What's the funniest game you've played?
Since Tales from the Borderlands is coming out very soon, I thought in the spirit of it's release why not ask what's the funniest game you've played? It can be in terms of the writing or simply finding something funny about a game you've played like a stupid glitch.
For instance, Dead Rising 2 I found to be quite the hilarious game when playing co-op. Rolling up to a buddy of mine in a fully dressed up fancy suit riding a tiny tri-cycle meant for a child was too much fun. Or the dialogue for the Borderlands 2 DLC Tiny Tina's Keep was pure comedy. Torgue's mission to "blow up the ocean" had me laughing my ass off. Please share your opinion/story!
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South Park: The Stick Of Truth 'nuff said.
Battleblock Theater has an incredibly funny intro. My friends and I played it and it was awesome.
Does Portal 2 count? Because if so, then that :P
Sam & Max Season 2 Episode 4 Chariots of the Dogs had me dying through almost the whole episode XD
Fallout: New Vegas - Old World Blues.
Walking around with my feet penises out...
Monkey Island!
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude
I have to be careful here, because when I've played games with friends, we can make them funnier than they actually are. And it's hard to beat either Monkey Island or Sam & Max. But for some reason, I seem to keep thinking that Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders was even funnier than those. Could be 'cause I played that entire game in the same room with someone else, and we were making fun of it the whole time.
Deadly Premonition.
best game ever
Look at this game, its hilarious.
Holy shit I forgot all about Deadly Premonition! XD
Maybe its good thing you forgot all about this game, seeing stuff like this is pretty traumatizing.
This was the true South Park game people have been waiting for. So glad it finally came out, the story of the new kid was hilarious..
Great game, Wheatley is one of my favorite characters. The co-op was sooo much fun and half of it was from just killing your partner on purpose.
This game had me going since the everything you shouldn't do while driving a car intro cut scene and that ending boss fight was just WOW!
Anytime you can kill yourself with an explosion fart is pretty awesome.
The final boss fight was the most majestic thing I've ever seen.
Hatoful Boyfriend, though it can also be pretty sad.
The true ending to Hatoful Boyfriend was really fucked up! :0
Awe, True to Caesar!
There isn't a "true" ending, per say. Are you talking about Bad Boys Love? Because that's a bonus route and yeah, it's really dark.
Nah I'm talking about the Hurtful Boyfriend route which I think is the final route in the game.
That is Bad Boys Love, just an alternate name.
Like I said, it's a bonus "what if" storyline that ties up loose ends for certain characters.
Aw alright. :P
Has anyone here played an old FPS called TimeSplitters: Future Perfect?
That game was absolutely hilarious, full of parodies of movies and other games but all the jokes were great, plus extremely good shooter.
Deadpool and playing Minecraft with my friends. Well just about anything is fun with my friends but MC stands out for me.
Kung Fu Chaos! Hands down!
I was so heartbroken when they canceled the sequel.
Ride from Hell amused me.
I've driving the wrong way my entire life.... If I could even drive.
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.
Laughably bad.
One of the greatest arcade games ever(console owner), everything was made to be a joke, but still so awesome.
Conker's Bad Fur Day made me laugh my ass off.
Man I loved that game. I wish they would make a new Conker game
Yes, its not as bad as some people say. Its worth playing.