Question about Beast, his Curse and transformation? - for those who've read Super Team and Fairest

edited October 2014 in The Wolf Among Us

I finished reading the main volumes of Fables (up until Camelot TPB) about 2 weeks ago, and recently started reading Fairest TPBs (I've already finished Jack of Fables, Werewolves of Heartland and Cinderella books).

My question is this. Beast lost his ability to transform (as shown in Volume 16: Super Team), as his whole curse was transferred over to Bliss, his daughter (as Ozma pointed out there are no traces of the curse on him).

But in the beginning of Fairest Volume 4: Of Men and Mice, Beast is shown to get mad and transforms when Crispin (the shoe store Clerk who works under Cindy in the Glass Slipper) makes fun of him saying he's attacted to Cindy, and saves Crispin (still in his beast form) when a bomber tries to bomb the shop.

How is that possible? Fairest Volume 4 clearly states that chronologically, the story takes place after the events that took place in the Camelot arc (Volume 20 of main series), so Beast shouldn't be able to transform now (unless there is something which explains it in rest of Volume 4 of Fairest, or the issues after the Camelot arc that I've missed).


  • Frau Totenkinder changed the dynamics of his condition so that it's more akin to a glamour than the original curse. It's conceivable that the glamour she constructed, and his ability to transform, is intact even after the curse has left him?

  • Where does it say that though? I've been trying to find out the explanation in the main series, but have been unable to find it.

    And also, isn't the whole turning into the Beast form actually part of the curse itself? Why would Totenkinder go through all that trouble just to have the residual glamour effect even though the entire curse has been transferred to Bliss? I thought the curse would be in either 1 whole package or nothing at all (so the beast appearance being part of the Curse package).

    Off_Ground posted: »

    Frau Totenkinder changed the dynamics of his condition so that it's more akin to a glamour than the original curse. It's conceivable that the glamour she constructed, and his ability to transform, is intact even after the curse has left him?

  • Hey guys, so anyone have an explanation of my question in this topic?

  • Yeah, I'm not even sure. I've read them all, all of Fairest and all issues of Fables, and I remember that confusing me slightly. Maybe that event takes place before Bliss's birth? I can't remember, I'd have to go back and look at it some day. It's confusing, in the least bit.

  • Sigh......I've finished the Fairest Volume 4 Of Men and Mice and there was no explanation whatsoever about Beast's transformation. I'd really appreciate it if someone could provide an explanation.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Yeah, I'm not even sure. I've read them all, all of Fairest and all issues of Fables, and I remember that confusing me slightly. Maybe that

  • Sigh.......So noone have explanation/answers for my question yet? :(

  • I have something of an explanation! It was pointed out in Fairest during the Lamia issue with Beauty and Beast in the 1940's that Beast could transform at will during the story, even though it's decades before he gains control of his curse, people smurmised that Frau gave Beast a temporary potion so that he could get Beauty under control again. As for Volume 4 of Fairest; it wasn't written by Willingham so you could put it down to the author not realising before publication or something... I know it's a shit explanation.

  • edited November 2014

    Well originally (when Fables first started) Beast could only transform when he had fluctuations in his emotions (such as when he was mad etc), but Totenkinder changed his curse for him to change at will when Fabletown sent him to go after Jack (Horner) for his movie business.

    As for the potion for Beauty, I'm not sure how that's relevant to Beast's transformation?

    As for your explanation on Fairest Vol 4 (the answer to which I'm trying to find out), it's not the answer I was looking for (because I understand Willingham was, and still is the consultant for the series, even though he isn't the writer), but thanks anyway for trying.

    I really wish someone could put this up as a question for Mr. Willingham to answer. He already had two "Burning Questions sections at the end of Volumes 9 and 15, and this is one burning question that I wish was answered.

    p.s. I just tweeted to Mr Willingham. I hope I can get a reply from him (in some way).

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I have something of an explanation! It was pointed out in Fairest during the Lamia issue with Beauty and Beast in the 1940's that Beast coul

  • Celebrity Burning Questions was just shits and giggles tbh; the first Burning Questions was actually relevent despie being put in for comedy as well. Sorry I couldn't help you out, hopefully Bill will get back to you :D

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Well originally (when Fables first started) Beast could only transform when he had fluctuations in his emotions (such as when he was mad etc

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