How do you think Fables Will End?



  • Haha, tell me about it. It was no easy task to get through Jack of Fables, and it took me a lot of patience & perseverance to finish the whole series. I think compared to other series Jack series had following faults:

    1. Main character Jack Horner had no redeemable qualities.......AT ALL.... again and again his character scheming, lying, and at the end of it all, thinking only of himself - and I never did (and still don't) like him.
    2. The series was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too invested in humour / parodies, that it was pretty hard to take non-humour/parody parts seriously (not like I was expecting dark story or anything, but it was a little overkill)

    There should be more, but those were two most distinctive faults of the series I can remember.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I feel exactly the same way about Jack of Fables. I tried reading them, but I haven't gotten past issue 5, I think. A waste, in my opinion.

  • I've always hated him no matter what he did. I don't mind an overly funny comic, but like you said, when it tried to be serious, it just didn't work out. Although, I DID like the Crossover issues, especially little girl Bigby XD

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Haha, tell me about it. It was no easy task to get through Jack of Fables, and it took me a lot of patience & perseverance to finish th

  • Well you and I aren't the only ones. Mark Buckingham pretty much hated Jack also, so he was pretty happy when they kicked him out of Fabletown to start his own series :)

    Only things I liked in the Crossover:

    1. Bigby (in all forms, and the little girl form too..... haha)
    2. Snow
    3. Bigby beating the crap out of Jack
    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I've always hated him no matter what he did. I don't mind an overly funny comic, but like you said, when it tried to be serious, it just didn't work out. Although, I DID like the Crossover issues, especially little girl Bigby XD

  • Yes! They really were! I generally like when ANYONE beats the crap out of Jack XD

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Well you and I aren't the only ones. Mark Buckingham pretty much hated Jack also, so he was pretty happy when they kicked him out of Fablet

  • I really liked Jack but I didnt like his own series mostly because the whole literal thing was confusing as hell. But I really loved the Great Fables Crossover

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Well you and I aren't the only ones. Mark Buckingham pretty much hated Jack also, so he was pretty happy when they kicked him out of Fablet

  • edited November 2014

    Really? What qualities about him did you like Poogers (just curious)? I just can't find any likeable qualities about him, being lying, scheming, self-centred etc (pretty much the qualities I shared above), pretty much always putting himself ahead of others for his own benefit.

    To be honest, I'm kinda glad they killed him at the end of his own series. :)

    The Great Fables Crossover just felt okay to me. The tone of the story did not seem to quite fit in with the main story (i.e. Mr. Dark story arc), and it felt like it was disrupting the nice flow that the main series had been following after Fabletown defeated the Empire (although they do continue on after the crossover, so it's okay). But that's my opinion and your opinion may be different.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I really liked Jack but I didnt like his own series mostly because the whole literal thing was confusing as hell. But I really loved the Great Fables Crossover

  • Haha when I was playing as the Bad Wolf (basically picking fights with pretty much everyone, being hostile etc) path in TWAU, I sooooooooooooo enjoyed throwing him out (from Lilly's bar) and beating the crap out of him in Crane's apartment.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Yes! They really were! I generally like when ANYONE beats the crap out of Jack XD

  • I just thought Jack was fun character. I didn't know he died in his series because I haven't read but I thought he was still alive, was he brought back?

  • edited November 2014

    Oh, Jack being a fun character, well that's fine (though personally, I found him to be really grating character).

    As for Jack being alive, well he could be still alive at the time of Happily ever arc, because there's clearly no way of identifying where in the Fables timeline Jack's death occurs. It may be many years after Happily ever After that events in Final Jack of Fables volume occurs. For better understanding of Fables timeline, refer to the link below:

    After he was killed, he wasn't brought back, and I hope he isn't, but who knows? Jack is a popular Fable after all, and they are having the last story of Jack of Fables at Fables #147 (to tie up all loose ends I guess), so I guess anything is possible.
    But I just prefer for him to continue his adventures in his spirit form (since that was what they were alluding to at the end of Jack of Fables series), and not brought back.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I just thought Jack was fun character. I didn't know he died in his series because I haven't read but I thought he was still alive, was he brought back?

  • I actually liked Jack of Fables (my favourite Volume is 5 because Bigby is in it and he beats the shit out of Jack easily) I thought it was funny and some of the new characters were interesting to a degree. I read Volumes 1-6 so I could read Great Fables Crossover, but I haven't read 7-9 yet... Come to think of it; I haven't read Cinderella, Fairest or Peter and Max either; I have them in my cupboard with the rest of my Fables collection, but I don't want to read them as I'm way too worked up about the main series!!!

  • Well... not everyone will get a Happy ending (Beauty and Bliss anyone)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yup. Thats why I feel like it should end with everyone happy and have it end saying And they all lived Happily ever after to finish this fairy tail

  • I know this is off-topic, but if Beast retained his transformation, do you think he would have survived his battle against Bigby?

  • Unlikely, even in TWAU Bigby was winning against Beast... In his current state not even Rose could kill Bigby and her sword is supposedly powerful, so I stand by my comment of NO he couldn't win against Bigby, as for surviving then maybe but he would be in pretty rough shape afterwards

    I know this is off-topic, but if Beast retained his transformation, do you think he would have survived his battle against Bigby?

  • Around about Volume 9, I found out there was crossover with the Jack series. So I asked people "How good is the Jack series? And how does it compare with the other spin-off series?"

    And with majority of people, they have said "Jack series are quite boring, it is the weakest spin-off out of all the Fables spin-offs."

    So I decided to read Jack series first, and they were right; I have to admit, it is the weakest out of all spin-offs (some people may disagree with me, but to me, even Peter and Max Prose novel is better than Jack series). And I just didn't like Jack as character (with reasons I've stated several times already).

    The other spin-offs, I read them in the chronological order in the timeline link I provided above. I recently finished Fairest in all the Land, and up till latest issues of Fairest Vol 5. Clamour for Glamour, and yesterday, I started reading the Fables Encyclopedia (finished section A) :)

    p.s. I hope they release a revised edition of Fables Encyclopedia when the series is finished. The current version I heard only has characters up until Clubs in Toyland storyline...It would be really good to be able to see the complete version.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I actually liked Jack of Fables (my favourite Volume is 5 because Bigby is in it and he beats the shit out of Jack easily) I thought it was

  • It will be updated; there have been too many complaints about it being out of date for the Fables team not to notice; also Willingham might return to the series in the future if he feels like it, apparently there might still be graphic novels released after the series ends...

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Around about Volume 9, I found out there was crossover with the Jack series. So I asked people "How good is the Jack series? And how does

  • I'm not quite up to speed with Fables just yet. I'm on the horribly depressing Cubs in Toyland arc. How many cubs still need to have the prophecy fulfilled now? There's the king, the one who'll do a terrible thing, the one who'll stop her and the one who'll judge the rest. Have they done the other cubs yet?

  • From what we know, only two left.

    I'm not quite up to speed with Fables just yet. I'm on the horribly depressing Cubs in Toyland arc. How many cubs still need to have the pro

  • edited November 2014

    Actually there's 3 left,

    What's left from Ozma's prophecy:

    1. The first child will be a King : Winter.
    2. Second child will be a pauper
    3. The third will do an evil thing : Therese.
    4. The fourth will die to stop her : Darien.
    5. The fifth will be a hero bold
    6. The sixth will judge the rest : Ambrose.
    7. The seventh lives to ages old, and is by heaven blessed.

    Leaving 2,5, 7 between Conner, Blossom and Ghost (I have a feeling 2 will be Blossom, 5 will be Conner, and 7 will be Ghost).

    From what we know, only two left.

  • I've already made a discussion page on here about the cubs fates but here is what I think the last 3 are: Ghost is the Pauper as he is simply a gust of wind and only needs air to live. I feel that Conner will be the Hero bold and Blossom the heaven blessed child or maybe vice versa...

  • edited November 2014

    Come to think of it, you may be right about Ghost being pauper (After all it's not like he needs food or money).

    I think Conner makes sense to be Hero bold, because in few pages you see both him and Dare become excited about action figures etc.... So hero bold's pretty much my pick for Conner.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I've already made a discussion page on here about the cubs fates but here is what I think the last 3 are: Ghost is the Pauper as he is simpl

  • Oh...Apologies, I thought that Ghost's fate has been decided. For some reason, I thought that Ghost is the seventh, because he is "blessed" in a way, because he is a zephyr and could possibly be ages old.

    But I also like the theories that Ghost might be the pauper since he doesn't need money or food.

  • Yeah, regarding Ghost I think both 2 and 7 can apply to him (I thought about 7 first, so I chose him for 7, but HazatheMan makes a valid point also....)

    Oh...Apologies, I thought that Ghost's fate has been decided. For some reason, I thought that Ghost is the seventh, because he is "blessed"

  • I could be wrong though... Ghost being the 7th child makes sense to me purely based on Brandish's comment to Snow on how he is powerful in his own way, I guess I just don't like the thought of either Blossom or Conner being a Pauper for the rest of their lives...

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Yeah, regarding Ghost I think both 2 and 7 can apply to him (I thought about 7 first, so I chose him for 7, but HazatheMan makes a valid point also....)

  • Anyone else think that Cubs in Toyland was a little too much what with Darien being killed off?

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Come to think of it, you may be right about Ghost being pauper (After all it's not like he needs food or money). I think Conner makes sen

  • I guess whether 7 applies to Ghost or not would firstly depend on the lifespan of Zephyrs (since prophecy says "lives to ages old" ). They never really state how long zephyrs live in the comics, so........

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I could be wrong though... Ghost being the 7th child makes sense to me purely based on Brandish's comment to Snow on how he is powerful in h

  • edited November 2014

    Possible spoilers for incoming issues:

    Have you seen the synopsis for issue #149? Here is the link:

    My first thought was that it is Rose and Bigby on the cover(!). It can be Lance, or somebody else as well, but Bigby is also mentioned as the one who will play a bigger role in this issue and it is also stated that Rose may betray Snow agan... I have bad feelings about what is going to happen... I hope I am wrong, but what if Bigby will side with Rose? I have no idea what could make him to betray Snow... he probably would need to be under some spell... and surely not fully "being himself"...

  • I dont like where that is going ;-;

    Gartives posted: »

    Possible spoilers for incoming issues: Have you seen the synopsis for issue #149? Here is the link:

  • But also, Falbes 127 had this cover of Snow and Brandish and it never happened.

    Alt text

    Gartives posted: »

    Possible spoilers for incoming issues: Have you seen the synopsis for issue #149? Here is the link:

  • That's right. Probably it should not be read literally. This cover may mean that Bigby will somehow be used by Rose to win this war against Snow.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    But also, Falbes 127 had this cover of Snow and Brandish and it never happened.

  • Well atleast Bigby will be fixed soon? :D

    Gartives posted: »

    That's right. Probably it should not be read literally. This cover may mean that Bigby will somehow be used by Rose to win this war against Snow.

  • edited November 2014

    Yeah, it looks like he will get his normal human form back (if it is really Bigby on this cover). That's probably the last moment to fix him, as #149 is the issue before the final one, so no much more time is left.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well atleast Bigby will be fixed soon?

  • Spoiler

    145 actually went A LOT better than I was expecting, lmao. I thought that it was going to be Bellflower next on the list of deaths. Still not over Beast and Ozma, those two shocked the hell out of me. Like, they were such great characters! But, I suppose it's just Bill Willingham's game, kill the ones with so much potential.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    The Camelot Arc felt kind of weird with suddenly Rose Red having these powers. Like I get it enough that they are taking roles from Camelot.

  • I'm really upset, I'm reading the series by checking out volumes from the library and I just finished the Camelot volume, which means I will have to wait till spring to read the finale :(

    Anyone know where I can order the issues by mail for a reasonable price?

  • Jesus, I surely am not liking Rose Red in her current arc (all the Camelot nonsense, and boasting to Snow "I will kill your husband" etc) but if in #149 Rose does end up betraying Snow (using Bigby), that would be an ALL NEW LOW for the character.

    As for Bigby, pretty sure he'd be under a spell if he does betray Snow. There's No way that Bigby would betray Snow unless he is being coerced by a spell. If Totenkinder somehow survives up until that issue, I'd say she may have something to do with that.

    Personally I really wish they would get Bigby back to normal as soon as possible. I don't like it that he's sorta become a puppet (while still having free will) in majority of this arc for other characters (Spratt and possibly Rose, if she does indeed get Bigby under her control in #149) to manipulate him with.

    Gartives posted: »

    Possible spoilers for incoming issues: Have you seen the synopsis for issue #149? Here is the link:

  • You can buy from Google Play for about 2- 3 dollars each

    I'm really upset, I'm reading the series by checking out volumes from the library and I just finished the Camelot volume, which means I will

  • edited November 2014

    I agree with everything you wrote.

    I am really missing Bigby (the real one, in his normal mental and physical state) and I also miss the moments in which Wolf's family was united...

    I can't imagine what Rose wants to achieve by acting like she acts? She wants to be a super hero and savior of Fabletown? From the beginning of Fables she always was so childish. She is always acting like a teenager who wants to do everything his own way, who always must get what she wants and is not taking a lessons from her mistakes and failures.
    I think, that everything what she does, she does for herself. Even if it helps others, it lets her think better of herself, lets consider herself as a good person, who has a purpose in life... It is always about what she wants... But she is not taking care of the closest people in her life.... Boy Blue, Snow and the cubs (when she helps Brandish knowing that she will no more be allowed to see them and that Brandish may be a threat for them)... Rose can't or don't want to see how she is hurting everyone who really cares for her...

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Jesus, I surely am not liking Rose Red in her current arc (all the Camelot nonsense, and boasting to Snow "I will kill your husband" etc) bu

  • I hope Willingham ends Fables with Bigby and Snow being fine. I think he knows that they are the top 2 characters of the series and I dont think he would want to end it on a downer. Also, I really feel like Fables will end with it saying "And they all lived happily ever after" because Fables #1 starts with "Once Upon a Time..."

    Gartives posted: »

    I agree with everything you wrote. I am really missing Bigby (the real one, in his normal mental and physical state) and I also miss the

  • edited November 2014

    Yeah, full Wolf family union moments are no longer possible because Dare is well........Dead (unless he gets resurrected) :(

    Rose was always one of those people I did not take much liking to in the Fables cast. She was only likable when she was being a good sister, but those moments were far too little in the series. More time was spent on showing Rose being annoying, hindrance, and antagonistic towards her Snow. And other moments showed her in her sorrows for Boy Blue (which was okay for a while, but then they really dragged that on for so long that it was starting to get boring)

    Gartives posted: »

    I agree with everything you wrote. I am really missing Bigby (the real one, in his normal mental and physical state) and I also miss the

  • edited November 2014

    Brandish did in fact kiss Snow, but didn't meant it went anywhere and could be the same thing with Rose now in issue 149. Somehow she tries to seduce Bigby, when he's disoriented or something...

    I just can't see Bigby even having anything with Rose. Even if he came back to his primal predatory mindset he would probably have disgust in chewing her meat and bones if he had any memory of what a little brat she ever was.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    But also, Falbes 127 had this cover of Snow and Brandish and it never happened.

  • Hey, I don't wanna get your hopes up but Ozma did notice how cleverly Totenkinder chose to give herself up, knowing she had a contingency spell to resurrect her, when Mr. Dark broke out of his golden prison and got her by surprise. Totenkinder accepted she had no chance of winning, so she just struggled enough to make it believable and to wear him down a bit to buy the other fables time to escape. I do believe that Ozma may be making a come back at some critical point, like if Totenkinder turn out to be a villain. I don't think she could beat Totenkinder but she could be a game changer.

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