Crazy News!
Post the craziest things you have heard on the news or from people.
Here's mine: 90 Year Old Man Arrested For Feeding The Homeless
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Post the craziest things you have heard on the news or from people.
Here's mine: 90 Year Old Man Arrested For Feeding The Homeless
That people still vote for Republicans.
Shots fired
Shots fired at republicans I hope haha
I'm suprised we still have political parties, they only make rifts in the populace.
That people support Obama
That a new Star Wars trilogy is being made (Which will suck balls), Along with a new Jurassic Park (Which will probably suck) and Toy Story 4 is being made (Dont really care about that).
There is little alternative to political parties though, without it being some sort of dictatorship. I'm just glad to not live in America and have to deal with the Republican twats.
I live in America but i'm Independent, i'm not pledging my allegiance to one side.
"Optimism isn't my strongest suit."
Nah, I'm optimistic for Jurassic World.
I never liked Star Wars, won't start now.
And hope they don't make a new Toy Story. The ending was perfect.
lol, I dont mean to be THAT guy but the movies I named will probably suck
I want to like Jurassic World but none of the original cast members are returning and the rumors iv'e heard so far (Look rumors about JP4 up, "Tamed Raptors" might be in it) make it sound like its gonna be a cheesy syfy channel movie thats gonna let down on so many levels. I like Star Wars but don't really fangirl over it like tons of other people do but FUCK DISNEY FOR RUINING IT (Maybe I'm being a downer there), And for Toy Story 4, CONFIRMED FOR 2017 (Again, Fuck Disney)
I really hope there aren't musical numbers in the Disney Star Wars.
I live in America and am Independent but sometimes lean towards the republican side.
If I have to pick a side, i'll put Republican...However I voted neutrally.
Hope that there's no singing in it just to say "Fuck you audience we are ruining a classic series HAHAHAHAHAHA, Oh you're pissed with us now, Whatever just let it go and watch Frozen 2"
Frozen 2...Disney sequels always suck.
Did you know that pyramid head has faith in Star wars?
He's getting closer... did you know he has faith in jurrasic park?
did you know, He LOVES toy story?
XD jk, im just in a silent hill mood
You lean to the homophobic racist anti-poor party? Really?
woah WOAH WOAH, If you really are a Democrat as you claim you wouldn't act like that, if you were a real democrat you would respect his opinion, and besides, its not all republicans that are like that.
I am not a democrat, I never claimed to be. I am not from America so I don't vote for any of the parties. Also opinions don't inherently deserve respect, i can critisize any opinion I want, just as you can.
Also the No true Scotsman fallacy is well...a fallacy. Its a bad argument.
oh sorry i meant "if you really are a democrat as you sound like"
Also you say "not all Republicans are like that". They are still voting for a party that is sexist, homophobic, bigoted, racist, anti-poor, and just nasty. Even if they don't agree with all of those things, by voting they are supporting it.
The craziest thing I heard was that with Geico;15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
Oh so you're not from America, Well no side is perfect but if you came here then you would realize that the democrats are fucking up things more than the republicans are.
Well I don't give a shit about what some pyramid says what matters is what A Saltlick says...
stop, just stop man. There is that 10% that act like that, but then you have the other 90% that aren't like that. How do you know of this? Im pretty sure someone misinformed you (Cough Wikipedia Cough)
Well he's not from America so he's just saying what he's heard (Which I have no idea where he got that stuff from) But just don't judge him because he is misinformed.
glad to see someone with some sense
. I know you republicans are not like that 
"i never liked Star Wars" YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!!!!!1111!!!
Well you are supporting that 10% by voting for them. I get my information from news websites, which have sources. Republicans do and say some pretty deplorable oppressive things. Have you seen Fox News? not voting for them, I'm a democrat
2. no I'm supporting the other 90%
3. please leave me alone
How is the new Star Wars trilogy going to suck balls? Have you even seen/heard of anything about it? I think you're just bashing it because Disney is making it. But guess what else Disney made? The Marvel Cinematic Universe. People seem to love those movies, I bet you do too.
Look at how awesome this concept art is!
To be fair I don't agree with his opinion that it will totally suck but they did commit an act of Heresy and Treason in my book.
R.I.P. Expanded Universe I dun fucken know - i dun fucken remember
You're not from America and I doubt you've lived in America, you have no right to criticize another person's political affiliation in a country you're not from or lived in. Also news websites are opinionated sources that take a spin on something to get views.
You also act like Democrats are saints. The party that supports abortion? And for the record, I vote for candidates who have their own opinions that decided to collaborate together on similar but not entirely the same opinions.
You need to learn and see both sides and then make your opinion, not just choosing one based on what some guy on TV says.
Being republican really doesn't mean you are any of those things. Economically speaking I lean towards republican. Civilly I lean towards democratic. If I had to choose a party I would go republican.