Do you collect videogames? If so what is your most valuable in your collection.

Hell yeah man, i always been a collector. I think my most expensive video game is a game called Earth Bound. I have three copies , one is mint as in not opened. I think i paid a few hundred dollars for it , maybe seven years ago.
My main source for bought games right now is i just buy them off Amazon at this point in my life. Once in a while i'll go into a store like Buybacks or whatever looking for something to complete a collection, but recently since its been getting cold i just shop at amazon.
Right now i'm trying to collect the Dragon Warrior 4 on Nes Mint. It is like a two thousand dollar game, so its hard to find other than ebay.
Anyone have any cool stories or games that they would like to share. Or things that they collect or would like to talk about.
these beautiful bits of badassery right here
I just bought this a few days ago. Maybe a week ago, it was in mail today.
dude i dont care what people tell you, you need to send that game back ASAP. that is probably the worst game of all time.
well you can keep it, just promise me you wont waste a second of your life on that shit.
1: it wasn't supposed to be an SH game in the first place
2: the controls are ass, the story is ass, the characters are ass.
3: you can't kill the monsters.
4: its a steaming pile of dogshit
Why would i do that? Then my Silent Hill collection wouldn't be complete.
well I used to collect games and items and had wind waker for game cube and twilight princess and some limited edition 25th annivesary posters of loz. I needed a source of income to support my crying habits and gaming habits.sold them all and made $150 even tho i spent like $40 total on them. i consider them valuable and they were.
Zelda games can be quite rare. I have a Zelda game that was made for a console called CDI that sells for about 500 dollars. Last time i checked. Zelda games are great to collect, because their value will never decrease if you take care of it.
I don't "Collect" Video games but I am going to always keep my favorite game trilogy.
I just buy games that I find interesting and has everybody talking. I would collect, but that requires a bunch of money.
But I do have a ginormous video game collection.
Collecting rare video games seems pretty hard. That's why I don't do it. But I have a game I consider rare. It's rare in the sense that it's hard to find a game better than this. I am of course talking about Donkey Kong Country for the snes.
I used to collect games all the time. (Probabaly had about 100 games) But I had to sell them all because I needed the money. Would love to start that collection again
Really not one person has a collection? That is surprising, Everyone needs to stop being so Poor.
Can you believe a video game is worth over a thousand dollars. I started collecting when i was a boy, my parents told me that they wouldn't be worth anything and i was wasting my money. The paper route, the grandma presents. I knew my collection would be worth something one day.
In near mint i believe that one is around sixty dollars. Around 300 mint.
My advice is start small. Think of a game series you like, and buy for it. If you enjoy Zelda games, then buy/trade Zelda games for reasonable price.Maybe two years ago i got a copy of a Zelda game boy advance, for like 30 bucks new. I never opened it, its just sitting on my self. Now its on Amazon for 200 bucks.
Just have to wait until MGSV and it'll be complete.
I got MGS.
DO you have the promotional MGS T-shirt that came with the game when you prerecorded?
Sadly, no....
Mine is sitting in my Closet, I've never worn/washed it once. I probably should have put some plastic on it to keep the dust off but i never did.
I do have statues of Solid Snake and Big Boss on my shelf.
They just stand there and point their guns at me.
MGS was the first game i ever worked for to buy for myself.
I collect Zelda games, because I love Zelda, my collection is pretty damn incomplete but I started collecting when I was a teenager and I've kinda been pretty fucking broke for a while.
Anyway the ones I do have are The Legend of Zelda (NES), Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link (NES), LoZ: A Link to the Past (SNES), LoZ: Link's Awakening DX (GBC), LoZ: Oracle of Seasons (GBC), LoZ: Oracle of Ages (GBC), LoZ: Ocarina of Time (N64, golden cartridge), LoZ: Majora's Mask (N64), LoZ: Minish Cap (GBA), LoZ: A Link to the Past/4 swords (GBA), LoZ: The Wind Waker (NGC), LoZ: Ocarina of Time Master's Quest (NGC), LoZ: Collection (NGC) and LoZ: Twilight Princess (NGC).
As you can see I have some of the rare ones but I'm still missing a lot of the, all of them have boxes and instruction manuals though, which is pretty fucking cool, they are all open though because I do play them which is kinda not so good, probably should just have emulated them, I have some of those from when I was a kid though so the fact that they still have boxes and manuals is pretty surprising, though to be fair the only game I have whose box is damaged is Smash Brother's Melee and that's because that thing got to go to just about everyone's houses and got thrown around by some annoying people, it still has the manual though.
Anyway just because, my favourite Zelda games are Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Minish Cap in that order.
Did you know the instruction books are worth like 10 dollars for the original Zelda. I got all the Zelda games that you mentioned plus two on the Phillips CDI. I recently started collecting the Prima Guides/Brady for games. Some of the artwork in these books are really done well. They deserve to have a spot on my shelf.
A guy offered me 230 for Minish Cap, i was really tempted to sell it. So i could pick up something else that tickles my fancy. I could always get it again.
Right now I'm been searching for Dragon Warrior 1-4 on Nes Mint for about 1200-1500. I can't justify spending 2,500 on a video game made in 1987.
NOPE! I didn't know that, I'm not really a serious collector but TLoZ series has some emotional value to me so I kinda just collected some games because I got too much into it and I got lucky and managed to get everything for fairly cheap and in good condition, I will admit that I stole my Oracle of Ages copy from some guy I knew in middle school though...
As for Minish Cap, that's a lot of money but I wouldn't accept that since my cartridge has emotional value to me it wouldn't be worth it, if I bought another cartridge it wouldn't be the same, since it wouldn't be the one that's travelled with me and survived a fire without any damage : P
I didn't know those were worth that much, are they that rare?
Which Zelda or Dragon Warrior. Dragon Warrior 2-4 are pretty rare. They're one of the most valuable Nintendo RPGS that came out on the NES. I have one set that is in "good" condition that has been opened. The set i grew up with, I got the first game with a subscription to a magazine called Nintendo Power, many years ago, now I'm looking for a mint set of these games.
Last time i checked Middish Cap was worth 200. Some guy is selling it on Amazon right now for 200 dollars.
Amazon link
The Dragon Warrior games I meant, they were massively popular in Japan so I guess I just assumed they were common, they weren't in America so I guess it makes sense, since the translated version probably isn't very common, I guess that it's a good thing that emulators exist, that way you can get your mint condition box and play the game without having to open it, I mean considering it's worth that much it's probably best to leave it unopened, still annoying since if you leave it unopened you don't get to see the manual.
As for Minish Cap, I guess it makes sense, the Gamecube has lots of games that are valued around 200-250$, Nintendo games tend to not lose their value much, which I guess is good, I probably should get a Wii U and buy it's games before the prices go up...
Since you're an MGS fan, are you getting MGSV when it comes out? And what are your thoughts on Kiefer Sutherland as Big Boss?
Lol, Garrus is trying to look badass.
He succeeded...
Yeah he did, but I saw his romance scenes on Youtube.
LOL, he's such a dork.
He's my bro in that game...I miss playing it.
I will get MGS: 5 when it comes out, I'm kind of out of the series because the last one i played was four, and i didn't like the way they mistreated Snake, and that was years ago.
I think choosing Kiefer was a mistake, they shouldn't of changed the voice actor of snake. I liked David better.
I'll get it too. And everyone except Otacon was a complete asshole to Snake, give the guy a break man, he's dying and risking his life to save the world. Be grateful.
And I don't like Kiefer too, maybe I'll get used to it. But what I don't get is that most MGS fans are voice acting judges and now hate on David Hayter all of sudden. Plus, Otacon still has the same voice as Huey, while Solid and Big Boss don't.
So what I see:
A father and son having is completely cool and makes sense.
A clone and the original having the same voice is stupid and doesn't make sense.
He was a bro in my game too.
You go always give the game another go, it's fun to play through you haven't played in a while. I just started playing Fallout 3 again and I love it.
Play it on PC, or get in on next-gen.
Sold my last-gen console, still own the trilogy though.
Everyone was a complete asshole to snake. Otacon cared more about the doctor girl that made Snake sick in the first place. Myril married the guy who crapped his pants. I was seeing mass effect 3 ending for the first time when i beat MGS4. I was so disappointed. This Really i screamed.
Kojima fanboys do whatever Kojima wants. If he says his favorite color is pink, every fanboy will suddenly agree with Kojima.
Mind taking a pic of your collection? I'd like to see.
Shenmue is my rarest dreamcast game....I don't have a lot of Dreamcast games....

Dat Gaara poster.
I used to be a HUGE Naruto fan when I was younger but not so much anymore. I thought the poster looked pretty cool so I kept it. :P