Fables' final story: Who is the villain really?
Does anybody else thinks that Totenkinder/Bellflower is to be revealed the main antagonist of Fables? That she's been playing the people of Fabletown to her own gain (power), and is now somehow driving the conflict between the sisters and taking advantage of Bigby's condition to take the biggest players left out of the picture?
I've a collection of non-conclusive evidence, from all over the fables stories (I believe most of you got a few of these hints too), that are leading me to believe that this may just be the case. Does anybody else feels like this is at least a likely possibility? Or, if not, how would you feel if such twist took place in the final issues?
I don't think that the conflict between the protagonist twins or, worse, that Mrs. Dark (yet another "jealous of the fair" pathetic woman) could ever play out the epic catastrophic conclusion that Fables deserve. On the other hand, a revelation such as the beloved badass reformed heroin (much like Bigby but with much more class) turning out to be in reality the most fucking evil treacherous bitch ever could just do the trick. Specially the way I suspect she may have played the twins and everyone they care for and love from the beginning. Remember how she's the villain in practically every story, involving for example Ambrose/Flycatcher, Beast, Rapunzel (that chances are is Snow and Rose's real mom). I wouldn't be surprised if she had anything to do with any of Bigby's back stories, otherwise he will probably play the part of the major "torn in her pawn" which could play just fine. Anyway, let me know if I'm going too crazy over the thought.
Nope. I always felt like she was always up to no good things. I remember Kay said he could see what she was planing to do but we never see (or I forgot) Also she imminently said that we must kill Bigby which is strange because it seems she usually would try to save him first unless like you said it will be for her own gain.
I'll admit that Frau always has a plan and is one of those charcters that knows things way before others do (Like knowing about Ghost before anyone else) but I don't think she is the 'ultimate villain' of the series. I think she wants to kill Bigby either because she doesn't think he can be saved or because if he is remade then he will garuntee Snow a much higher chance of winning the war with Rose. Atm Snow has Lumi, Cinderella, Maddy, Santa, Bigby's brothers, Winter (obviously) and the oher 3 Winds on her side; that already screams 'mountains of power' to me, add her husband to that list and everyone else is fucked!
But don't you guys feel there's something off about this war? The conflict is escalating and nobody's trying to prevent it from happening. On the contrary, everyone is pretty much making sure that it will happen by picking a side.
There's something very dark going on, probably something like when Mr. Dark was influencing Bigby and Beast, but I don't think it's the same power, now wielded by Miss Douglas. Totenkinder is the only one I can think of who could fill that role. It may be the moment she has been waiting/setting up for from the beginning.

Well the Fates are becoming more involved in the series now... Let's just wait a few more issues before we start naming names, besides 1001 Nights of Snowfall was written back in 2006 and Frau seems to have sided with Rose she has already contradicted what she said on this panel, btw 1001 Nights is the saddest Fables book ever! So much tragedy everywhere
Who's to say that she really sided with Rose? Rose did thrust Brandish as well. Also, Totenkinder played many times to be doing the things that she was doing because she became found of the community etc. yet at points she confessed things like the war against the Empire was really a personal war between her and Gepetto, and that everyone else were but their respective pawns. I think she's no flower, and Rose has always been a crazy lost child, surrendering herself to just about any offer of guidance and meaning. I think Hope too is playing her (specially after how Bill hinted who she could be bad... the only evil that's still kept in Pandora's jar). Hope's probably working with or for Totenkinder, if not Totenkinder is just taking advantage of yet another opportunity that presented itself. I believe that over the millenniums she's been around, she has learned to be patient but at the same time to keep watch and never miss good opportunities. I wonder, if my suspicions are correct, where in Bigby's storyline she had her fingers in...
Well I wouldn't say it's definitive, but from the last issue (#145), like HazzatheMan said she does seem to have sided with Rose, or at least support her (since she pretty much rebuffs Snow when she asks to go with her and Rose), and the fact Rose mentions her and Totenkinder spent months training for this (adding to that, Snow sending Cinderella on a special mission regarding Totenkinder, and considering Cindy's job as killer spy, well...... ).
I'm not 100% sure about her being the main antagonist though. Yes, she has been a master manipulator, and yes, she has been manipulating people a lot for her own gains, but there's just not enough evidence yet to point her out as the main antagonist. There may be some clues in the following issues leading to the finale, but at the moment, I feel Spratt and Brandish are the main antagonists of the current arc (I could be wrong, but from the issues I have seen, they seem to be).
The main antagonists of the whole series now are the Fates tbh, Lake says during Camelot that she has now become another pawn in their game... Maybe the God of Wolves can go and kill the Fates when he reutrns to normal. I feel like Bigby is unstoppable without others realising it; when he threatens the 3 Primordial Winds with some form of punishment if they don't help him look for Darien, his face screams seriousness in bucket loads!
Well, I don't know what/who Mr Willingham has as main antagonists, but aren't the fates sort of like the other entities (Cardinal winds, Mr Dark Hope etc)? There always has to be a North Wind, or there will be huge chaos in the universe (so even though Boreas died, Winter took his place). And even though Mr. Dark was killed by North Wind, there will always be darkness, so Dark will be reincarnated (though I'd guess as different person and maybe not so evil like previous incarnation).
I'd guess same logic applies to fates.
Ambrose has to judge the rest and he marries Lake; Lake assigns fates so maybe Ambrose will become fate...