The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • @Markd4547 You discipline him now

    mr.quality posted: »

    I can't fixidid it!

  • All that seemed to happen whenever I left the forum for more than a day. It's like I'm the parent of all you teen pyschos, who goes out of town for two days. You guys throw a party. Mama Hello comes home early. Mama Hello gets pissed that she wasn't invited.

    Mama Hello always misses the crazy crap.

    I remembered the time were the forums was filled of spoiler threads regarding the Episode 4 choices, and everyone went apeshit. And then later that day, Trolls attacked the forums.

  • Who's that and why must I be disciplined? Don't hurt me, if I'm brokeided, I'm not easily fixidid

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    @Markd4547 You discipline him now

  • Lol, nope.

    papai46 posted: »

    Can i join?

  • Thanks bro for telling me :D

    JonGon posted: »

    Not true. We have text chats with all size groups. Some people join the call to listen while they text chat.

  • tips fedora "M'lady"

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Matthew though.

  • Then you get to hear my sexy nasally voice!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I might join soon is Skype all voice-chat tho that's to much effort or text convo's ?

  • THIS. Oh my God, THIS. I love Laci Green... she really gets the point across. It always pisses me off so much when people think that feminism is just whiny girls... well, whining. My own father thinks this, and it's not true.

    Feminism is about equality, NOT superiority.

  • Thank you, someone who gets it! I'm a feminist. I want equality in all genders, not superiority in woman!

    People who want superiority aren't true feminists then. That just makes them no better than the men they're trying to smother.

  • Alt text

    You called >:D

    mr.quality posted: »

    Who's that and why must I be disciplined? Don't hurt me, if I'm brokeided, I'm not easily fixidid

  • I was gonna write biographies for my OCs for my TWDG fanfiction, but then I remembered that I haven't updated the fanfiction for almost 2 months and that I'm supposed to be doing NaNoWriMo, like I promised my boyfriend (whose also doing it). When I came on here to post about it, I got lost in other threads about interactive stories and a really cool video about 50 reasons Laci Green is a feminist, then finally remembered what I came onto this website for. Man, procrastination is terrible.

    Procrastinators unite...! Later.

  • edited November 2014

    Unfortunately, humans are ignorant. It'll be a long time until we can truly be equal. It shouldn't matter if you're a female or male, females can do things just as good if not better than males. The media is the problem, brainwashing people into believing we need to be a certain way, or we need to do certain things to be considered "normal." If only more people could just realize that in the end, we're all human, we're all the same, so it shouldn't matter.

    Thank you, someone who gets it! I'm a feminist. I want equality in all genders, not superiority in woman!

  • Alt text

    XD liar I heard your voice before it's so cute you talk and Jew with that godlike voice I'll listen and silently judge you all >:D

    I'll start tomorrow :)

    Then you get to hear my sexy nasally voice!

  • Oh God, please don't eat me, I taste like 14 year old white guy.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    You called >:D

  • K then, Someone sucks at cooking Alt text

  • Just finished GoT...

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  • edited November 2014

    XD ew Will not eat white male privilege unchecked not a chance


    mr.quality posted: »

    Oh God, please don't eat me, I taste like 14 year old white guy.

  • edited November 2014

    Nice, right? I knew you'd like it, haha. B^]

    Just waiting for that new season now...

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    JonGon posted: »

    Just finished GoT...

  • The wait... fuck my life.

    Nice, right? I knew you'd like it, haha. B^] Just waiting for that new season now...

  • O_0 ...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD ew Will not eat white male privilege unchecked not a chance triggered

  • I think it's funny when people call me an "angry man-hating lesbian" just because I support gender equality and women's rights. Misogyny is all too real in our world, but most people are just too blind to see it or are afraid that by getting rid of it, men will lose their power over women. They're just ignorant and close-minded.

    THIS. Oh my God, THIS. I love Laci Green... she really gets the point across. It always pisses me off so much when people think that feminism is just whiny girls... well, whining. My own father thinks this, and it's not true.

  • Tw: white guys on telltale forums :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

    You triggered my previous trigger by talking about triggering white males.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD ew Will not eat white male privilege unchecked not a chance triggered

  • This squid is so undercooked, I can hear it telling Spongebob to fuck off.

    This has so much ginger in it, it could be a Weasley.

    This is so disgusting, even the St. John's wouldn't eat it.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    K then, Someone sucks at cooking

  • That fucking wait...

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    JonGon posted: »

    The wait... fuck my life.

  • At least I have Telltale's GoT to look forward to :D

    But more waiting...

    Alt text

    That fucking wait...

  • edited November 2014

    The most viewed thread in telltale talk? About off topic random shit? And I just decided to check it out and it's hilarious, and now I want to check it out all the time? SEEMS LIKE THE PERFECT PLACE TO SELF-PROMOTE!!! Yeah, I hate self-promotion, but I'm doing it ungodly shamelessly, as I really want all the characters in this story I can have. Now on with the self promotion (sorry for it being so obnoxious in it's existence.)

    I am doing one of those abundant stories where everyone submits a character, and I write, but I'm so excited about this, I want as many people as I can to join. It's all medieval themed, like Dungeons and Dragons, or Game of Thrones or something, and it's all about a war. You submit a character, there's lots of choices, and generally, I'm thrilled to be doing this. If you're interested, there's a template and list of classes, and a short description of what I just said right here:

  • Ignore those idiots. B^]

    Alt text

    I think it's funny when people call me an "angry man-hating lesbian" just because I support gender equality and women's rights. Misogyny is

  • My other gaming setup as promised.
    Alt text
    All my games:
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    Random shit on top of my Foxtel box. (Name on trophy's been blurred out.)
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    And my posters:
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    Hope you enjoyed! :D

  • edited November 2014

    Ok so I love GoT's character design. Did this one at work with a pen (yes... only a pen) and some random white ink I found at work. I did it from memory/imagination and it looks like Jon Snow lmao! I didn't intend it to look like him but oh well :/

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  • I think the first episode might come out in late November, or in January. What was your favorite season from the show?

    JonGon posted: »

    At least I have Telltale's GoT to look forward to But more waiting...

  • edited November 2014

    Hell yeah! I can't wait.

    My favorite season was 1-4.

    I think the first episode might come out in late November, or in January. What was your favorite season from the show?

  • edited November 2014

    Jon Snow! That's awesome! B^]

    If you ever finish it, you should draw Ghost next to him, his direwolf.

    JonGon posted: »

    Ok so I love GoT's character design. Did this one at work with a pen (yes... only a pen) and some random white ink I found at work. I did it from memory/imagination and it looks like Jon Snow lmao! I didn't intend it to look like him but oh well

  • Fuck... this song is very comforting. I LOVE IT!

    And now you know why Technique, don't fucking fall in love with people

    Hold the person that you love closely if they're next to you

    The one you love, not the person that'll simply have sex with you

    Appreciate them to the fullest extent, and then beyond

    'Cause you never really know what you got, until it's gone

    @TheCornPopper and @TWDFan86 This is the second vid, Corn. Life... can be a bitch. But we're lucky to experience it. Or unlucky...

  • Jesus! You drew that?!?

    JonGon posted: »

    Ok so I love GoT's character design. Did this one at work with a pen (yes... only a pen) and some random white ink I found at work. I did it from memory/imagination and it looks like Jon Snow lmao! I didn't intend it to look like him but oh well

  • edited November 2014

    Thanks bro!

    That's right! I might need reference for that though.

    Jon Snow! That's awesome! B^] If you ever finish it, you should draw Ghost next to him, his direwolf.

  • Yeah lol

    Jesus! You drew that?!?

  • Alt text

    Lol, nice, bro. B^]

    JonGon posted: »

    Hell yeah! I can't wait. My favorite season was 1-4.

  • Yeah, man, I love that quote. B^]

    Fuck... this song is very comforting. I LOVE IT! And now you know why Technique, don't fucking fall in love with people Hold the perso

  • Oh, man, there's so many!

    Alt text

    Alt text

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    You can find some really cool ones to help you out.

    JonGon posted: »

    Thanks bro! That's right! I might need reference for that though.

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