Those anyone know when the wolf among us season 2 will be coming out please because i really want to know XD
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Those anyone know when the wolf among us season 2 will be coming out please because i really want to know XD
We dont know
Sigh, another misleading thread title...
I wish people could learn to put question marks so therefore I don't jump up in excitement every time I see the words "season 2" and "TWAU"
To answer your question, nothings been confirmed. Hopefully Telltale won't disappoint.
sighs Man. And today started off so good. Thinking we had news of a season two....
Nothing has been confirmed. Hopefully soon we get at least a DLC.
Seriously, the cheek of some people! Ah well, down the Witching Well they go!
I made a slight edit to add a question mark
I personally think that if there was a season 2 announcement that they would do it at a event like Comic con, E3, PAX or another event where there would be lots of press to talk about it rather than a random announcement, if they didn't announce it at a event i think there would be lots of little teasers before the big announcement.
Also their main focus seems to be for TftB and GoT at the moment so i don't see any season 2 announcements for a while yet if they are making one.
Yeah I'm hoping that as well. Since Wolf isn't as popular as Walking Dead, the announcement for season 2 will be made more towards the actual release date I guess. Fingers crossed
thanks doe XD
sorry i'm new on this XD
I really hope they don't disappoint us otherwise I will just be so gutted
yess hopefully
yeaaaaa i aggreeee
in my eyes wolf is the best XD
Dang it dang it dang it got all excited for nothing.
They posted a pic on facebook recently.
It was of faith saying 'You're not as bad as everyone says you are', which I'm pretty sure is an old image, but they wouldn't have reposted it for no reason, especially when its such a point on contention when bearing in mind the ending of episode 5.
Maybe in a dlc we get to see Faith's side of things? That would be cool.
goes off crying in a corner
Please give us a DLC at least....
I hope there will be a season 2.
Don't cry mister shubbalubbabubbbadubbadubstepdingdangdongding.
Yes please!!! TFAU in my opinion was better than TWDS2 and I would be thrilled if Telltale made more games in the Fables universe.

Also more Bloody Mary pls. I feel like she didn't get enough screen time and I really just want to see her return. I can't wait to see her in the comics. It'll be a bloody good time
They've put another two photos on facebook.
I can't see any new pics on facebook, are you looking at the official page?
Isn't this the official page specifically for TWAU?
Yes that it, for some reason it wasn't showing up for me in the facebook search box
I only use facebook to look at things like fanpages and i have never posted a comment on one so i don't see why they would :P
No news about it but certainly all wait it ances.
have anyone read the comic?
Yeah I think the majority of fans have read the comics, but its certainly not the same as visiting Fabletown through Telltale's eyes (at least in my opinion).