True, it was kind of a thing in the steam chat group, though. I don't think you would know about it unless you were there yourself. Do you have a steam account?
True, it was kind of a thing in the steam chat group, though. I don't think you would know about it unless you were there yourself. Do you have a steam account?
True, it was kind of a thing in the steam chat group, though. I don't think you would know about it unless you were there yourself. Do you have a steam account?
True, it was kind of a thing in the steam chat group, though. I don't think you would know about it unless you were there yourself. Do you have a steam account?
Ohh that explains why you aren't in the chat then. You should get a steam! You're welcome in the chat room if you want. It kinda sucks without Raging there.. but me, Green and Blue are there a lot.
Ohh that explains why you aren't in the chat then. You should get a steam! You're welcome in the chat room if you want. It kinda sucks without Raging there.. but me, Green and Blue are there a lot.
Ohh that explains why you aren't in the chat then. You should get a steam! You're welcome in the chat room if you want. It kinda sucks without Raging there.. but me, Green and Blue are there a lot.
Wtf was that video... XD
RIP in ranging_bloods
Here lies Raging_Blades. He ran fast and died a virgin.
It was the memorial for our fallen comrade, Ranger_Bladder.
I cried 5 times.
Me 3. Do you think things will ever get back to how they were? ;_;
It's 3 seconds!
Goodbye Raging
Raging u mak mi crai ;__;
May I borrow your earpiece? This is Puncake! Rainbows make me cry! Over!
Me 420
3 seconds of the memorial for our fallen comrade, Raggy_Blubber.
Wait wasn't it Raging? Anyway, he'll be missed
It was indeed!
Ranging is just something we (me, Kitty, BenUseful, and Blueshadow) like to call him, it's kinda an inside joke :P
I was one of his best friends too you know...
True, but you didn't know him like us 4 did :P We spent everyday in our steam group chat for the last 2 months there together. =]
Yeah but you're relatively new in comparison with Green and other forum members
I knew him well, we talked almost everyday here.
I am old as time itself...No...You're the crazy one.
We should think about this before we try and recruit skrubs. Is this the right idea lord Kitty?
True, it was kind of a thing in the steam chat group, though. I don't think you would know about it unless you were there yourself. Do you have a steam account?
We should think about this before we try and recruit skrubs. Is this the right idea lord Kitty?
That's Extreme Uber Mega Overlord Super Duper Empress to you. lel. I keed I keed.
No Steam.
Ohh that explains why you aren't in the chat then. You should get a steam! You're welcome in the chat room if you want.
It kinda sucks without Raging there.. but me, Green and Blue are there a lot.
My Laptop can't run something like that, but thanks for the offer, I would take it if I could.
Ohh that's too bad. Let me know if it ever gets an upgrade or something. :P
I got it like two months ago...The thing is that it would slow down my laptop by a lot.
Trust me you're laptop can run steam, the shittiest of shit computers can. :P
Why did he quit?
Issues that are classified to me and a few others.
Classified? Not really.
I have Steam
Yeah, I just joined the group.
Do you know why he quit?
Do you know?
He told me and told me to keep it secret (Classified), he made had told others but I'm the only one I know he told.