponents immobile or shaken them greatly to lose their balance, at least temporarily), but all it did in this case was have Snow thrown around her locked room, with no impact whatsoever on Brandish.
So all that remained was for Bigby to just try to catch him within his jaws/or claws to catch him, but that didn't work because of Brandish's blade Avictrix (Brandish's words from their first fight sort of implied that each cut from the Avictrix weakens the opponent bit by bit. I'd guess that's what slowed Bigby down little by little as he just couldn't put any damage to his opponent and was continuously getting cut.
Had the deflective spell not been there (or if Snow somehow managed to break the spell on her during the first fight), I'd guess Brandish would have been thrown all over the courtyard and wouldn't have been boasting in front of Bigby about his "man is superior to beast blah blah blah....." egotistical blabberings.
I'm not sure......On the latest issue, while Bigby did destroy Totenkinder's blade Judgment, you can tell Spratt did have a big hand to play in its destruction (since we can pretty much see dark energy sprouting out from his wounds, and because Judgment was in contact with the wound it was destroyed). So I'm not sure same effect will apply if Bigby fights against Brandish.
But then again Avictrix (Brandish's blade) and Judgment are pretty different weapons of different fighting styles, so who knows (and maybe Spratt will just let Brandish die since she doesn't want her so-called "best toy" to be dead just yet).
Didn't Brandish throw away his second chance by killing Weyland? Doesn't that mean Rose will kill him (or bury him in concrete)? Although Bigby should mangle him and then rip his heart apart for maximum satisfaction.
I'd say Bigby should rip his body to pieces, but leave his heart to Snow, so Snow can personally stab it (that way they can both get vengeance).
I personally wouldn't want Rose to kill Brandish. That would be soooooo anticlimactic (besides, I'm not really liking Rose at the moment).
I know your feels! I mean, I feel like I'm obligated to love her, but it's more of a sibling love rather than an "I absolutely love you to the end of the earth" love. Snow relates to me so much that I don't want her to ever ever die. If Rose died, I would be sad, but I don't think it would affect me as deeply.
I don't like Rose either, in fact I hate her but I don't care who does it but Brandish has to go one way or another, be it Bigby or Rose or Snow the one who kills him.
Bigby might turn to a statue six more times and each time get revived by Mrs Spratt before finishing Brandish so his fate gets fullfilled. His rematch Brandish won't be easy, I can feel that.
GoT references are all over the Fables.
#Rosesux #TeamSnow
There are only couple of entities who are of God status in Fables Universe -
At the moment, I think Bigby is around about on their level, or if not very,very close to their level (although he has been getting some help from Spratt's Dark powers.
Is it just me or did Bigby seem more powerful in his pre-reformed state (before his first encounter with Snow)? There are few instances in the main series and spinoffs where they show him before, and some state he devoured entire armies of men. I don't know, I generally don't like using this term since it may make him sound as he's gotten weaker, but perhaps through meeting with Snow and falling in love with her, he's gotten "tame." hence may have lost a little bit of the killer instinct (though still powerful) he may have had before (but I still like Bigby, he's been my favourite Fables character, followed closely by Snow).
Winter being more powerful than Bigby is indeed a possibility. Remember, it's not just Bigby who's powerful, Snow is quite powerful as well (since she's a woman of strong Wild magic, like Lake said in her prophesy). So considering both lineages, that can be true. Not sure if such as matchup can happen, but it will be interesting to see it it does indeed happen.