What should i do in Pokemon Leaf Green? (Read description)
So i recently started replaying pokemon leaf green, but i need to fill the last 2 spots on my team, i need some suggestions, I am at celadon city right now and my team consists of:
Charmeleon: Level 32
Pikachu: Level 18
Pigeotto: Level 25
Dugtrio: Level 30
so what should i use? thank you for ideas if you post any!
EDIT: The team has been filled! here an update!
Charizard: Level 42
Gyrados: Level 27
Snorlax: Level 34
Seaking: Level 30
Pidgeotto: Level 29
Dugtrio: Level 39
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I have one, But it's level 5 and will die instantl----
HOLY SHIT! YOUR A GENIUS! Okay! if you wanna know what your a genius then ask! but OMFG i'm not even lying!
Eevee (Vaporeon) and go back to Cerulean to catch an Abra.
Already have an abra in the PC, and i HATE eeveelutions + Eevee's with a BURNING FUCKING PASSION. why can't you suggest something badass like magikarp?
...Okay...Magickarp is obviously the master race Pokémon.
But sure, why am I such a genius for bring up Master Magickarp?
Because I hate when people go Gyarados every time. Lol
Because in pokemon magikarp maybe useless, but you can do something called "Switch-Training" which is where you put the weak pokemon out first in a battle with a High level pokemon, and then switch out instantly, win the battle with a different pokemon, and magikarp still gets xp! and a lot of it! thats why you are a fucking Scientist, playboy billionare, doctor, genius.
Well, my mood this night increased ten fold.
You should evolve Pikachu and Charmeleon, then add in a dragon type. Not sure about the last one, but dragon types are key. Raichu will come in handy for elite four. Find TM for shadow claw and give it to evolved Charizard. Or, find a haunted/gengar if it's in this generation.
What do you even play Pokemon on these days? I remember playing Blue on the Gameboy Color...
You should get an emulator, you can get all pokemon games. Red, Blue, and Yellow. Gold, Crystal, and Silver. Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. Diamond, Pearl, and Platnium. and Black, Black 2, White, and White 2. and they are all free.
You understand that if you don't actually own the game and own the platform, that method is illegal, right? :P
I evolved pikachu and charizard, and i'm gonna get gyrados, so a dragon type.... i don't know, i have always hated getting dragonite, It feels like cheating to me. but i do like the idea of gengar.
I'm liking the way your team is looking so far, especially with the addition of Dugtrio. I don't think enough people appreciate Diglett.
I wanted to put that but didn't think it would matter.
I'm good, Pokémon has never really been my thing.
Do you appreciate Magickarp?
I'm going to assume this, but you've probably downloaded/watched/read a lot of things illegally.
:P :P
But yeah :P I :P think :P emulating :P is :P wrong. :P But some people possibly couldn't have had the money at the time when GBA pokemon games were in stores, and missed out on it. And nowadays, who's going to go out of their way to buy the game online? This is a problem when it comes to the original Gameboy/Gameboy Color games. The batteries in the pokemon cartridges would die, meaning that they would no longer be able to save. And when you can't save, you can't play. What are your other options?
:P :PP :P 
About as much as I appreciate Ralts.
NO! WE DO NOT SPEAK OF GEN 6! Fuckin ice cream pokemon...
Umm. the site i go to for it, is an actually legal site, WHICH they advertise at tons of conventions.
I:Pf:P you hav:Pe a proble:Pm with me doing my :P a lot, you c:Pan say it to m:Py face you kn:Pow.
So...A lot?
Yeah, i caught diglett and said "Hell yeah! This is gonna be..." and as i was explaining to myself how awesome diglett is, Suddenly, A wild dugtrio appears! And i pray to god and say "thank you, lord arceus, for this dugtrio"
If you missed out on generations 1, 2, and 3, and when you can't save due to battery death, what else are you to do? Emulating is the only answer.
Al:Pso :P doing:P this :P a :P lot :P is really :P redundant:P and :P unnecessa:Pry :P
What I'm saying doesn't count as much for the older ones because it is like you say there's no way to get them without paying a fortune, but 4th gen and onward are still available at around $40 a game, you have no excuse to emulate them (unless you already own it, then I don't see the point to emulating other than recording footage)
Well then there was no need for this little discussion, eh? We're both on the same page.
Now that I look back on it, yeah we are on the same page I guess.
Excuse me bitch, but did you just insult Gen 6? With a pokemon from gen 5? Do you like people sassing you?
I Hate any gen past 3rd, if you ask me, the others don't exist.
IMO gen 4 was fucking awesome, and gen 6 was pretty good (gen 5 was a nightmare IMO) gen 3 was the best for me though.
In my opinion.
First off, WTF does IMO mean? I never found out. 2nd: yes, gen 4 was decent, i con't deny that, but 5 and 6 were really stupid.
In my opinion :P
Why Did i insult gen 6?
What site?
Great. That's what that shit is. I'm gonna school you in reverse order. Inkay evolves into Malamar, a pokemon with an awesome concept, unique and amazing concept, and stats to back up that shit. Helioptile is a electric-normal-sun-lizard. Bitch TELL me that you could make that up.Plus, all of his abilities are weather-related, and as a sun-lizard, it fits. Plus, he's goddamn cute. Espurr has so much psychic power behind its ears, it has to hold it back it's power with it's ears. It is devastating. Plus, it's a cat, so meow. Scatterbug may not be spectacular, and I personally a, not a fan, so I'm not gonna bother with that one as far as the defending goes, but hey, Caterpie is the exact same pokemon, but at least Vivillion has the cool "different pattern depending on where you live" motif going on, while Butterfree brings nothing to the table. Wanna all it a ripoff? May I point you to Wurmple, who brings even less to the table than Butterfree AND Vivillion, and is from a "good generation", according to you. Bunnelby is the next rattata-esque normal type, and the best one. I like Linoone and Furret, and have a soft-spot for the derp that is Bibarel, but Diggersby and Bunnelby are the best ones yet. Awesome stats, moves for days, a good typing, and can CARRY a team with some banded-pure power-full attack-full happiness-STAB-return. It's crazy, yo. Slurpuff (I think you may have masculinity issues, these are all cute pokemon XD.) Slurpuff is adorable, like a puppy, and can sweep a team. It's a cupcake, which I think is hilarious, and I have used, and is fun to use. Good typing too, I love fairy types. Oops, I missed Dedenne, which proves my theory, you are insecure about your manliness XD Electric Fairy. Awesome. Cute as hell. Great. Sweet stats, abilities, and move pool. Super duper. I've used it on my team, I love it. Also, yeah, it's a Pikachu ripoff, in the sense that it is an electric rodent with cheek pouches, but again, Plusle and Minun, 2 more pokemon I like, from gen 3, one you say is good, have the same flaws. The starters. That's actually a new one, I've never had people whine about the starters before. Well, Fennekin is cute, becomes a psychic type, which is rad, and blah blah blah. Chespin is just appealing. He's cool to look at. He's not even that cute, he's just cool. Froakie is my main man, he's a god damned foam frog ninja, with poor eyesight. Good stats, ability, all the good I've said so far, with none of the bad. Now, I know this will not change your mind, as I find people who dislike shit for thin, poorly explained reasons have thick skulls, and logic is hard to communicate, and I know I sound like a condescending asshole, but please, if you wanna diss something, do it better than listing things you don't like, and never explaining, like I understand you non-verbally.
EDIT: Holy shit, I was feeling pretty content with myself after writing all this, then I read it, and I sound like such a douchebag. Sorry dude, I hope something pleasant happens to you in the near future
You didn't chose Magickarp...I'm ashamed.