How do you think Fables Will End?

Title Says All. How do you think Fables will end?



  • I think Rose will die. It's making it seem as though Snow definitely will, but there will probably be a twist and Rose will end up sacrificing herself for her sister.

  • Thats what I was thinking too.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I think Rose will die. It's making it seem as though Snow definitely will, but there will probably be a twist and Rose will end up sacrificing herself for her sister.

  • Sure looks like that will happen.

    Though, I'm not sure I'll be actually sad to see her die (like I did for Boy Blue and North Wind). She was always a character that had me conflicted. Some parts of Fables she was tolerable, but other parts she was really just annoying / frustrating character to see.

    Currently she's in the 'really annoying' category for me, with all her boasting to Snow "I'm gonna kill Bigby." and all her Camelot delusional nonsense (and her thinking that Brandish can be reformed had me doing a facepalm).

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I think Rose will die. It's making it seem as though Snow definitely will, but there will probably be a twist and Rose will end up sacrificing herself for her sister.

  • edited November 2014

    A lot of people feel that way about Rose. I've always seen her as that sometimes annoying, sometimes awesome little sister, and because of that I will be sad if she dies. But, if it were Snow who dies, I would be a million times more upset.

    She had recently been annoying to me too, what with her 'Camelot' and the way she's been acting toward her sister. It sucks. And the Brandish situation just pissed me off.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Sure looks like that will happen. Though, I'm not sure I'll be actually sad to see her die (like I did for Boy Blue and North Wind). She

  • edited November 2014

    The thing is, with Rose, she was (and still is) always going back-and-forth being good (good little sister & being helpful to Fabletown's cause) and bad (not in an evil way, but bad as in being a nuisance/annoyance/pissing people off kinda way) and that is the thing which always makes me more conflicted about the character.
    But compared to another character whom I didn't really like in the beginning (but grew to love towards the end), North Wind, Rose is missing a constant factor.

    North Wind, after reading 1001 Nights of Snowfall, I didn't take much liking to the character. He was just a terrible father to Bigby, terrible husband/partner to Winter Wolf (Bigby's mom), and pretty much stayed that way for a long period of time (though I did admit due to him being a bad father, it contributed in a major way to building a great character for Bigby, his transformation into the Big Bad Wolf, so Bigby character kinda owes North Wind character a lot).

    But ever since the Cubs were born, North Wind started to have a constant factor (Which was very unlike him, since he was always going on about, Winds Change so he does too.... etc) for most of the time, in being a loving granddad to the cubs. I can only remember 2 situations where North Wind was a bad granddad (or better yet, making terrible decision as a granddad):

    1. Deciding not to help save Ambrose from his other sons (Ok, he does deserve this one since although Bigby was there to save Ambrose, it was still a pretty close call, and he could have helped).

    2. Deciding to kill Ghost (well it's not exactly his fault, because he swore an oath, and in the end he does the noble thing of sacrificing himself for Bigby and the cubs, so I forgave him for this).

    He was still the cold and feared North Wind, but a loving grandfather to the cubs (and tried to amend his relationship with his son in his own way after cubs were born).

    I don't think Rose Red has any of that constant factor (I mean even when Snow practically warned her that she will never see the Cubs again if she released Brandish, she pretty much went ahead with it, caught up in her Camelot delusions).

    Personally, I'm really looking forward to see her reaction when she finds out Weyland Smith has been killed by Brandish (as Snow has told her before "Everything he (Brandish) does from now is ON YOU.")

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    A lot of people feel that way about Rose. I've always seen her as that sometimes annoying, sometimes awesome little sister, and because of t

  • I too disliked the North Wind at first, but slowly came to at least like him. I actually loved the fact that he decided to sacrifice himself for his Grandcubs, considering the way he treated all of his sons. He can come off as cold-hearted sometimes, but it was shown that he genuinely loved them. I think a smaller part of the reason that he sacrificed himself was BECAUSE of the oath he made. He knew killing their Zephyr brother would cause the cubs to hate him, which he did not want to happen. He seemed to have regret making the oath when he found out, and that's why he decided the best thing to do to avoid having that oath was to die, thus breaking it.

    I think Rose will come around eventually. Right now, she might be acting a little cocky and stupid because she let Brandish live and she thinks that she should run a Camelot and stuff, but in reality she won't be able to do any of it alone, and she's going to find that out by the end of the series. I hope she finds out about Weyland soon, and in turn deals with Brandish, because that ass needs to be killed somehow, or banished forever in some sort of impenetrable fortress. And he's totally cheating with that magic sword he has! My ideal ending to the books would be Rose sacrificing herself and also killing Brandish somehow to save Snow and the Cubs, but at this point I really have no clue what to think. And I want Bigby to be normal again TwT

  • I hope that Fables will end in a satisfying way and all remaining characters get their ending. I would hate to see it end with a rushed conclusion.

  • I agree Brandish needs to be killed, but I think Bigby and Snow should kill him, not Rose (since Brandish was the one who caused them most suffering, it makes sense that the Wolf Family has the vengeance).

    My ideal scenario would be for Bigby to face Brandish again (Brandish was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overpowered last time they fought, with his magic sword Avictrix and reflect damage magic), beat him senseless into pulp, and let Snow deal the killing blow. That would be perfect (both Snow and Bigby get their vengeance).

    I'd rather have Rose save Snow from the fate that she's been handed to by Hope (i.e. their destiny to fight each other, and Rose possibly fated to kill Snow).

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I too disliked the North Wind at first, but slowly came to at least like him. I actually loved the fact that he decided to sacrifice himself

  • Yeah, I feel like it is getting rushed. I just hope it has a good satisfying ending

    I hope that Fables will end in a satisfying way and all remaining characters get their ending. I would hate to see it end with a rushed conclusion.

  • Aye. What do you think of the Camelot arc? Do you like it? Also it would be nice if other people give their opinions about the last story arc as well.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah, I feel like it is getting rushed. I just hope it has a good satisfying ending

  • The Camelot Arc felt kind of weird with suddenly Rose Red having these powers. Like I get it enough that they are taking roles from Camelot. I thought it was fine. For 145 I thought it was good. I'm just hoping that they get Bigby back to normal soon.

    Aye. What do you think of the Camelot arc? Do you like it? Also it would be nice if other people give their opinions about the last story arc as well.

  • I hope they bring Charming back into the main story. Maybe he can come back and beat Brandish

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    I agree Brandish needs to be killed, but I think Bigby and Snow should kill him, not Rose (since Brandish was the one who caused them most s

  • I think Rose will end up being the one to die in order to save Snow. I'm a tad bit sad knowing she may bit the bullet; she had her moments in past issues and although she came across as that annoying party girl, I can't help but feel sad. Hopefully he takes care of Brandish and Bigby returns to 'normal' after that whole ordeal.

  • What about the whole Snow will die by being stabbed in the heart? How do you think that will be avoided ;-;

    JJwolf posted: »

    I think Rose will end up being the one to die in order to save Snow. I'm a tad bit sad knowing she may bit the bullet; she had her moments i

  • edited November 2014

    Actually, that was solved in the spin-off Fairest. Goldilock returns and began a killing spreed. She managed to kill Snow by stabbing her heart. Cindy managed to resurrect her.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    What about the whole Snow will die by being stabbed in the heart? How do you think that will be avoided ;-;

  • Charming's story is done. He found true love but ended up stuck in the friend-zone forever. Quite the irony.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I hope they bring Charming back into the main story. Maybe he can come back and beat Brandish

  • I haven't read fairest, but doesn't the latest one end with them bring Charming back to Fabletown? Because thats where I got the idea from ;3

  • The one which DaveTheArakin is referring to is "Fairest in all the Land", (it's kinda spinoff of Fairest, though I guess it can still be categorized as part of Fairest series).

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I haven't read fairest, but doesn't the latest one end with them bring Charming back to Fabletown? Because thats where I got the idea from ;3

  • Oh ok. But at the end of that wasnt Charming going to back to Fabletown?

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    The one which DaveTheArakin is referring to is "Fairest in all the Land", (it's kinda spinoff of Fairest, though I guess it can still be categorized as part of Fairest series).

  • edited November 2014

    He is......But Fairest in all the Land takes place much after Volume 3 of Fairest (where at the end of it Charming decides to go back to Fabletown).

    If you want to read the series in chronological order, and get a sense of how whole Fables Universe timeline goes, then check out this website (the guy did a comprehensive timeline of Fables universe, and in what order the books should be read):

    The guy hasn't added in Fairest Volume 4: Of Men and Mice yet (and any unreleased volumes such as Happily ever after), but I'd say the order is as following after Volume 18:

    1. Fables, vol.19: Snow White

    2. Fairest, vol.3: The Return of the Maharaja

    3. Fables, vol.20: Camelot

    4. Fairest, vol.4: Of Men and Mice

    5. Fairest In All The Land

    6. Fairest vol.5: Clamour for Glamour (TPB not yet released)

    7. Fables, vol.20: Happily ever After (TPB not yet released)

    8. Fables, vol.21: [title not yet named] (TPB not yet released)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Oh ok. But at the end of that wasnt Charming going to back to Fabletown?

  • Ok; now I definitely have to bring in MY idea for the Fables ending: What I want is Bigby/Snow to be reunited with their children and finally get their Happily Ever After, as long as I get something along the lines of Snow and Bigby being together then I will be fully satisified with whatever else the ending gives us! Hell maybe it'll end countless centuries into the future and Snow and Bigby will get be reunited forever in the Afterlife!!!
    With the current issues taken into consideration; I think that the build up to the ending will be: Bigby will eventually be returned to normal (sooner rather than later) but there will be conflict over his return because of the Fables he has killed i.e some will agree that Spratt possessed him and others will point out that he had free-will or something. Snow WILL die and Rose will be released of whatever possessed her from the Boxes, she will then do something to resurrect her or something and Rose will die to do so.
    I also have to point out that Bill Willingham has stated in past interviews that when Fables ends he will be leaving the door open a crack in case he ever wants to return to it someday (maybe stories about the Cubs or Bliss etc when they're older) he has also pointed out that his editor Shelly Bond is keen to continue writing Original Graphic Novels for the series after it has ended because she still has some pretty good ideas for it.

  • This is off-topic (kinda) but in Fairest, apparently Reynard tries to ask Snow out on a date. What exactly does she say to him in response (I know she says NO but does she say no because she has children or because she is still devoted to Bigby even though he is dead)

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    He is......But Fairest in all the Land takes place much after Volume 3 of Fairest (where at the end of it Charming decides to go back to Fab

  • I imagine Brandish's demise as being Bigby rips him to fucking pieces or beats him to a pulp and Snow finishes him off for good by stabbing his heart (wherever it is). Right now I keep trying to imagine what will become of Bigby... Each issue is just over 20 pages long and Issue 150 will be 150 pages long! I hope they don't save EVERYTHING for the last issue...

    Charming's story is done. He found true love but ended up stuck in the friend-zone forever. Quite the irony.

  • edited November 2014

    Snow's exact quote from the Clamour for Glamour arc when Reynard tries to woo her to a date

    • "You despicable little ****** !" (Snow punches Reynard who is holding flowers at her doorstep)

    I mean I knew you were sweet on me.....All that nonsense you came up with during the revolution at the farm.... but this!
    I thought you were better than this Fox. Do you think this is normal behaivour?

    How dare you? My husband shattered! His body missing! What were you thinking?" *

    And she goes on.....saying other stuff, and pretty much tells Blossom to fly and throw out Reynard far away from Wolf manor.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    This is off-topic (kinda) but in Fairest, apparently Reynard tries to ask Snow out on a date. What exactly does she say to him in response (

  • I quite liked when he stood up for Bigby and Snow, killing Blue Beard early on in the comics. He gained my respect in that regard. I've always liked him despite his....tendencies. And I truly believe he was Fabletown's best leader. Cole is a nice guy, but he doesn't got what it takes to run Fabletown anymore. He may have been able to in the past, before modernization, but I don't think he can anymore. I want Charming to come back, and when I found out he was still alive (Through Fairest, one of the issues) I was super excited! Hopefully he's included in the last issue, along with all the other characters.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I hope they bring Charming back into the main story. Maybe he can come back and beat Brandish

  • edited November 2014

    Ok thnx :D Seriously, I thought she would politely decline by saying she has kids... but knowing that she actually gets really mad at him and mentions Bigby as well brings a lot of joy to my heart... I guess I just like it when Snow stands by Bigby inspite of his absence :)

  • edited November 2014

    Yes please, lets bring him back !

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I quite liked when he stood up for Bigby and Snow, killing Blue Beard early on in the comics. He gained my respect in that regard. I've alwa

  • I just hope Willingham ends it with Bigby and Snow still being alive. I really dont think he wants to end it on some sad depressing note.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ok thnx Seriously, I thought she would politely decline by saying she has kids... but knowing that she actually gets really mad at him and

  • Spoiler

    Me too. While I do like a lot of characters from Fables, Bigby has always been my favourite of them all, followed closely by Snow.
    I think they're also the best couple of the series (although some people may disagree), although I do like Beauty & Beast, Flycatcher & Red Riding Hood, and Bellflower & Dunster Harp as well

    And like you've said, that scene had me smiling. There's also a scene in Camelot (Fables Volume 20) when Winter goes around in Wolf Manor by herself and finds Snow grieving by herself (away from the Cubs because she knows she has to be strong for their sake, and can't be seen to fall apart) in the war-plan room (used to make plans for war against Adversary's Empire). These are the quotes (From what I can remember):

    "Oh Bigby, what am I supposed to do? Please, give the girl (referring to herself here) a sign."

    While in a lot of ways, Snow can be seen as cold, tough woman, this is one of couple of scenes showing her as a sensitive woman (And I liked that scene a lot)

    So it's no surprise she was infuriated by Reynard's self-centred actions (since he didn't even consider how she would feel, and thinking only about himself at that moment).

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ok thnx Seriously, I thought she would politely decline by saying she has kids... but knowing that she actually gets really mad at him and

  • Spoiler

    I do hope so too. I do think Bigby and Snow are gonna be alive (not sure about Rose though, meh.....I don't really like her too much at the moment anyway), especially Bigby since he's been through the whole death process (for one whole volume at least), and regarding the whole prophesy by Lake of him dying several time and coming back (I mean in the Destiny game arc, in the future, Bigby is pretty much alive, with Lake mentioning to Ambrose that he should talk to his dad).

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I just hope Willingham ends it with Bigby and Snow still being alive. I really dont think he wants to end it on some sad depressing note.

  • Might be some bullshit like talking to Bigby's grave because Willingham

  • Also do you know what Fairest issue he comes back in because I might just buy that instead of reading all of Fairest.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I quite liked when he stood up for Bigby and Snow, killing Blue Beard early on in the comics. He gained my respect in that regard. I've alwa

  • I stand by a Fables ending where Snow and Bigby reunite for their happy ending with the cubs; but I see it more as being like this: Bigby and Snow are still alive when the smoke clears on the Camelot/Rose thing, many centuries later Snow dies by other means (Bufkin dies of old age...) and Bigby either lives out his children or dies and chooses not to be resurrected. When he reaches the afterlife, the final panels of the last issue show them in each others arms with Snow commenting on how they're stuck together forever and Bigby replies with how he wouldn't have it any other way and the very last panel is a full page of their last kiss with 'The End' underneath them :)

  • Not necessarily, in real life people would say 'I'll go see my parents tomorrow' but if Ambrose is going to see Bigby specifically and not necessarily Snow then I would say 'I'll go see my dad tomorrow' because I want to see/talk to him but seeing my mom is nice as well...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Might be some bullshit like talking to Bigby's grave because Willingham

  • I kind of hope Snow and Bigby are alive at the end and it will say "And they all lived happily ever after" similar to how it all stared with Once upon a time...

    I get your they both die thing but Id rather have them both be alive still when it ends if it does end with them going in the after life

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I stand by a Fables ending where Snow and Bigby reunite for their happy ending with the cubs; but I see it more as being like this: Bigby an

  • Oh yeah it does begin with Once upona time doesn't it... Sorry; I have all the Fables Volumes but I don't read 1-7 anymore as I hate Bigby and Snow not being together/ being separated...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I kind of hope Snow and Bigby are alive at the end and it will say "And they all lived happily ever after" similar to how it all stared with

  • edited November 2014

    There are actually 5 issues featureing him, starting with this one:

    Though, I urge you to read them all, just because Fairest is an awesome spin-off to the main comics, and allows you to learn about a lot of characters that you'd otherwise know little about. It's very good ^-^

    My favorite arc in Fairest is Rapunzel's, by the way.

    If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you can view other issues, as well.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Also do you know what Fairest issue he comes back in because I might just buy that instead of reading all of Fairest.

  • Well, I like the "Fairest" series a lot, lot more than I did with "Jack of Fables" series.

    Out of all non-main Fables stories (Cinderella series, 1001 Nights of Snowfall, Werewolves of Heartland, Peter & Max Fables Novel, Fairest, Jack of Fables, I've read them all basically), I've gotta say Jack of Fables is my least favourite series/stories of them all.

    Good thing I read the Jack stories first before I read all other spinoff series (I basically read all Jack volumes preceeding the Great Fables crossover before I got to the Crossover volume, and as soon as I finished the Crossover, just finished the whole rest of Jack volumes).

    Seriously, if it wasn't for the completionist (normally term used for video games but I didn't know what other term I could use) attitude in me regarding Fables (As well as the fact that Jack series are canon to the Fables universe with the Great Fables Crossover), I probably would not have read the Jack series at all.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    There are actually 5 issues featureing him, starting with this one: Though

  • Yup. Thats why I feel like it should end with everyone happy and have it end saying And they all lived Happily ever after to finish this fairy tail

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh yeah it does begin with Once upona time doesn't it... Sorry; I have all the Fables Volumes but I don't read 1-7 anymore as I hate Bigby and Snow not being together/ being separated...

  • edited November 2014

    I feel exactly the same way about Jack of Fables. I tried reading them, but I haven't gotten past issue 5, I think. A waste, in my opinion. I'm also a completionist ^-^ basically the only thing I haven't completed is Jack of Fables and I'm not sure I really will, until years from now when I'm looking back and think,"Huh, maybe I should see what was going on in those issues after all." I also read the Great Fables Crossover issues, but that was really it. I looked up a lot of what happened online instead of wasting money.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Well, I like the "Fairest" series a lot, lot more than I did with "Jack of Fables" series. Out of all non-main Fables stories (Cinderella

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