What do you like to see in Let's Plays?
I am going to start making Let's Plays on YouTube, and I'd be interested to know of what you guys like too see in let's plays, be it the video or the commentary. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
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I'm actually not picky when it comes to Let's Players. As long as they pay attention to the story (one of my biggest pet peeves is when they talk over the characters) and have genuine reactions, I'll watch them. Of course, it helps if they aren't loud and obnoxious. Facecams are a nice touch because you get to gauge their facial reactions, so long as they don't take up too much of the screen.
I like seeing how the player reacts.
Not much. As long as they at least seem genuine and don't force their reactions in. Unlike some people I've seen. (Not Markiplier IMO)
I like it when they get really into the game and come up with predictions of what might happen. But I hate it when someone talks over the characters and miss like half of the story or when they just don't pay attention to what's going on.
And then they start to get bitchy or act very retardedly towards a situation because they weren't friggin paying attention. >:(
I like all games and the commentary depends on the game. If it's something like Alien Isolation then I want someone fun and entertaining. H2O Delirious was who I watched play the game and laughed the entire time. If it's a story game then I don't want to hear shit from the player. Let me enjoy the story or I'll go somewhere else.
I like When they play a game that they have never played or heard anything about before, and freak out with the reaction. you should Play silent hill 1 2 or 3. Also, Give me the link when it comes out, I'll advertise you to my 22 subs if i see something i like, i make videos too, so i could help out.
I like their point of views about the game they are playing.
Alright, thanks
. I know nothing about those games but I'll probably try them out. I was thinking of doing TFTB and GOT first.
It really depends on what you are aiming for. If you want to make detailed playthroughs then you know you will have a lot of work in front of you to do. If you want to do just comentary for the most part then you should just montage your video taking out the parts where there is too much repeating and little comentary and just give some emphasis to the story for those who came there for the story. If you want to have fun with friends go ahead and do just that, play team games. There is a big variety of what you can do but it really depends on what you want to do.
Yeah, If you want good reactions, play horror games, preferably ones that don't suck, but if you want a good channel, definetley go for games you wanna play, your channel wont be big if you force yourself to play random games, go back to your childhood and think about what games you loved, Super Mario 64? Play it. Kingdom Hearts? Play it. Zelda? Play it. It doesn't matter what you play, as long as you enjoy doing it, You have a good channel. That's My advice to you.
I like Lets Players who don't try to be funny, and are just themselves and can appeal to people like that. I also like ones that respect the story/game itself.
Don't be like TBFP. Terrible playthrough, completely unwatchable. You want advice, don't do what they do, they talk over everything and they miss half of what is going on (then again, I'm basing this on their TWD playthrough only and not any of their other games, but still, worst playthrough I ever watched).
Oh my god, I hate that
Humour and commentry, But mostly real,honest reactions its hard to find a youtuber who dosnt get so caught up in not being offensive and pandering to what people want to people who fake reactions and act dumb to people who are straight up bastards.
I only tend to watch story based games for peoples reactions